I felt like something during my sleep, had to wake up early, 6.84 patchnotes out Kreygasm.
Some notes: everyone is nerfed. Axe was SLAIN, the spin on end attack and not start is huge. In general very little buffs. Sky was untouched, Pugna got a sidegrade (worse a support, better as a core), Huskar got an useless buff. On the other hand, Icefraud continue to buff Omni, can't wait till 90% win rate in pubs. The bat nerf was unwarranted imho, but whatever. Hero was unplayed in pubs and not dominant in competitive anyway. Bloodseeker nerfed again, i see no point. Beastmaster is a monster 1vs1 laner,even more than before.
CM : slightly worse lvl1, but absurd lvl 7 teamfight potential. AoE 50% move and attack slow will win teamfights. This hero will be insane again. Also, ulti on 90 s cd at lvl 1, no reason to skill it anymore since lvl 2 and 3 have unusable mana costs.
Ebola spirit : slightly nerfed, icefraud plz remove.
Ench slightly better lategame.
Gyro is insane lvl1 now lol.
Jugg was murdered alongside with axe. Rip Jugg.
Kotl is so cancer.
Kka buffs are so-so, not sure he will come back into play.
I think legion can jungle again, have to try. Her laning is still much nerfed from before. Aghs is a non-item on her.
Lesh is gonna be top pick next patch.
Meepo was meganerfed for pubs, thx god.
Furion now jungle like 15% faster. Need to see actually how fast he farm now.
Oracle was sorta murdered thx god.
Pudge was slightly buffed, but nothing that make him an actually good support. He needed more lvl1-3 impact for that. STill, it's a nice buff for midgame.
Pugna support was nerfed hard, pugna core was buffed. I really dislike this change, because i always played pugna support to slain bitches.
Riki is legit support now with that fucking smoke. So much cancer. 4-1-1-1 build incoming Kreygasm.
SS imroved laning a bit, relevant.
Silencer slightly less cancerous laning, slightly better gank/fight potential.
Sniper and Troll, goodnight sweet prince.
Techies was already a legit pick. I loathe any buffs to him tbh.
TB laning buffed, this hero is being slept on a bit tbh. His laning if u go 2-0-3 early on is retarded.
Tusk so good support now bros. 90 mana shard make him so good at roaming/farm much easier, 675 ms snowball is also insanely good for ganks.
WW nerfed and introduced to CM. My prediction? Hero's bad.
WK support is insanely good with this aghs. Probably one of the best skills in the game. You literally CAN'T combo wombo a WK team, they'll come back and kill u after u used all ur combo wombo skills.
New consumables:
Mango looks good. It's literally an instant clarity + sorta tango.
Lotus orb looks fun, but hard to use. It doesn't dispel stun eithers, which would have made it usable for sure.
Guardian Greaves are absurdly good. Mek + arcane carrier will be in a lot of teams now. It's 5300 gold, but no piece cost more than 1600 , and that's the very last one. Gg boys.
The glimmer cape look deceptively good. It's incredibly good as an anti-gank item. Even if you get dusted, you still have like 75% spell resist against spells. Incredibly good to cast on an ally that is being focused down too. Sorta like false promise, obviously much worse but still.
Moon Shard: why is this item consumable again? Dislike it tbh. But the passive bonus are pretty good, not sure who want this however.
Silver Edge: apply break, which mean... it disable passive for 4 seconds, and reduce 40% of all damage done by the target? This look an insanely good effect tbh. Again, it's costly, but we'll see who get it. My first guess is Kka may get Shadow blade again.
Solar Crest is another absurd late game support item. 30% evasion and 10 armor on ally? Jesus boys. -10 armor and 30% miss on enemy carry? You gonna hate those supports.
Octarine core is like old aghs, and seems the most usable item of the buffs, in the sense that it's clear who will get it, aka casters. Hello lesh imba.
Obs/Sentry stacking is a sendoff from jesus for support slots.
Wand was buffed a lot. +1 stats, 35 less gold, 1 less slot to buildup, finishable in side shop if u get 2 branch 1 circlet. Core on all supports again.
Upgraded BoTs, again megafarmed heroes boys. Lategame rat is back with force.
All boots got a decent buff. I think Arcane got the biggest one.
Armlet now cost 30 g less!!! and give +10 attack speed passively. Make the item slightly better for farm.
QB is much better for supports now. The base damage affecting don't matter for supports, and removing wards in one hit is crucial for them.
Refresher got meganerfed like ugh.
Stout is buffed a lot for junglers since a lot of creeps have less than 20 damage. Make also Vanguard 50g cheaper.