Heavy's Sandvich
"you have been placed into the low-priority pool, as you are among the most highly reported players in the dota community."
I need to reform guys.
I need to reform guys.
So far I feel that the data is supporting that the bounty change is a good change. It's a big nerf against deathball strats that were previously *impossible* to come back from. People are overselling how large the comeback mechanic is; if you have a lead, dying a few times doesn't suddenly mean the other team is on even grounds with you, and often times all the comeback xp and gold is frontloaded onto one or two heroes.
So far I feel that the data is supporting that the bounty change is a good change. It's a big nerf against deathball strats that were previously *impossible* to come back from. People are overselling how large the comeback mechanic is; if you have a lead, dying a few times doesn't suddenly mean the other team is on even grounds with you, and often times all the comeback xp and gold is frontloaded onto one or two heroes.
Seems to me that 6k exp at 10 minutes should win at least 80%. I don't think the idea is bad at all, i just think the numbers should be toned down a bit, especially on the gold.
Lol148 hour ban on chat. I really am toxic.
Conceptually lessening the snowballing is not bad in itself, but the execution can for sure be overkill.Here's my opinion on the whole come back gold mechanic if anyone cares.
If you are that far ahead in kills/xp/net worth, then why the hell are you getting picked off/losing team fights in the first place? If your team is snowballing early/mid game then the other team shouldn't be able to kill you unless you make mistakes. If they do manage to do it then they should be rewarded.
It makes things like positioning and getting caught out matter a lot more mid/late game which makes for better Dota imo. How many times have there been games where a team works to kill a farmed carry but it doesn't end up mattering because they can just buy back and you don't really gain much from it? Now you do.
Take the Luna example from the post earlier for instance. Guy gets farmed in the early game and then gets caught out and loses his advantage. Pre 6.82 that would have only mattered slightly and only if creep equilibrium was on the opposing team's side. Now even if you can't push off of a major kill like that you at least can purchase that item you really needed to help your team out in the next big fight.
But it's been less than 24 hours how can reddit know how good the changes are
That's not true, a lot of decision you make in dota are risk-reward based (eg. an hero that dies splitpushing isn't necessarily making a mistake, maybe he's just making a play that works 4/5 times), the difference is that now the balance is skewed. If the other team made a lot of mistakes to get you fat why shouldn't you get rewarded as much as they are for your single mistake?
To me it seems similar to how SF IV used to work in vanilla, where you could play perfectly against the fucking Sagat for the vast majority of the match and a single mistake ends up in you losing the match because he can deal you 80% damage with the ultra.
You do get rewarded by getting fat though. You control the early/mid game pretty well and you will control the late game as well unless you screw up. If you make a mistake the other team should get to benefit from it. If the other team feeds in the beginning of a game you get rewarded, before .82 if this happened there wasn't a whole lot the other team could do to make a come back. Now there is and to a lot of people Dota is better because of it.
"you have been placed into the low-priority pool, as you are among the most highly reported players in the dota community."
I need to reform guys.
Is this really a thing or are you talking plop? :hitboxsushirollthing:148 hour ban on chat. I really am toxic.
The issue is that you are discussing the concept which is not bad in itself.You do get rewarded by getting fat though. You control the early/mid game pretty well and you will control the late game as well unless you screw up. If you make a mistake the other team should get to benefit from it. If the other team feeds in the beginning of a game you get rewarded, before .82 if this happened there wasn't a whole lot the other team could do to make a come back. Now there is and to a lot of people Dota is better because of it.
Is this really a thing or are you talking plop? :hitboxsushirollthing:
How the hell are you one of the most reported players in the community...It's real.
Good thing I'm banned from chat as I'd be flaming the pugna in the game right now.
How the hell are you one of the most reported players in the community...
I don't discriminate when I flame.
How the hell are you one of the most reported players in the community...
thats the only true way to flame. Otherwise you would just be a poser
I got muted for 24 hours. SCREW YOU VALVE. WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!
How heavy is 1.09?Kreygasm
Have you never read a single one of his GAF posts?
This game does fucking piss me off sometimes but 99% of the time any anger I express is aimed towards the enemy team since, ya know, they're the ones bashing our faces in
Some is discussion. Some is people hating change and using "this is different therefore bad" logic. Some is "I've played this game for 100 hours so I know what I'm talking about when I say x is y".Nobody knows how good the changes are, it's just discussion, debates, and it's healthy for the game overall. You know, opinions.
I think a lot of people like the thought behind the new comeback mechanics and generally agree with you. However, some people are claiming that it's a bit overtuned right now and the comeback xp/bounties might just be too much. We'll see in the next few weeks. I think the whole debate is less about, "Do you boost losing teams?" But rather, "How much of a boost do you give?"
just mute everyone and pretend you're playing with bots
thats what I do when I screw up too
Team Secret.
Honestly I get pretty pissed off sometimes, and I feel like his posts don't get as bad as mine do when I'm angry.Have you never read a single one of his GAF posts?
Honestly I get pretty pissed off sometimes, and I feel like his posts don't get as bad as mine do when I'm angry.
Here we go Kick Off Classic part 2
Patch 6.82 is "if you get fat, don't be overly greedy and make noob mistakes". The winrates given on Reddit clearly show that a great exp advantage early game would lead to a total stomp in patch 6.81, which culminates in a stupid gameplay: in pubs, carry heroes dive on ennemy because they would get a few kills before dying and they don't care if they die. Patch 6.81 is the epitome of fountain camping with this regard: the game is "over", you can just play stupidly.
Patch 6.82 is "if you get fat, don't be overly greedy and make noob mistakes". The winrates given on Reddit clearly show that a great exp advantage early game would lead to a total stomp in patch 6.81, which culminates in a stupid gameplay: in pubs, carry heroes dive on ennemy because they would get a few kills before dying and they don't care if they die. Patch 6.81 is the epitome of fountain camping with this regard: the game is "over", you can just play stupidly, if the opposite team gets a kill on you, who cares anyway.
I'll flame everyone in their own language. I'm a polyglot of swears.