My next challenge hero is Phantom Lancer. After playing a handful of practice matches with him, he just seems so weak. Any tips on playing him?
He's a fragile laner much like AM, so if you find yourself under a lot of pressure in lane you will struggle. However, just pick up as much farm as you can using the same tricks as most melee heroes. Lance is a really strong nuke, so if you have supports backing you up you can get kills. Provided you are farming well, you have two options. Either go for a radiance and commit to ricing for a while, playing like a Naga, plenty of splitpush and dodging fights until you have two or three items. The other option is an early diffusal fighting build. If you go this path you may want a vlads as well for the aura and some sustain.
This is a match I played a while ago where I went for the farming build. You'll see I spent most of my time pushing out lanes and applying pressure. Management of illusions is key. You can farm the lane and the jungle simultaneously and push towers without being there. Obviously, your illusions will be too weak for this early on, but by level 10ish you should be pretty comfortable with this. PL is susceptible to ganks, and the enemy will be trying to kill you a lot, it's just the kind of hero people try to counter. Because of this, your doppelwalk shouldn't be thought of as an invis escape, but a way to confuse people. Push a lane, create a wave, then doppelwalk away
before anybody gets there. You want the other team to be as confused as possible as to which PL is real on the map.
Once you have your first item plus manta you are strong in fights. Whether it be the radiance burn or the purge and mana burn from diffusal, think people underestimate how much dps PL puts out in these mid game fights. So don't be afraid to tp in to help. Once you have heart or butterfly, you are stronger than most heroes in the game. You can kill supports without even being there by sending illusions at them. Just keep that slow, grinding push going and you should be gucci.
If it gets so late you are six slotted, only the true hyper carries like Void and Spectre should scare you. Your ideal six slot is travels, diffusal 2, manta, heart, butter and then either radiance, abyssal or whatever items works best in the situation.
Edit: I don't like tranqs on PL. You need to be hitting shit. Vlads is better for sustain. Soul ring can be good if you want to spam lances. I actually forgot about Skadi, that can be a good six slot item.