Apparently spell steal works with lotus orb
Octarine Core reduces all cooldowns, even items (And this is intended)
Seriously. This patch just hurt my brain a lot.
the effects on the new items look awesome
also this new invis cloak thing is kind of ass, it lasts 5 seconds like wut
In house up in the test client. Password is gaf.
Oh shit! You're right!
Aghanim's Scepter Sanity's Eclipse upgrade now affects everyone in the area of effect with Astral Imprisonment after it deals its damage
So all enemies get imprisoned or only get the debuff of astral from it?
Thanks for this!
I think Tinker is fucking back. Aghinims, holy shit.
So maxing reflection first on tb?
ursa enrage is so good
He definitely needed the anti-kite power instead of just more straight damage.