What's all included in this patch? Everything for techies/compendium stuff just minus a balance patch?
Look at my win rates on Radiant and Dire
Radiant - 539 games - 55.10% win rate
Dire - 509 games - 46.56% win rate
Tell me your Dire secrets pls.
What's all included in this patch? Everything for techies/compendium stuff just minus a balance patch?
Status: It's going to happen.![]()
there is no patch
there will never be a patch
it's all a lie
learn more next week
Status: It's going to happen.![]()
Status: It's going to happen.![]()
It, it, or it?Status: It's going to happen.![]()
Anyone would be up to practice drafting? I won't be able to play dota 2 for a while but I'd like to improve my drafting so if anyone is interested in drafting vs me either through dota2drafts or through private messages that would be nice.
There was a great thread on the Reddits about a dude who had raised his solo MMR by 1.6k in three months (http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/2fbkvk/how_i_left_the_3k_mmr_level_on_the_7th_of_june_i/) :
His main pointers were:
1) play a off-lane carry or a semi/support role depending on who your team picks - don't go for hard carries or mids.
2) only play from a group of heroes you feel comfortable with
3) counterpick
4) communicate "just enough" with your teammates (if you can) - don't rage on mike or chat, and don't talk too much either (push to talk MFers!)
Any way there is some good info in the comments too, I found it a really helpful thread especially some of the communication advice. Manged to prevent a team from titling last night using some of it - and secure that Dubya!
He won't, because people will pick 5 melee teams and not get sentries/gem.Why are people excited about games being ruined by Techies? I hope he has lower WR than ES and IO.
He won't, because people will pick 5 melee teams and not get sentries/gem.
Why are people excited about games being ruined by Techies? I hope he has lower WR than ES and IO.
I never expected him to be, I'm just saying his win rates won't be garbage because pubs are stupid.I played three games in the test client. Techies didn't seem to change the matches any more than Pudge or Mirana would. You have to adjust a little, but it's not some kind of huge game changer people seem to want it to be.
Why are people excited about games being ruined by Techies? I hope he has lower WR than ES and IO.
Do you mean that Dota 2 will be forever changed after today. Enjoy it whilst it lasts. ?Status: It's going to happen.![]()
Because the new sub ability opens the door wide open for crazy mind games.
Imagine this. Straight at the beginning, go near mid where the rune is. Put down the "beware, mine" sign, and actually put a few mines, enough to kill someone.
Even if the guy is smart enough to out a sentry down, he's going to freak out every single time he will see one of those signs for the rest of the game. And will either avoid the spot like the plague, or put a sentry down possibly for nothing, but he just wont be able to ignore it.
I think people are excited because this is the most substantial update they've had in over half a year. Personally I don't care about Techies, but any change is refreshing at this point.
Wow Kade, how did you know?
I said "today" every day until it was true.
Anyone would be up to practice drafting? I won't be able to play dota 2 for a while but I'd like to improve my drafting so if anyone is interested in drafting vs me either through dota2drafts or through private messages that would be nice.