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DOTA 2 |OT9| League of Ancients (6.84)

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I think it's advice anyone can use. As long as it helps someone, it's justified in my eyes.

yeah, i've definitely learned a ton about dota through these exchanges with hylian.


Corporate Apologist
I wonder if I could just grind the +8 wins to get to 4k in a day with Undying. I'll try Thursday I think unless he gets massively nerfed before then, so far even not being that great with him has resulted in a lot of victories.

Last game, the enemy QoP was super bad. I got stuck going mid as Undying, and she just didn't try and harass me out of lane. She even used her dagger for last hits, which is a first for me. I mean, I'm undying, while I have a decent heal for 50 mana to help me stay in lane, I can't really do anything vs QoP, I got far to much out of the lane. Bottom didn't even seem to have a ward since I was able to gank it with good runes three times in a row (Invis, Haste, Invis again). "Very High Skill" my ass.

Glimmer cape is also so damn strong as a support item. The thing could not even have the invis and it would be strong, the 66% magic damage reduction on an ally is so good.
Just wondering, do you guys ever get tired of Hylian making the same posts? This is the 2nd time I've posted about this but I'm asking again because I've totally lost count of the number of times he's been given advice, stated in numerous ways, in numerous tones, and then continued as if he doesn't remember the other 5936930 times it happened

Like when does it become intolerable and when do you just start scrolling by his posts without reading them? And Hylian when will you read your post history to see what everyone else has to see? It's actually incredible

I mean I've been reading this thread for nearly 2 years now and guess what I can always count on seeing almost any time I decide to check it
If you are annoyed with how hylian responds to advice, stop giving him advice, or put him on your ignore list. But this is the dota thread and he can ask dota questions as much as he pleases.


Fuck it, I'll be completely and totally honest with you guys. None of this is any kind of excuse, just an explanation.

I know I have maybe a 50% popularity rating around here. I always get stressed out and frustrated easily, always have my entire life. I got even more stressed out today as I probably have some form of ADD/ADHD apparently. I also suffer from depression, however I take meds for that and it is pretty effectively managed.

"What does this have to do with Dota?", those who aren't already connecting the dots might ask. Well, a lot, you can probably tell how stressed out I get playing on stream, this causes me to panic in games, and make stupid mistakes. You might say take a break from Dota, and I would say "No thank you", I love Dota, and it is one of my favorite game of all time. I just have to try to cope with my own mental problems and try to let them affect me less.

I apologize for the bad posts I've made in here, especially in any stressed out state, which has happened to me a lot obviously. Like I said, none of this is an excuse, just background.

I love Dota, and I also love seeing progress, which is why I always worry about my MMR. On top of that, games that aren't going well get super stressful to me, which is why generally losing is not fun to me. It is also why I avoid support, as I find it more stressful than any other role in the game. I do need to learn it, but it is very much a personal struggle to do so.


Hylian you should honestly stop trying to mid every game and play supports for an entire month

Every time people watch your games they notice all the same things

Shit map awareness
Unwilling to help the team in fights
Farming when you could be pushing etc

Supporting will force you to learn these things

Saying "Im bad at support" is a pretty shit excuse. You have over 2000 games played, but cant break into 4K, and its because you think the only way to play is to pick shit like AM/Storm etc every game

It is also why I avoid support, as I find it more stressful than any other role in the game. I do need to learn it, but it is very much a personal struggle to do so.


Ban yourself from carries then

Playing CM for 20 games will make you 100x better at this game than playing AM for 20 games
Fuck it, I'll be completely and totally honest with you guys. None of this is any kind of excuse, just an explanation.

I know I have maybe a 50% popularity rating around here. I always get stressed out and frustrated easily, always have my entire life. I got even more stressed out today as I probably have some form of ADD/ADHD apparently. I also suffer from depression, however I take meds for that and it is pretty effectively managed.

"What does this have to do with Dota?", those who aren't already connecting the dots might ask. Well, a lot, you can probably tell how stressed out I get playing on stream, this causes me to panic in games, and make stupid mistakes. You might say take a break from Dota, and I would say "No thank you", I love Dota, and it is one of my favorite game of all time. I just have to try to cope with my own mental problems and try to let them affect me less.

I apologize for the bad posts I've made in here, especially in any stressed out state, which has happened to me a lot obviously. Like I said, none of this is an excuse, just background.

I love Dota, and I also love seeing progress, which is why I always worry about my MMR. On top of that, games that aren't going well get super stressful to me, which is why generally losing is not fun to me. It is also why I avoid support, as I find it more stressful than any other role in the game. I do need to learn it, but it is very much a personal struggle to do so.

stop playing ranked, mmr is bullshit anyway
play AR for a month
learn other roles
Playing AR for a while to be forced into other roles could help.

