Imp the Dimp
Looks like VG's streak is ending right here
It started when this video was a hit on reddit, afaik.
Gaftertechiesshiral is live now! First match is Jambi vs Quesadildo (Ape Agape)
It's been a thing for much longer than that.
are you telling me that slasher didnt invent the critshaker buildIt's been a thing for much longer than that.
I don't normally like hating on casters, but between Clairvoyance, Zyori, Tobi and Blaze, it seems there are very few casters I actually want to listen to, which is really heightening my dislike for Tobi.
![]() was a hell of a game.
Erm he leveled his ult at 10? How often is this thing inaccurate?
got 2 lvls and leveled his ulti before the other one
ppd is an awful streamer. Just what the fuck was that.
As a United fan, it just isn't, can't believe how much that penalty changed the game.I want to play dota but watching Manchester united get beat Leicester is too funny
WellI feel bad. just did a non-ranked game and I fed with Clock pretty bad. The score ended up being around 0-15-8
Uh.... lol. Haven't played him in over 100 games.
Thoughts from my first 10 games:
- I don't play as well on Dire. Maybe it's just more natural to go up and right than down and left? I assume that'll go away in time.
- I really hate Bloodseeker and see him in every single game
- Dual lanes seem to be the norm, which is cool. Sometimes it's actually hard to get someone to go mid. I had assumed everyone would be fighting over it
- It took me forever to realize you have to A-click to deny stuff
- Abaddon can dive the fuck out of some towers
- Naga is probably going to be my favorite hero
In these "normal" games does it still try to matchmake somehow? Or are these just assumed to all be people getting in their first 100 games or whatever before ranked opens up?
I feel like this will go away pretty fast once you realize how Naga is traditionally played, I don't think anyone likes playing her that way.
I used to love me some support Naga though.
I feel like this will go away pretty fast once you realize how Naga is traditionally played, I don't think anyone likes playing her that way.
I used to love me some support Naga though.
I feel like this will go away pretty fast once you realize how Naga is traditionally played, I don't think anyone likes playing her that way.
I used to love me some support Naga though.
I feel like this will go away pretty fast once you realize how Naga is traditionally played, I don't think anyone likes playing her that way.
I used to love me some support Naga though.
Yeah for as much farm as she needs she doesn't offer that same satisfaction. I actually enjoy ricing with Spectre, but thats because the rush at the end of pressing R and getting a teamwipe is so worth it.
I find splitpush way more fun to play tbh. Seeing my units, illusions or otherwise, gradually outmaneuver the other team is both fun and immensely satisfying. PL is probably the most fun simply because you get to see the other team desperately trying to find you, having to check every single illusion. With Naga it's very obvious which are illusions, with PL you can play all sorts of mind games.
Same. I find a lot of the default stuff to be the best really.Is there anyone else who doesn't really like the TI4 music pack? When I first heard I thought it sounded cool but using it in game I don't really like. It's just too much sometimes. I generally prefer the simplicity of the original music, especially for stuff like drafting when you really don't need insanely intense music blaring.
I don't dislike splitpush. I love Furion, I love Anti-Mage, I hate farming Naga. With Furion and AM I feel like I can contribute more in battles than a Naga can, all she's really supposed to do is attack buildings then press R when it gets hairy and tp out. No thanks.
I know it sounds like NP does the same, but you can really play any way you want with NP.
- It took me forever to realize you have to A-click to deny stuff
I just like pressing E and hearing like 10 creeps from across the map jingle into my pocket.
is keeper of the light good? i feel like i enjoy him.
Stack camps and afk farm your Aghs then laugh during the day with auto win visionis keeper of the light good? i feel like i enjoy him.
Kotl's fine, if you enjoy playing him then keep playing him.noooooooooo
is keeper of the light good? i feel like i enjoy him.
everybody is good (they just have their roles and playstyles that may or may not be played at a certain time right now)
except chaos knight that hero is trash and needs some amazing buff or something