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DOTA2 |OT14| i give up like your pubs do



$5 boots


Bull on a Donut
n0tail is actually so shit now like wtf

the dude is diving t4's (with raxx and t3's up, sometimes even t2's rofl) and forcing his team into bad fights literally every fucking time i load up an OG game


Had a teammate yesterday that swore up and down that the Pudge on our team broke his TP with hook, even though allied hook doesn't break TP. I didn't see the incident he was talking about, but I'm pretty sure I know what happened as I have seen it before. I think the Pudge hooked him right when the TP finished (so basically at 0.1 s right as the animation goes off) and it still brought him to Pudge.

I thought they fixed that kind of thing recently though. I specifically remember them fixing a lot of stuff applying after a TP that shouldn't have. For instance, I remember a few times where I TP'd out and an LC dueled me right at the end. I still made it to fountain, but the duel music was playing and I was walking back toward LC from the fountain.


n0tail is actually so shit now like wtf

the dude is diving t4's (with raxx and t3's up, sometimes even t2's rofl) and forcing his team into bad fights literally every fucking time i load up an OG game

He's just pushing Miracle to the limit of carrying 1v9.
* Doom cooldown increased from 125 to 140
* Armlet health drain increased from 40 to 45 per second
* Sun Ray cooldown increased from 20 to 26
* Beastmaster Boar Attack Damage reduced from 15/30/45/60 to 10/25/40/55
* Call of the Wild Hawk/Boar manacost increased from 15 to 25
* Rolling Boulder slow duration reduced from 2 to 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0
* Lion's base intelligence reduced by 2
* Track self bonus gold reduced from 200/275/350 to 170/260/350


I don't hear or get any notifications/alerts when I get an invite while I'm alt-tabbed out of Dota 2. Should this be happening? Can I change these settings somewhere?

Smithy C

* Doom cooldown increased from 125 to 140
* Armlet health drain increased from 40 to 45 per second
* Sun Ray cooldown increased from 20 to 26
* Beastmaster Boar Attack Damage reduced from 15/30/45/60 to 10/25/40/55
* Call of the Wild Hawk/Boar manacost increased from 15 to 25
* Rolling Boulder slow duration reduced from 2 to 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0
* Lion's base intelligence reduced by 2
* Track self bonus gold reduced from 200/275/350 to 170/260/350

You get a nerf! And you get a nerf! Everyone gets a nerf!


Is BM win rate that high? He felt very game-losey to me.

Also still no buffs on other supports, forcing me to play shitty supports zzz
* Doom cooldown increased from 125 to 140
* Armlet health drain increased from 40 to 45 per second
* Sun Ray cooldown increased from 20 to 26
* Beastmaster Boar Attack Damage reduced from 15/30/45/60 to 10/25/40/55
* Call of the Wild Hawk/Boar manacost increased from 15 to 25
* Rolling Boulder slow duration reduced from 2 to 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0
* Lion's base intelligence reduced by 2
* Track self bonus gold reduced from 200/275/350 to 170/260/350

good. I am sick of seeing all of these heroes. sunray needs another minor nerf tho.


Shame that if you watch the pro scene you know which 4~ heros to avoid since the subsequent patches after the main one will continually nerf them. Nerf Slark or ember or something.


Bull on a Donut
* Doom cooldown increased from 125 to 140
* Armlet health drain increased from 40 to 45 per second
* Sun Ray cooldown increased from 20 to 26
* Beastmaster Boar Attack Damage reduced from 15/30/45/60 to 10/25/40/55
* Call of the Wild Hawk/Boar manacost increased from 15 to 25
* Rolling Boulder slow duration reduced from 2 to 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0
* Lion's base intelligence reduced by 2
* Track self bonus gold reduced from 200/275/350 to 170/260/350

good changes overall, armlet nerf makes me a little sad tho i wish he'd keep hammering away at the bonus armor he gave it (i.e. from 4 ---> 3)

Shame that if you watch the pro scene you know which 4~ heros to avoid since the subsequent patches after the main one will continually nerf them. Nerf Slark or ember or something.

I mean many of them remain strong, and they will still generally be good for an entire patch or two. So you get to enjoy your OP fotm hero for a solid 4-5 months before the nerfbat swings, and then you hope it's a rebalance or moderate. Sometimes you end up with a still strong (just not fotm) hero like present invoker and sometimes you end up with an OD/Morphling/Troll situation where the hero is completely and utterly butchered. Then you move on :D.


I used to play like 6/7 games a day back when I first got into the game, I don't know how I ever survived that, maybe because I was playing with other newbees.

Solo unranked isn't fun either, it's like nobody even cares about winning and is only there to try out stupid shit.

Pretty much:


Not me. This guy.


