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Dota 2 |OT7| What the fuck have they done

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Need to vent my frustration lol... =(

5k solo MMR game. 28 mins in, my team is winning with two rax down. All game invoker and PA have dispute and are arguing. Well things finally erupt for PA. The player decides to fucking destroy all items and says "good luck winning game without me noob invoker, blah blah blah shit". I thought the this dude surely was trolling. Five times i had to look at his god damn inventory, each time more stricken with disbelief. The asshole really did it, destroyed, not SOLD, destroyed all his items.

We lost at minute 58. So sad man.


GG Kotoko whoever u were, game was good , like getting slowly sawed off for 60 mins :D

ZZZ Meepo imba


Need to vent my frustration lol... =(

5k solo MMR game. 28 mins in, my team is winning with two rax down. All game invoker and PA have dispute and are arguing. Well things finally erupt for PA. The player decides to fucking destroy all items and says "good luck winning game without me noob invoker, blah blah blah shit". I thought the this dude surely was trolling. Five times i had to look at his god damn inventory, each time more stricken with disbelief. The asshole really did it, destroyed, not SOLD, destroyed all his items.

We lost at minute 58. So sad man.
Please tell me you reported the PA. That is truly horrible.


Please tell me you reported the PA. That is truly horrible.

Valve needs to give people 1 super-report every 3 months or something that guarantees a human being will look at the replay. There are certain games where a normal report doesn't it justice. Anyone that does stuff like dropping other people's items off the courier or relocating people off the map with wisp deserve to have their account banned immediately.


Valve needs to give people 1 super-report every 3 months or something that guarantees a human being will look at the replay. There are certain games where a normal report doesn't it justice. Anyone that does stuff like dropping other people's items off the courier or relocating people off the map with wisp deserve to have their account banned immediately.

I think I would use all of my super reports on people who said variations of, "Look at this fucking autistic nig*** jew mother fucker I hope he dies in a fire with aids and ebola" repeated and rearranged over and over throughout the game.

While things like real feeding and hiding items ruin the game more, I wish the abusers were treated harsher.

Lucky for me I mute people really really fast, but it would still be nice if the first message didn't get though, or there were less of those people.


Need to vent my frustration lol... =(

5k solo MMR game. 28 mins in, my team is winning with two rax down. All game invoker and PA have dispute and are arguing. Well things finally erupt for PA. The player decides to fucking destroy all items and says "good luck winning game without me noob invoker, blah blah blah shit". I thought the this dude surely was trolling. Five times i had to look at his god damn inventory, each time more stricken with disbelief. The asshole really did it, destroyed, not SOLD, destroyed all his items.

We lost at minute 58. So sad man.

I tell you one thing. This invoker will think twice before badmouthing anyone else again


May contain jokes =>
Valve needs to give people 1 super-report every 3 months or something that guarantees a human being will look at the replay. There are certain games where a normal report doesn't it justice. Anyone that does stuff like dropping other people's items off the courier or relocating people off the map with wisp deserve to have their account banned immediately.

Everybody gets 1 super report charge item in inventory which when used will cause someone at Valve to review the replay. If your accusations are found to be of merit then you get another report token and the person is punished accordingly. If they're not valid then you're punished and lose the token.

Even better you can buy a token for $0.99.


[ALLIES] @lorenzocosta_: let me first pick
[ALLIES] @lorenzocosta_: they'll counter me
[ALLIES] @Crassus®: no
[ALLIES] @lorenzocosta_: than pick the support
[ALLIES] @Crassus®: i will random
[ALLIES] @lorenzocosta_: i dont care.
[ALLIES] @lorenzocosta_: do whatever u want
[ALLIES] @Crassus®: ok techies then

Wish i could just quit already.
Need to vent my frustration lol... =(

5k solo MMR game. 28 mins in, my team is winning with two rax down. All game invoker and PA have dispute and are arguing. Well things finally erupt for PA. The player decides to fucking destroy all items and says "good luck winning game without me noob invoker, blah blah blah shit". I thought the this dude surely was trolling. Five times i had to look at his god damn inventory, each time more stricken with disbelief. The asshole really did it, destroyed, not SOLD, destroyed all his items.

We lost at minute 58. So sad man.

Please tell me you reported the PA. That is truly horrible.
Valve needs to give people 1 super-report every 3 months or something that guarantees a human being will look at the replay. There are certain games where a normal report doesn't it justice. Anyone that does stuff like dropping other people's items off the courier or relocating people off the map with wisp deserve to have their account banned immediately.

Meh. My opinion on the matter is subject to the nature and severity of the argument.

