Tbh i don't mind much the comeback mechanic, just the lot of gold thrown around. It feels like mid and early heroes don't matter as much since you'll get farmed anyway and you'll get to lategame much more often. Items like Wand, Bracers, Etc... lose a lot of value this patch and u see supports itemizing a lot more 3 of last patch instead of 4 or 5. I don't like it because it cheapen the item/gold maximizing aspect of last patch and feel more like "fight all the time get gold, get items, win game". I'd like the streak ending gold gone (and when you kill someoen show ALL the gold gained instead of just the kill gold) alongside passive gold back to 1 gold per sec to make me feel like i'm working toward those supports item instead of just being around kills all the time. This way midgame snowballers aren't punished as much and you can still pick them, no reason to nerf them since they weren't top pick already (storm, Ta, QoP, Ember etc...)
So everyone still hates [A], right?
To elaborate on this i find pretty sad that a lot of early heroes that were buffed like CM or Treant actually tanked in win rates, while late heroes, even if nerfed, got a monstrous bump in winrate (Void), and Omni got like +6% win rate on the basis of the increased relevance of the lategame supports alone. Basically, there's no reason to not go super greedy always with this much gold around. I don't mind the comeback, i mind the tons of gold going around (and icefrog knew this, that's why he nerfed all tower gold and lowered kill streak gold, but it's not enough).
Just watch: QoP get decently buffed, -1% win ratio cause she's all about the midgame. Puck basically unchanged -2% win ratio, TA same -2% win ratio, Lina buffed -2% win ratio, Skywrath slightly unchanged -4% win ratio etc...
Surprisingly, i note that storm got +4% win ratio, probably because he can itemize much better to stay relevant in lategame compared to QoP and TA. Same for ember.
Drow also got -4% win rate even while slightly buffed. I suppose her ability to farm fast and push towers alone isn't as relevant when there is so much gold around everyone has a blink and blink on ur fat ass.
Spectre got +11% win ratio on the back of all the gold going around meaning she'll always get radi, then pickoffs, then manta, diffusal, heart, refresher gg.
wait are you talking about reddit or gafcumback mechanic is broken i got 1 kill and then was able to buy butterfly diffusal on PL when we were down 3-60 and then we won![]()
wait are you talking about reddit or gaf
i was more making fun of others freaking out watching the navi.us game and stuffWell G.ZZZ's complaints seem more thought out and grounded, but I always like to give it time before judging, so we'll see.
Would Heart or Skadi be good on new PL (or both)?
So everyone still hates [A], right?
Would your illusions still get the mana burn? I'm pretty sure they don't get the slow (I'm still not 100% on how illusions work)Skadi doesn't stack with Diffusal though
this LDG/ember throw, jesus.
no pretty sure its 6.82s faultHe did the goold ol' dieback and after he respawned they caught him out, lmao.
He did the goold ol' dieback and after he respawned they caught him out, lmao.
no pretty sure its 6.82s fault
How the fuck is Omnikinght 64%. Is it the power of his new sexy hair?
How the fuck is Omnikinght 64%. Is it the power of his new sexy hair?
Spectre got +11% win ratio on the back of all the gold going around meaning she'll always get radi, then pickoffs, then manta, diffusal, heart, refresher gg.
DefinitelyHow the fuck is Omnikinght 64%. Is it the power of his new sexy hair?
How the fuck is Omnikinght 64%. Is it the power of his new sexy hair?
Exposed? you mean being a one trick pony?I sort of like them now they've been exposed
I like the Misery pickup, he seems more aggressive and can carry when needed (so could EGM though). 6.82 should be good for them, since Chen will be back in the ban pool against [A] which was one of the big reasons they were so successful at TI3.