Bull on a Donut
Per usual reddit is so fkn dumb but im a masochist and love getting triggered reading post after post, it's why i go to playdota too. Complaining about lack of alch/slark nerfs meanwhile lamenting the "death" of Earth Spirit, BM, lion, phoenix, and doom. Why are you so unjust icefrog? Classic reddit.

Also the BM nerfs are nice, but remember he does like fucking double damage to neutral creeps compared to last patch (because of armor type changes), and he was a monstrosity last patch. This is probably just trying to account for that. Same deal with the lion nerfs, accounting for that +50 base mana infusion that gave many heroes a stronger mana pool for the first 10-15 minutes of the game. The -2 base damage does suck though.


early level (1-2) BM farming is reduced significantly to be in line with last patch pre-armor changes, but at level 3 with 2 pts in boar should be alright

tbh i really expected rolling boulder nerf to be scaling MS% instead of duration


* Sun Ray cooldown increased from 20 to 26

back to the dumpster you go
caw caw

not enough. still first pick/ban material but it's a start.

nerf the turn rate or the heal/damage itself and then we'll be good to go.
and make that shit magical or physical not pure ffs.


sun ray change is good

id have to see it in a game with 6s more on the CD, but the spell itself is still so strong in this meta phoenix is still in a good spot
Was kinda nice that Sunray had a comparatively low cooldown. Every second fight with phoenix, especially when you have no nova, is basically "alright guys, I just used my three abilitiy, see you in half a minute when I can do sth.

I'm not complaining, that's obviously his weakpoint which is offset by nova to a degree, however it realy is frustrating in drawn out fights. Especially when your teammates don't understand that.

Should they want to nerf sunray further than this I hope we get a substantial buff to solar dive though. That spell is a neat value point in level one but scales fuck-all. If levels increase slow% or reduce CD a bit that would be nice.
Per usual reddit is so fkn dumb but im a masochist and love getting triggered reading post after post, it's why i go to playdota too. Complaining about lack of alch/slark nerfs meanwhile lamenting the "death" of Earth Spirit, BM, lion, phoenix, and doom. Why are you so unjust icefrog? Classic reddit.

I feel like those people only take into account their own fucking pub games, I don't know how else you come to the conclusion that Alch and Slark need nerfs.

Earth Spirit has "died" like 5 times now, and whoops, still fp/fb.


None of those heroes that got nerfed are "dead", but the nerfs are necessary and welcome.

I still ban Slark every game because I hate playing against him. I know he isn't particularly OP, I just hate playing against him this patch and if there is an easy way to avoid that, no reason not to take it.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Shame that if you watch the pro scene you know which 4~ heros to avoid since the subsequent patches after the main one will continually nerf them. Nerf Slark or ember or something.

I understand targetting the pro scene for balance changes, but us peasants need some as well. Slark is obnoxius in pubs and it's in almost every game.


Whats a good item for enchantress when you have dragon lance and ags? I feel like my team often have problems capitalizing on the kills we get by taking objectives. Maybe desolator or mjolnir?


Lion -2 int is a big nerf. Rilay completely died with a -3 nerf. Granted, this is after a +20 mana buff on everyone iirc? So maybe not as big, but still.

Sunray change is irrilevant. Needed to change damage type to magic so it's more of a healing spell and moderate damage and not heal + pure huge damage nuke. Phoenix has already tons of damage with his other spells anyway.


so i tried playing some doom... i got bored and went back to playing dota 2. far less boring of a game but far more rage inducing. is there no perfect medium?


ranked mm is the most cancerous thing in video games ever holy shit how do you guys can play this shit. not even this season shit is enough to take out the cancer


I understand targetting the pro scene for balance changes, but us peasants need some as well. Slark is obnoxius in pubs and it's in almost every game.

Pub based nerfs are really rare, and only in special cases, like Meepo a few patches back for instance (when he had the reduced respawn time and extra magic resistance with ult). Earth Spirit has also had nerfs based on pubs in the past, but before he was in CM, that's all they had to base his nerfs on, and some of them were pretty obviously OP. A few years ago Grip on a rock used to stun, and Boulder Smash was the silence. You could win any mid lane at level 3, guaranteed.
I understand targetting the pro scene for balance changes, but us peasants need some as well. Slark is obnoxius in pubs and it's in almost every game.

You can't balance both unless pubs and comp had their own metas, also pub has several different metas of its own. For example: Naga has a 40% winrate at sub 2k and a 53% wr at >5k, Medusa has 40% wr >5k and a 53% wr <2k. The main problem with Slark is that he's getting picked A LOT, his winrate is only slightly above average.

Icefrog will only nerf heroes that are purely pub terrors if they absolutely dominate, like over 60% wr without even trying heroes. Spirit Breaker, Huskar, etc.
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