I think sometimes people lose perspective. This is a videogame, not your life. Your value does not ebb and flow with your wins and losses. Nobody should feel obligated to support an asshole's desire to win. And yes, some people's attitudes are bad enough that they don't deserve to be aided or carried to a win. You know who those people are: the flamers. The ones typing "fucking wetbacks" or "noob niggers this and that" or some other non-specific insult as they vent and blame others for their failures.

All communication should be to support each other or plan future success. If a person feels compelled to "vent' on other people, they should also be prepared for those same people to quit on them or have their performance further degraded. Nobody is playing this game to be verbally abused or attacked, and such sociopathic behavior is more likely to result in losses than wins in any competitive endeavor.

I'd take it as a reminder of that basic truth. Shit on teammates and shit on your own goals in the process.



Meh. My opinion on the matter is subject to the nature and severity of the argument.

I think sometimes people lose perspective. This is a videogame, not your life. Your value does not ebb and flow with your wins and losses. Nobody should feel obligated to support an asshole's desire to win. And yes, some people's attitudes are bad enough that they don't deserve to be aided or carried to a win. You know who those people are: the flamers. The ones typing "fucking wetbacks" or "noob niggers this and that" or some other non-specific insult as they vent and blame others for their failures.

All communication should be to support each other or plan future success. If a person feels compelled to "vent' on other people, they should also be prepared for those same people to quit on them or have their performance further degraded. Nobody is playing this game to be verbally abused or attacked, and such sociopathic behavior is more likely to result in losses than wins in any competitive endeavor.

I'd take it as a reminder of that basic truth. Shit on teammates and shit on your own goals in the process.

Kambing was an innocent bystander in this case though, and as much as I give teammates shit sometimes, whether actually saying it to them or not, I have definitely had situations similar to Kambing's.

Shit like that isn't fun. It simply isn't fun to lose a 50 minute game because someone on your team decided to be a total dick. No amount of teamwork will make you win one of those kind of games unless you are already super snowballing or something, and even then, odds go down since you are playing 4v6.

I would definitely be on board with some kind of once a month "super report" that makes a Valve employee look at the game. These kinds of things are inexcusable and be to be met with an iron fist. I'm glad the Techies patch prevented players from taking unsharable items from the courier.


All communication should be to support each other or plan future success. If a person feels compelled to "vent' on other people, they should also be prepared for those same people to quit on them or have their performance further degraded. Nobody is playing this game to be verbally abused or attacked, and such sociopathic behavior is more likely to result in losses than wins in any competitive endeavor.

I'd take it as a reminder of that basic truth. Shit on teammates and shit on your own goals in the process.

This is the realest of talks. Especially that last sentence.


Bull on a Donut

giantbomb tournament match starting soon: our very own team guidos vs blackmoore. see who gets to go into the loser's bracket final to play against stevewinwood stack or team freakinchair

this is game 2 btw, game 1 was played a few days ago, guidos won


I'd take it as a reminder of that basic truth. Shit on teammates and shit on your own goals in the process.

Agree completely although in this particular case raging and destroying your items even if you've been harassed during the whole game is probably excessive of a reaction. Muting as soon as you suspect someone of being a dickhead is often the safest course of action.
My least favorite thing is people who bad manners unpause.

48 minute, close game last night. My team's Earth Shaker says, "hey I need a minute", so I pause the game. The other team keeps unpausing because "no one disconnected" and "ffs 48 minute game!" etc. They picked off the ES was idling in lane, and then basically steam rolled us the rest of the way to victory. The game was probably slightly in their favor but I was a pretty damn farmed Spectre and we had been winning team fights.

I see this a lot, if a game is decently far along people won't want to wait out any kind of pause, especially if no one disconnects. Its really annoying.


I finally got around to buying the cables to hook up other devices to my mixer other than my mic. I'm going to get muted so fast.


My least favorite thing is people who bad manners unpause.

48 minute, close game last night. My team's Earth Shaker says, "hey I need a minute", so I pause the game. The other team keeps unpausing because "no one disconnected" and "ffs 48 minute game!" etc. They picked off the ES was idling in lane, and then basically steam rolled us the rest of the way to victory. The game was probably slightly in their favor but I was a pretty damn farmed Spectre and we had been winning team fights.

I see this a lot, if a game is decently far along people won't want to wait out any kind of pause, especially if no one disconnects. Its really annoying.
Disconnect before pausing, then each pause lasts 30s.


Corporate Apologist
If you ever have to step away for a minute or two, click back to base, pause the game, and type "disconnect" into the console. It will give your team multiple 30 second pauses, and if the game resumes the team can controle you.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Watching amateur competitive Dota feels really weird. It almost feels like it moves in slow motion compared to even low tier pro games.


Watching amateur competitive Dota feels really weird. It almost feels like it moves in slow motion compared to even low tier pro games.

