Playing Dire is so weird now, I keep trying to walk around the bottom of the Rosh pit before realizing I'd need to take a wide detour around the lane.
redditors sure love drama
and are people seriously getting 2k gold for killing someone beyond godlike, or it is standard hyperbole
I keep seeing 1k when someone kills beyond godlike hero
Analysis on snowballing in previous patches. Wow, deathball was even more bullshit than Tinker last patch. Didnt people use to criticize League for snowballing off of small gold/xp leads and yet that exactly what last patch was?
that will truly be the day dota diesCould be worse, they could have made barracks respawn.
Garbs of the Eastern Range Set
Wandering Demon of the Plains Set
Foreteller's Robes Set
Immemorial Emperor Set
that will truly be the day dota dies
They are aggressively removing items from the drop system, wow.
They are aggressively removing items from the drop system, wow.
They are aggressively removing items from the drop system, wow.
Added to the drop pool a month after being put on the store
This comeback patch removed a big part of the game imo
The whole concept of investing time to keep a certain hero down long enough for your team to execute its strategy or prevent the opponents strategy/endgame from coming together (which was already risky and could backfire hard as you're losing gold , exp and lane control in other lanes trying to create predictable opportunities over and over rather than efficiently taking opportunities across the map) becomes pretty pointless and way more risky than it already was.
You can keep them down for 8 minutes then one mistake, one single redeeming play, one unforseen kill happening on your core in the latest gank before he dies and suddenly you've undone the last 8 mins of investement and then some.
It's most likely not worth bothering with anymore, which will limit what drafts people make and what strategies are viable as counter to the drafts from the current meta (since you can't draft around trying to shut one specific player down in the enemy draft)
And in general you should not get rewarded more the longer you fucked up previously.
Kill streaks + longer respawn times were already excellent as a high stakes mechanic for people who were snowballing.
Then why was snowballing at an all time high last patch?
Arcanas have a special rule where they get into the drop pool right away, though I'm not sure why the two nexon sets never got put in the drop pool.This hasn't been true in awhile. SF's arcana is in the drop system, Techies' isn't. The Mirana and Earthshaker set have been added to the store for months and not added to the system.
Because some heroes scale differently than others and there are heroes (like batrider) designed for pickoffs. Right now someone like qop or puck getting a ton of kills is a liability because they're one stun away from giving away tons of gold and experience to a carry, and they have no incentive to keep looking for pickoffs because they'll get very little from it
That's not true, a lot of decision you make in dota are risk-reward based (eg. an hero that dies splitpushing isn't necessarily making a mistake, maybe he's just making a play that works 4/5 times), the difference is that now the balance is skewed. If the other team made a lot of mistakes to get you fat why shouldn't you get rewarded as much as they are for your single mistake?
To me it seems similar to how SF IV used to work in vanilla, where you could play perfectly against the fucking Sagat for the vast majority of the match and a single mistake ends up in you losing the match because he can deal you 80% damage with the ultra.
You can keep them down for 8 minutes then one mistake, one single redeeming play, one unforseen kill happening on your core in the latest gank before he dies and suddenly you've undone the last 8 mins of investement and then some.
You can make the argument that just the tower reward changes would've been enough to "fix" the snowballing meta
I'm more curious about why they decided to add in this mechanic in the first place, and what it's meant to achieve. If it's to make the game friendlier to beginners I feel that lower tier players would rage at this even harder than the pros, because it punishes mistakes more than it rewards good play. Obviously they're seeing something I'm not understanding, because I can't fathom them not realizing it would be one of the most controversial changes they've ever made.
they should invent a drop system where i dont have to pay 40 bux for those chinese items damn
You can make the argument that just the tower reward changes would've been enough to "fix" the snowballing meta
I'm more curious about why they decided to add in this mechanic in the first place, and what it's meant to achieve. If it's to make the game friendlier to beginners I feel that lower tier players would rage at this even harder than the pros, because it punishes mistakes more than it rewards good play. Obviously they're seeing something I'm not understanding, because I can't fathom them not realizing it would be one of the most controversial changes they've ever made.
Exactly. I just got that Dispruptor set for like ~$10-12 a few days before it was randomly added to the store. Is there any precedent/system for this?
But your e-peen will be off the chartsI am not a fan of that custom doom at all. I do like the Scorched Earth, though its likely a case of "Pay 2 lose", since its super obvious now where then normal scotched earth visual is easy to overlook.
