Gaftertechiesshiral is live now! First match is Jambi vs Quesadildo (Ape Agape)
Gaftertechiesshiral is live now! First match is Jambi vs Quesadildo (Ape Agape)
i feel like your dota looks way better than mine
i feel like your dota looks way better than mine
Thats what i think all the time. Everything max but somehow the streams look better. Some even have snow.![]()
The snow is from the compendium weather effect.
Do you have everythign maxed and at a good resolution?
Does Dota support the new Nvidia DSR feature? I'd love to render the game at 4k and have it look better on my 1080p screen![]()
You guys ever have one of those super long games because both sides sort of suck?
It's least played so I can't really complain and I tried to help teammates with suggestions but.. good god!
only 56 minutes?
Yeah I guess that's not long.. but for a brew/NS/BS game it felt like nothing happened for the first 20-30 minutes. pillow medallion not enough to make up for bad csing and items
You guys ever have one of those super long games because both sides sort of suck?
It's least played so I can't really complain and I tried to help teammates with suggestions but.. good god!
Waaaaaay back.You guys ever have one of those super long games because both sides sort of suck?
It's least played so I can't really complain and I tried to help teammates with suggestions but.. good god!
Bloodseeker is so bullshit strong in 6.82.
Having so much fun wrecking havoc with him at the moment.
Aphotic shield is a retarded skill.
VG throwing this Sina Cup Finals
EZ commons
Ferrari is going to go 30-0 Tiny, no wisp - fuck, what a stomp
Did some pro really do this as my friends are claiming? (there were originally 3 Null Talismans into Blademail) We are losing to this.
Blademail is cheap, gives reasonable stats for Furion and basically means supports/weak carries can't fight back when you teleport in to kill them. Multiple Talismans > Blademail Furion is a bit of a FOTM build at the moment.How exactly does that build make any sense.
It's not the reason we are losing the game I am in right now, because there are other obvious factors that are causing us to lose.
When did Armlet on Agi heroes become a thing? I've seen a Sniper and PA with it without lifesteal.
It started when this video was a hit on reddit, afaik.