Just tested out PL. Didn't get a chance to test his fighting ability, but I will say, his farming might be even better than before at early levels. At level 6 you can farm jungle almost indefinitely because the spawn chance is so ridiculously good now. What's more, whilst you can't push two lanes at once anymore or jungle and lane, your push is still super quick, given some creeps. It only takes like 2-3 secs to build an entire army just on his level 1 ult. The dash is great, with lance it makes chasing super easy. I'd say put one point in doppelganger, then max the other two, but I still have to experiment. Also, I played a bot game which lasted just 22 mins, and got 537 gpm, with treads into yasha into crimson guard. Considering the CG does almost nothing for his farming, that means that was basically with just a yasha. So his farming is still super good, better even in early mid game.
Also, whilst the visual does get applied to illusions, the CG active does not give them damage block, which is a shame as it would make him an amazing tower diver.