There's just something about tying the gold/xp bounty systems to networth's that rubs me the wrong way. It's like tying it to kills or towers killed. It's just one piece of the dota pie and it punishes heroes like carry alchemist or bounty hunter that rely on creating a large gold gap in order to secure a victory.
Arcanas have a special rule where they get into the drop pool right away, though I'm not sure why the two nexon sets never got put in the drop pool.
The bomb cart of the techies arcana does drop, while the other parts don't because they are legendary, they will be added in about 2 weeks.
I love almost everything about this patch personally. The annoying snowbally nature of 6.81 has been reversed and it's so refreshing to play. Only supported by the win % numbers shown earlier based on leads at 10minutes. I haven't encountered any bounty issues yet which felt unfair.
IMO people are just really averse to change and a lot of the pros are being kind of childish about it. Whatever wrinkles there are will be ironed out. I just hope they don't actually cave to the pressure too much.
edit: most importantly I can say that I'm actually having fun playing Dota the majority of the time which is not something I could honestly say during much of 6.81
IMO people are just really averse to change and a lot of the pros are being kind of childish about it. Whatever wrinkles there are will be ironed out. I just hope they don't actually cave to the pressure too much.
Just had a major comeback after being down 4-20.
Whatever they did for comebacks are completely bonkers and out of control.
"People are childish because they disagree with a change in a dota patch that I happen to like. I'm having fun so stop whining."
Like the change or not, no need to scold those who disagree with you or discredit them as whiners. Were you a whiner for disliking 6.81 and deathball? Was it childish to hate tinker/void? Not at all. Some people like the change, others don't. One opinion isn't necessarily more valid than another. I disagree with you that this is just a matter of being averse to change, many people (pro's and pubs alike) have praised the balance changes, rune changes, map changes, etc... it's just the gold/xp system that is so polarizing.
I agree though, with time, I'm confident icefrog will fix up the new system. He always has, and he usually works fast when there's controversy surrounding a patch. Although, in dota1 if people didn't like a particular patch, they would just play the previous version, and it was an easy tell for the frog. These days, that's not an option, and that's probably why reddit seems to be the primary voice for change/feedback.
I'm calling some people (so-called professionals) childish for the way they go on twitter and whine like actual babies about something they don't like. If people don't like the system I don't really care, why would I call someone childish just for holding an opinion? You manufactured that viewpoint out of nothing.
This is a gross overexaggeration. Fnatic couldn't come back after being crushed by Secret, and EG/Sna had a very difficult time fighting when the other team got their lead. If you're in the lead, one kill will not flatten that advantage. Neither will two kills. Neither will three or four.
It specifically targets the deathball meta that plagued TI4 where it was impossible to come back after a team began to snowball early.
Of course it's controversial. Doesn't make it bad. It's a huge improvement to where things were before.
So then you don't like people voicing their opinions, publicly, on places like gaf, reddit, and twitter?
For fuck's sake, can you stop putting words in my mouth? Am I calling you a baby for voicing your opinion? No. I specifically said more than once I'm talking about some pros who just come across as whiny in their posts or complaints.
I guess I'm just confused on why you find a pro "whiny" for voicing their opinion on a particular balance change on his personal twitter.
Hard carries were pretty much dead after TI2.
The new change brought a lot of them back, both in pub and pro play.
It remains to be seen whether the equilibrium has shifted too far to the side of ricing hard carries, but I am glad I can now pick Spectre without feeling like I'm throwing the game.
I'm not going to do another six rounds with you on this topic because it couldn't be any clearer that I'm talking about some people and the way they express their opinions publicly which does not reflect well on them in a professional sense.
It's got fuck all to do with me thinking people shouldn't have opinions, or that all pros are childish, or that they can't state their opinions or whatever else you want to think I'm saying.
None of this was even the point of my damn post, all I was trying to do was say I like the fucking changes.
I'm not going to do another six rounds with you on this topic because it couldn't be any clearer that I'm talking about some people and the way they express their opinions publicly which does not reflect well on them in a professional sense.
It's got fuck all to do with me thinking people shouldn't have opinions, or that all pros are childish, or that they can't state their opinions or whatever else you want to think I'm saying.
None of this was even the point of my damn post, all I was trying to do was say I like the fucking changes.