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DOTA2 |OT14| i give up like your pubs do


Friend played with the new Enigma ult. It's scary actually, level 2 black hole(most important one imo) does 400 damage when the whole duration is used.

centaur will be the new cancer. 400 damage nuke on a 5 second cd LUL

Maybe even give him safe farm so he can get a quick pipe and blink.

It takes a lot of your HP though and you have to get in range.


Bull on a Donut
Top 10 or so heroes of the patch predictions: Storm, Troll, Disruptor, Lycan, Ogre, PA, TB, TA, Enigma, and Omni. These guys look pretty strong going into TI. Storm and PA got the two biggest buffs imo. Jakira might rise again as a TA counter and compliment to push strats.

why am i still awake i need to fukkn sleep


My international ranked is now 700 above my normal mmr, I've basically just been spamming phoenix offlane though.

The players seem to be a lot nicer in high 3k compared to low 3k as well, I'm not the kind of person who gives a shit about "toxicity", but just in general people seem to be more willing to communicate and be a bit more forgiving. Starting to hear a lot more mic chat as well now which is good.


Bull on a Donut
bokr wat do u think about dragon lance troll? prob not worth it ya?

i think it's fine and has merit but i personally like phase --> aquila --> hod --> sny --> silver edge --> w/e u want

the problem is i just want too many damn items on troll so it's hard to fit dragon lance in there and i think it's a bit redundant with sny (which is 100% mandatory on troll, he benefits so much from the stat spread, MS, and the slow buff from last patch makes it so your first luxury item does not nor ever has to be skaadi tbh which is huge because it opens the door for big damage items and stuff like bfly)

also troll now has 8 armor lvl 1 provided you take berserker's rage first, we almost TB now boys


i think it's fine and has merit but i personally like phase --> aquila --> hod --> sny --> silver edge --> w/e u want

the problem is i just want too many damn items on troll so it's hard to fit dragon lance in there and i think it's a bit redundant with sny (which is 100% mandatory on troll, he benefits so much from the stat spread, MS, and the slow buff from last patch makes it so your first luxury item does not nor ever has to be skaadi tbh which is huge because it opens the door for big damage items and stuff like bfly)

also troll now has 8 armor lvl 1 provided you take berserker's rage first, we almost TB now boys

ya, i actually looked at ur troll game from the other day so I figured that would be the bnb build.

Which is better to get lvl 1 now with the change? Q or W?


Bull on a Donut
ya, i actually looked at ur troll game from the other day so I figured that would be the bnb build.

Which is better to get lvl 1 now with the change? Q or W?

depends on the game/lane, i'll probably still end up going whirling axes first. however, against those harass unfavorable lanes, last hitting at range and then switching to zerker rage to eat harass with 8 armor will be amazing at lvl 1

also jungle troll was OK last patch, it is now absolutely godlike imo with 8 armor + iron talon + fervor. a level 2 troll is going to jungle probably as fast as enigma, just shy of beastmaster pre-6.87c nerf. going to be a great troll patch in general from mid to safe lane to jungle and who the fuk knows offlane troll could even become a thing now (range + high armor/MS on demand? and high base str mmm MM)

OK i really do need to sleep now fuck me


* Black Hole damage type from Magical to Pure and pierces Spell Immunity


RIP Aui. Hope he can make it to TI somehow.

a good resolution that will compensate him appropriately for the lost time and opportunities that this situation takes from him


He must have got like $100k to not play for any NA teams that might have a chance to knock out EG. And he'll end up coaching or analyst desking or casting @ TI


Top 10 or so heroes of the patch predictions: Storm, Troll, Disruptor, Lycan, Ogre, PA, TB, TA, Enigma, and Omni. These guys look pretty strong going into TI. Storm and PA got the two biggest buffs imo. Jakira might rise again as a TA counter and compliment to push strats.

why am i still awake i need to fukkn sleep
Why'd u say disruptor is top 10 when he got a slight nerf to his ult?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like

updated metrics
conclusion dead gam

Conclusion: 2/3 of DotaGAF has been banned in the last year.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I just realized one of my coworkers developed a new part of our application in Groovy. I heard him talk about it a few times in the past, but I thought it was a library or some build system, not a different language that compiled to the JVM. Now we have more junk that only a single person is able to support

lol! Job security yo.

Sometimes I hate going through my co-workers code, some of the shit I see...
Conclusion: 2/3 of DotaGAF has been banned in the last year.

Indeed. People seem to alternate so much between r/dota2 and NeoGAF that they occasionally forget the strict rules on here and get banned for shit they had better not uttered outside of Reddit. I remember that kid who got perm'd (he was a junior I think) for using "retarded" in a derogaroty way. What the hell do these people expect rofl.


* Primal Roar damage reduced from 200/250/300 to 150/225/300
* Sunray base damage reduced from 15/20/25/30 to 10/15/20/25

It's actually something just clearly not enough.

