You look like a fucking Tekken character.
Rip cancer lancer. Hi ebolancer.I mean, I guess I'll just keep picking PL. He's pretty good.
You don't have to, it's right here.
Alternatively, you can check out Rise of Incarnates, which is F2P.
EDIT: Well, not exactly what you mean, but I'm going to leave this shilling post up anyway.
I still think Skadi would be pretty good on PL but I'm still not sure how Diffusal and Skadi work with him and his illusions. I am pretty sure Skadi works on the main PL and mana burn works on the illusions.I mean, I guess I'll just keep picking PL. He's pretty good.
i keep getting booted to the menus while in game/char select screen
what is going on
whats a hero i can learn that i can do basically everything by myself and not depend on teammates
i cant live like this anymore
Zeus can carry a team damn near solo up to about 35 minutes.
Pudge (?)
Earth Spirit
...and any other snowballing heroes I forgot to mention
Speaking of neckbeards, there are a lot of "waifus" on top of the tier list.
I still think Skadi would be pretty good on PL but I'm still not sure how Diffusal and Skadi work with him and his illusions. I am pretty sure Skadi works on the main PL and mana burn works on the illusions.
Are you getting any error? My first thought is your steam client could be having issues keeping you logged in, so to restart both Dota and it.
Also, I get the same Ping on both USW and Peru, 170 :/
At least there is US East with its 130 Ping.
DK is ass.
Has always been ass, will always be ass.
Speaking of neckbeards, there are a lot of "waifus" on top of the tier list.
I still think Skadi would be pretty good on PL but I'm still not sure how Diffusal and Skadi work with him and his illusions. I am pretty sure Skadi works on the main PL and mana burn works on the illusions.
My mains are all in the top 10. Get better characters, nerd.FUKCING BULLSHIT DONKEY KONG IS THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME
Can he still grab people and jump off the edge with them? If so, he's still the best.
I think spectre may be my ticket for climbing up the MMR pole
They removed the only decent queue option in ranked? What the fuck.
if you're struggling against spectre
necro and naix are both really good against her
I had to lane vs an Axe Dazzle lane as Tusk with a Lich support who wouldn't pull because he had sacrifice (I was Tusk). He said they would take the tower since they were pushing every wave, but if Lich just draws them in between T1/T2 it's okay right? I just wanted a bit more XP advantage.
I was omega sad. Tusk farms pretty damn fast though which surprised me.
Hero is legit. That new charge cooldown is a paradigm change for him since he can now charge in and charge out rather than just have to charge in and then have no escape.
sb to 5k here i come
Dat bamboeLooks like Zephyr will finish their summit game vs Mith 3v5 because two of their players had to leave 35 minutes in. They were pretty much in control of the game too.
I enjoy Russians in pubs. Russian accent is the most badass out there.