Because that's what it is, ppl moving in slow motion :p

It's really disheartening to watch ur games, it's like u're worse than the worst noob ever . Zero reactions etc...


Bull on a Donut
Yep. You always look like a moron from the outside.

that's the biggest issue with reddit and the majority of dota related forums, backseat dota and armchair dota players. hindsight is 20/20.

i almost quit dota when i read the most upvoted reddit post in some mmr thread on the front page it was something like, "yah i feel like my mmr is lower because my mechanical skills suck but at the same time i browse dota reddit a lot and i watch lots of competitive dota so my strategy and drafts are really advanced compared to my mmr, so it balances out; whereas u kno the rest of the playerbase is better mechanically but they dont pay much attention to competitive so their strategy is lacking."

then like 8 people replied agreeing with him and upvoting it was awful. also the ppl in cm that get mad if you dont pick dp/razor/viper/brew every game because they saw pro's play those heroes, shoutouts to them

not to mention every reddit thread on some pro player or discussing pro players in general.. "yah i think s4 is poor mechanically but his drafts are amazing and he's a very strategic player..." rofl just shut the fuck up man poor mechanically smh


Corporate Apologist
that's the biggest issue with reddit and the majority of dota related forums, backseat dota and armchair dota players. hindsight is 20/20.

i almost quit dota when i read the most upvoted reddit post in some mmr thread on the front page it was something like, "yah i feel like my mmr is lower because my mechanical skills suck but at the same time i browse dota reddit a lot and i watch lots of competitive dota so my strategy and drafts are really advanced compared to my mmr, so it balances out; whereas u kno the rest of the playerbase is better mechanically but they dont pay much attention to competitive so their strategy is lacking."

then like 8 people replied agreeing with him and upvoting it was awful. also the ppl in cm that get mad if you dont pick dp/razor/viper/brew every game because they saw pro's play those heroes, shoutouts to them

not to mention every reddit thread on some pro player or discussing pro players in general.. "yah i think s4 is poor mechanically but his drafts are amazing and he's a very strategic player..." rofl just shut the fuck up man poor mechanically smh

I don't know, I actually do feel like I pad like 500 MMR simply due to game knowledge that compensates my crappy timing. Nothing like overall strategy, I just know like 95% of all spell interactions and various other mechanics in the game. I'm not going up until I get better at simple things like last hitting and having a clear idea of where to go.

Also, I think I'm developing arthritis.


Bull on a Donut
I don't know, I actually do feel like I pad like 500 MMR simply due to game knowledge that covers my crappy timing. Nothing like overall strategy, I just know like 95% of all spell interactions and various other mechanics in the game. I'm not going up until I get better at simple things like last hitting and having a clear idea of where to go.

Also, I think I'm developing arthritis.


no but seriously learning spell interactions and weird tips is a different beast, i'm talkin about the guys that think watching competitive makes them draft gods or better strategists because they know how to copy EG. Also you gotta take all that info you absorb and actually translate it into games, when milk and others (including myself) were talking about how we got better playing dota through watching replays of better players and the like, that's just step one. You can't just sit there and armchair about farming X gpm consistently or how Y hero should be played blablabla, na you gotta replicate that shit until you can actually do it.

I saw ads for this during one of the tourney streams lately, I couldn't find info on it being actually real or out. At first I thought the trailer was just some chibi DotA2 thing for East Asian markets, not an actual different game.

that's the biggest issue with reddit and the majority of dota related forums, backseat dota and armchair dota players. hindsight is 20/20.

i almost quit dota when i read the most upvoted reddit post in some mmr thread on the front page it was something like, "yah i feel like my mmr is lower because my mechanical skills suck but at the same time i browse dota reddit a lot and i watch lots of competitive dota so my strategy and drafts are really advanced compared to my mmr, so it balances out; whereas u kno the rest of the playerbase is better mechanically but they dont pay much attention to competitive so their strategy is lacking."

then like 8 people replied agreeing with him and upvoting it was awful. also the ppl in cm that get mad if you dont pick dp/razor/viper/brew every game because they saw pro's play those heroes, shoutouts to them

not to mention every reddit thread on some pro player or discussing pro players in general.. "yah i think s4 is poor mechanically but his drafts are amazing and he's a very strategic player..." rofl just shut the fuck up man poor mechanically smh



Corporate Apologist
I wonder if my PC running much cooler has anything to do with my hand stiffness. My Room used to be a constant 85+, now its like 78 Degrees...


Bull on a Donut
You disregard a lot of dumb shit people say on the daily. The only reason this would get you to uninstall is if it had a kernel of truth in it. Are you afraid of the truth?

No... It cannot end...like this...What I... What I have seen...
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