But in AR everyone repicks when they get support and we end up with 4-5 hard carries. Thats why I stopped playing it.

Go AP, pick a support that you want to learn or wait to see some picks from both sides and pick a support that you think will synergize with your team


GAF Dota is so much better than soap operas, except theres no hot sex.

Hah! as someone still new to Dota, and very new in this thread. I was just wondering if this is how it always is like :p

So much drama compared to other community threads I can remember browsing.


Hah! as someone still new to Dota, and very new in this thread. I was just wondering if this is how it always is like :p

So much drama compared to other community threads I can remember browsing.

it's always like this, yes.

dota gaf is the telemundo of community threads.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Btw my votes:

And my WILD ideas for all of them:

Disruptor Medusa: Pre-Snake Lady Dusa. And a lore update because this shit makes no sense.
Sven: Sventorias the Trenchwalker. His ult turns him black, with smoke-like tendrils, symbolizing his corruption by the Trench.
Phoenix: Space themed, like Andromeda. Make supernova an actual supernova.
Kunkka: No clue, maybe Davy Jones Kunkka? Or with a pet parrot.
Slark: No idea!
Tiny: Different kinds of stone/minerals, like iron banded rock, obsidian, and marble as styles.
Treat Protector: Changes over the year or with seasonal maps or with weather effects. OR ALL OF THEM.
Mirana: No clue, waifu vote.
Storm Spirit: Go nuts with the particle effects i guess?
Alchemist: Give him more swag everywhere.
Nightstalker: I like Nightstalker.
Invoker: Genderflip and alternate particle effects for all her skills, cooler casting animations.
Puck: Give her fairy backup dancers. Illusory orb leaves behind a trail of congaing fairies. Waning rift summons fairies around her twirling like ballerina. Phase shift bursts herself into fairies flying like like synchronized swimmers.
Morphiling: Have morphling's model change depending on the ratio of AGI to STR. Heavy STR bulks him up while heavy AGI makes him sleeker and sharper. Might break some cosmetics but who the fuck cares?


Either Invoker, Rubick or Morph need to happen tbh

But unless we get another Morphernational or Dendi spams Invoker 24/7 idiot community will just vote for Sniper

Global HOHO HAHA voice and huge Sniper troll faces on everyone's screen plus 420 noscope custom assassinate animation
An alternate gender arcana would be interesting. The problem would be it would clash with the other cosmetics of the hero.
I wanna see invoker waifu!


Corporate Apologist
Undying picker, such cancer.

Look, if I don't pick Undying, the other team likely will pick him. And unlike Sniper or Troll or Jugg or most other FotMs, I have no fucking clue how to deal with him yet. No one ever actually picked undying before so I never had to worry about him, but now that Icefrog gave him another buff and he has a huge spotlight on him that say "#1 WINRATE IN THE GAME!", I need to really figure this hero out or I'm going to be in a world of pain.

I have figured out how to make Rubick sad though, you can basically make it impossible for him to steal tomb stone since you can instantly use your Ult right after (And the cooldowns are pretty close to each other), and while the ult is strong its nowhere near as crippling as tombstone for the bulk of the game.

I think Icefrog needs to make tombstone have an even longer cooldown if he wants it to be this impactful, early game it just a beast, and at even 40 minutes in its still very impactful. Its also really good for taking Rosh, the zombies spawn faster then rosh can bash them.

An alternate gender arcana would be interesting. The problem would be it would clash with the other cosmetics of the hero.
I wanna see invoker waifu!

I don't think its ever going to happen, it will cause such a shit storm, its one thing I remember people quoting about HoN skins that they really didn't like. I don't think even LoL does it.


Corporate Apologist
Valve did plan for cosmetic heads for humans too at one time and decided it was probably a bad idea. Off the top of my head, Invoker, Kunnka, and Omniknight (Some of the first heroes to get hats) all have their heads implemented as a cosmetic item slot. Kunnka even had several WIP Head replacement cosmetics in the files.

JC Sera

I really want BS genderbend arcana
I dont get why he is being picked/winning so much...did i miss somehting?

Do you run him offlane or as a support?
When I used him, I played him as a support. It was also the first time I played undying.

