I think this game had the dumbest luna I have ever met.
"wow storm you're supposed to follow puck to bot when he ganks bot"
"don't give aegis to storm give to phoenix'
"this storm isn't doing anything, only getting last hits"
"this storm is awful, didn't do anything and is the only disabler on our team"
"lol defend your friend more, storm was bad"
Like i can understand early game, but after i get an ultrakill and i have the highest kills and hero dmg. WTH?
I think this game had the dumbest luna I have ever met.
"wow storm you're supposed to follow puck to bot when he ganks bot"
"don't give aegis to storm give to phoenix'
"this storm isn't doing anything, only getting last hits"
"this storm is awful, didn't do anything and is the only disabler on our team"
"lol defend your friend more, storm was bad"
Like i can understand early game, but after i get an ultrakill and i have the highest kills and hero dmg. WTH?