Shadow Fiend
* Movement speed increased from 305 to 310
* Necromastery Max Souls increased from 15/22/29/36 to 18/24/30/36
* Pounce damage reduced from 50/100/150/200 to 40/80/120/160
Storm Spirit
* Overload damage increased from 30/50/70/90 to 40/60/80/100
* Overload AoE increased from 275 to 300

Fuck you frog!

Naga Siren
* Strength gain increased from 2.3 to 2.5
* Intelligence gain increased from 1.85 to 2.1

Why??? Neither needed more tank...

Other random thoughts:
- Riki nonsense was killed off early and I'd say I'm overall happy with it.
- DP and Naix got wrecked.
- Lina, CM and Morph with yet another unnecessary set of buffs.
- Just pick Kunkka already!!!


sputum-flecked apoplexy
maybe before u nerf Sunray so hard u make Phoenix irrelevant again u could look into making Icarus Dive worth more than just a single value point huh iceFRAUD


Top 10 or so heroes of the patch predictions: Storm, Troll, Disruptor, Lycan, Ogre, PA, TB, TA, Enigma, and Omni. These guys look pretty strong going into TI. Storm and PA got the two biggest buffs imo. Jakira might rise again as a TA counter and compliment to push strats.

why am i still awake i need to fukkn sleep
Thank you for naming all the heroes that got buffs lol


if you don't vote jakiro on the arcana vote you are literally scum

also I tilted the vote(with my 48 points) from ursa's favour to jakiro's favour so it has to be reaaaaal close

edit; now ursa is leading again ;_;


sputum-flecked apoplexy
if you don't vote jakiro on the arcana vote you are literally scum

also I tilted the vote(with my 48 points) from ursa's favour to jakiro's favour so it has to be reaaaaal close
It's obviously rigged so that it seems like you're having an effect so you'll buy more points

Wake up sheeple!!!
if you don't vote jakiro on the arcana vote you are literally scum

also I tilted the vote(with my 48 points) from ursa's favour to jakiro's favour so it has to be reaaaaal close

edit; now ursa is leading again ;_;

its a bug, it shows that the hero you voted for is leading after you voted.


Fear was always the better carry, but as a team player he was not going to come out and say " Yeah AUI was shit and had one great game on Morphling and some ok sven games".

Fear had the least deaths of all TI carries. He was far and away the better carry, he had amazing awareness and sense for ganks and always showing up when the team actually needed him. How many times did a farmed Fear tp in and clean up or turn a fight at TI?

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Enigma sounds a little scary atm.

Ready for my solo queue adventures where someone tries to tell me that slark is nerfed and I should be reading patch notes.

OK so I got the RTZ Naga set from a chest (I dislike RTZ but that set is my favourite Naga set) but I find Naga quite dull.

Is choking the enemy team to death that much fun?

You could try her as a support. Net is bkb piercing and if you managed to nab an aghs you could reset teamfights with a huge heal.
OK so I got the RTZ Naga set from a chest (I dislike RTZ but that set is my favourite Naga set) but I find Naga quite dull.

Is choking the enemy team to death that much fun?
OK so I got the RTZ Naga set from a chest (I dislike RTZ but that set is my favourite Naga set) but I find Naga quite dull.

Is choking the enemy team to death that much fun?

Absolutely isn't. Hero is awfully boring. Don't forget to activate auto attack once you have your radiance.


Low Tier
This is how to be a heartbreaker

boys they like a little danger

We'll get em falling for a stranger, a player

singing i la-la-la-love you~


I hope synds sqaud knocks secret out

Open Qualifiers in 8 days.

EG and Secret are fucked. No way in hell do they have enough time to prepare.

eh, the EG squad have all played witheachother before, so they'll probably be fine

not too sure about secret tho


Bull on a Donut
Thank you for naming all the heroes that got buffs lol

i'm pretty sure over 50 heroes got buffs LUL, i named like 6 or 7 and a few guys that got no changes that i think will fall right into t1

you think TA/drow are really strong this patch?
wow lifestealer is beyond useless now. at level 17 with s&y, armlet and mkb my attack speed was still 1 attack per second

Thank god. I remember early 2013's LS. Fuck that shitty, simplistic hero everybody can do well with.

Worst heroes to be OP in pubs:

1. Techies
2. Faceless Void (I still have PTSD from 2014 Void)
3. Slark
4. Spirit Breaker (6.78 was unplayable; which was back when I was relative new to the game)
5. Lifestealer
6. Sniper


Pretty sure OSFrog is a EG fan, Brackhole buff? ZAI back? THUNDERPANDA buff? Sumail? CM buff? TREE MORE DAMAGE PPD? DUSA buff OLDMAN FEAR?


Rtz ee pld ppy bulba

So basically:
- an overrated egomaniac who sinks every ship he jumped into;
- one of the worst carry players that also manages to have a "charming" personality;
- someone that evolved significantly in the past year;
- a good player that has been having sub-par performances since the 2nd major, and even during that;
- hmmm... got nothing, which probably means he's not that great right?

I'm sure they'll be fine...
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