I think new items really helped especially guardian greaves.
I've been buying all the new items on him. Solar soooo good.


that pickrate curve

you can read the "wow so OP" moment and the "wow no he actually still is fucking shit" one
he had a similar, albeit smaller one when the DAC swords came out
Why solar crest ? It's a good item but I don't know why you'd make it on und
Lotus orb sounds great on him though, as the best way to deal with him is to focus him down in a fight straight away, as he relies more on staying in a fight for a long time spamming decay and soul rip, while providing the ult buff and regenerating from deaths


Why solar crest ? It's a good item but I don't know why you'd make it on und
Lotus orb sounds great on him though, as the best way to deal with him is to focus him down in a fight straight away, as he relies more on staying in a fight for a long time spamming decay and soul rip, while providing the ult buff and regenerating from deaths

Lotus is pretty situational depending on lineups. Sure it purges debuffs, but it's a lot of gold for just a debuff purge if the enemy team doesn't have very many targeted spells. Solar Crest gives him armor+evasion, and it's a good item to have for the team. If UD is just getting right clicked down in fights then SC is the better choice by far.


I'm still pretty awful with Sandking but I'm getting better slowly and he's certainly fun. Have to remember to keep putting my blink dagger in the same item slot though or I have spectacular epicenter into use random item instead of blink fails and then proceed to die because "well I'm ulting I might as well run in into the enemy" :( That said it's so fucking satisfying to blink into burowstrike to cancel tp's or catch retreating heroes.

Doing much better with Lich though, him being easier to play in general lets me try and use my brain to do other tasks for a few seconds and actually plan or at least get a better sense of what is going on. Still so much to learn but it feels like real progress is being made.

I don't think I'll ever be good at this game but when I finally return to playing ranked I'm going to drag myself up to 2k and be proud ( and maybe hug Haz who knows)

JC Sera

Why solar crest ? It's a good item but I don't know why you'd make it on und
Lotus orb sounds great on him though, as the best way to deal with him is to focus him down in a fight straight away, as he relies more on staying in a fight for a long time spamming decay and soul rip, while providing the ult buff and regenerating from deaths
Because on 6.83 I started buying medallion on all my supports because it is a godlike item, and solar is beyond godlike
I got about 30 armour without lotus orb, also its a bit situational like linkens
Solar is
  • Medallion is easy to make and gives me many things I want early to mid game (mana regen, Armor)
  • Relatively cheap overall
  • No recipe from medallion–>solar crest
  • Amazing to put on the enemy carry (that miss chance)
  • Watch someone melt under your zombies
  • Team can now rosh
  • Great to put on an ally and then soul rip them
I'm still pretty awful with Sandking but I'm getting better slowly and he's certainly fun. Have to remember to keep putting my blink dagger in the same item slot though or I have spectacular epicenter into use random item instead of blink fails and then proceed to die because "well I'm ulting I might as well run in into the enemy" :( That said it's so fucking satisfying to blink into burowstrike to cancel tp's or catch retreating heroes.

Doing much better with Lich though, him being easier to play in general lets me try and use my brain to do other tasks for a few seconds and actually plan or at least get a better sense of what is going on. Still so much to learn but it feels like real progress is being made.

I don't think I'll ever be good at this game but when I finally return to playing ranked I'm going to drag myself up to 2k and be proud ( and maybe hug Haz who knows)
Don't bother with lich, he's good in lane but it's hard to make things happen in the mid and late game with that hero
Because on 6.83 I started buying medallion on all my supports because it is a godlike item, and solar is beyond godlike
I got about 30 armour without lotus orb, also its a bit situational like linkens
Solar is
  • Medallion is easy to make and gives me many things I want early to mid game (mana regen, Armor)
  • Relatively cheap overall
  • No recipe from medallion–>solar crest
  • Amazing to put on the enemy carry (that miss chance)
  • Watch someone melt under your zombies
  • Team can now rosh
  • Great to put on an ally and then soul rip them
I know that solar crest and medallion are good, I just think it's better to let your support make it
Lotus is a 7 seconds of "fuck you" during a teamfight, that's 2 decays, 2 soul rips, 7 seconds of ult and you make sure you can plant your tombstone


2nd time this week game don't count because servers crap on me while i'm stomping, thx volvo, r8 ur servers 8/8 no 8

I don't understand why everyone dcing cancel the game, it's not like we didn't rc all after. Valve seriously don't care anymore for this game except for fucking hats.


40 millions stretch goal: plz fix ur servers and work on this game again jesus christ

Also how it come that if someone dodge in loading i have to still wait 1 fucking minute, seriously wtf.

JC Sera

Don't bother with lich, he's good in lane but it's hard to make things happen in the mid and late game with that hero

I know that solar crest and medallion are good, I just think it's better to let your support make it
Lotus is a 7 seconds of "fuck you" during a teamfight, that's 2 decays, 2 soul rips, 7 seconds of ult and you make sure you can plant your tombstone
noone buys it at my scrub tier tho
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