Play him as support maxing missle and get Aghs. Roam for kills with tranq/soulringLiterally worse than with Bristleback.
Play him as support maxing missle and get Aghs. Roam for kills with tranq/soulring
Play him as support maxing missle and get Aghs. Roam for kills with tranq/soulring
On paper, LC seems like an insanely good hero. Good to great starting stats, decent stat gains, every skill is really useful. Yet I've seen her start well so far but always seems to fall off after going a little too deep and taking a few deaths. Really want to see her in full glory late game 6-slotted with hundreds of stolen damage.
Keep your team in the game with your double BF daedalus sleight damage for an hour, lose the last team fight and your team blames you for throwing. Ember can't win
I didn't throw!
So er, Fantasy League. No one interestedI'm setting up a Fantasy League that has a draft for later tonight, any of you want to join in? The pass costs $1.99 in the store, here is some info on it:
And the ticket:
I'm going to do the drafting at 10PM EST tonight.
League ID: 298128
Password neogafneogaf
why did fear go euuls on undying?
I bet you forgot to put a little man down and got silenced for days.
every game that i pick timbersaw, i get somebody telling me im stupid for buying blink dagger on him
why wont people let me live
My win rate is slowly dropping down towards 50%.
Time to spam play Mercurial. Press R to win boys.
Navi.US used to be called North American Rejectswhy does this dude keep saying NARVI instead of NAVI?
bristle is good hes freelo
Does alliance ever win anything at all anymore?
Every game I watch with them playing they lose...
Ever since their old rat strategy fell out of the meta they've been losing hard, now a new patch and longer games and they still lose vs teams like cloud 9
Did they really only have one trick up their sleeve?
So far, I know the the two best heroes to pick to lose a pub game at my MMR:
Every other hero takes one or two tries max. Next heroes in my all-hero challenges are lifestealer and jakiro, we will see whether we have a contender.
- Bristleback (8 games for a single win)
- Gyrocopter (7 games for a single win)
You are all trolling me, right?
Navi.US used to be called North American Rejects
Nope. Gotta know your limits and when to be suicidally aggressive and when to back off.You are all trolling me, right?
I don't completely understand why this gold change buffs spectre specifically? Why is that?
Gold for assists.
Nope. Gotta know your limits and when to be suicidally aggressive and when to back off.
He's amazing.
every game that i pick timbersaw, i get somebody telling me im stupid for buying blink dagger on him
why wont people let me live
Plus like he's the only dude that you should go vanguard on to begin with, so its like they made a new item just for him.
kard8p3 said:guys
one more sleeps until shadow of mordor
Literally worse than with Bristleback.
one more sleeps until shadow of mordor
I was absolutely crushing the other team today, EXCEPT for their bristle. All he had was a blademail, crimson guard, and a sange, but dude was tanky as all hell. It's really a great item for bristle if you can build it in time.
no bro, not until the 30th at 1pm EST.
two more sleeps.
I have cried myself to sleep waiting for this game for 1.5 weeks now.
I was absolutely crushing the other team today, EXCEPT for their bristle. All he had was a blademail, crimson guard, and a sange, but dude was tanky as all hell. It's really a great item for bristle if you can build it in time.
AC on Bristle is brutal, why would you ever go Blademailor Shiva