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DOTA2 |OT15| anime only please


So, somehow I managed to get a 10.0 for support as Troll Warlord:


You bought a vlads. You will be credited for all the healing your allies gain from the lifesteal aura.

Happens a lot with BS and WK too. Those stats bars are really weird and completely useless since they don't work properly :X


Dam rogue1 is the starwars movie I always wanted 10/10

Too bad they will never make another one like it. Back to the Skywalker saga zzzz


Don't like the new map. The jungle has zero flow to it. Rosh pit just chilling in the river looks and is dumb, not being attached to any land mass makes no sense. All these changes feel so unnecessary. Shrines are ok. Looks like you cannot buy from secret shop unless your Infront of it. Jungle is definitely the worst part of the map. Yuck


You bought a vlads. You will be credited for all the healing your allies gain from the lifesteal aura.

Happens a lot with BS and WK too. Those stats bars are really weird and completely useless since they don't work properly :X
Yeah you're right :) I was warding also (bought 19 in fact!) but otherwise I was surprised it came out as a 10!


I think he's a great #4. Get aghs, cast phantom on your carry, gg.
What does #4 mean? Kinda like... someone helping out the supports? That sounds like a perfect role for me, less pressure but also get to be helpful.

(the last two games I played I picked a carry, but ended up supporting when other people weren't buying support items, and it worked well, especially Sven)


sputum-flecked apoplexy
What does #4 mean? Kinda like... someone helping out the supports? That sounds like a perfect role for me, less pressure but also get to be helpful.

(the last two games I played I picked a carry, but ended up supporting when other people weren't buying support items, and it worked well, especially Sven)
#4 is usually taken to mean that they're a support but they have farming priority over the other support. So they buy dust and help with warding but they can tend to be a little greedier with item pickups because the #5 should be picking up the slack. Often though the #4 will farm their key items (blink, maybe force) and then take on the majority of wars in duties so the #5 can get their key items too.


Interesting, thank you!

I'm a failed carry who is trying to support more often, so the #4 role sounds perfect for me.

In fact, I think I've already been playing a similar role, for example I started off my last game in lane with Monkey King and then spent the rest of the game trying to set-up kills for him and PA: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2846766989

(I was Sven)
To give a bit more detail on the #4 thing: it's farm priority, i.e. What order on the team you're expected to be given farm. Traditionally, 1 is safe lane carry, 2 is mid, 3 is offlane, and 4 and 5 are supports, but this is fluid, and can even change mid-game, e.g. Arteezy was often 1 even though he played mid, Naga support players often transition to a 1 or 2 if they get Radiance fast enough, etc.


I liked the talents more than I thought I would but I think they were a hasty iteration without much thought, I mean except the final talents the rest are really boring and generic like +7 on agility or +100 hp, it would be more interesting if each talent changed 1 skill with the final talent changing your ultimate.


Unconfirmed Member
Day 9 doing legit dota content next year. Life is good.
Feeling super nostalgic reminiscing all the stuff I watched during SC2 times.
Day 9 doing legit dota content next year. Life is good.
Feeling super nostalgic reminiscing all the stuff I watched during SC2 times.

He's teaming up with Purge. It's like the sexiest duo of educational gaming personalities I could imagine. I've been a huge fan of both for ages now, and Day9's 100th episode is one of my favorite pieces of gaming content ever created.


Bull on a Donut
I've been thinking more about how to balance lycan without gutting the hero or sending him back to before and imo it's feral impulse that should change -- it gives too much in one ability and allows lycan to sustain through nearly anything like he's fucking dragon knight.

Wolves just need to have 5 base HP regen to start, this won't affect them at all cause they are still complete trash at level 1-2 and this won't change that. Then you can lower the feral impulse HP regen to 0/2/4/6 so that overall the regen on wolves is about the same but lycan isn't a walking fountain that can be laned anywhere. Howl should probably still cap out at 150/300 HP, 400 HP in the early nights is pretty ridiculous, especially when you're facing down a coordinated team breathing down your t2's.

I really really like the new lycan, he's a much heavier hitter (with just midas treads early game you get your 30 attack speed back and hit for nearly 150 unbuffed). He's a much better laner. His late game is signficantly better with talents. Very fun hero right now, and the night theme isn't too oppressive or forced, but it's a pretty strong boost and fits the hero's theme.


anyone else having problems clicking on the map to move the camera? It seems buggy as fuck to me.

yes, it's infuriating to say the least. you have to drag on the map a bit for it to move the camera somewhere which is a lot slower than simply clicking on a spot and having the camera centered on that spot.

also the hitbox for the minimap is too big so that if you click close to the corner of the map even if you aren't clicking on the map, it will still interpret that as if you clicked on the dire fountain.
chat bug is annoying af, also spectators can't ping and write for the other spectators anymore??????????

how else will I angrily point out where Satch died????


I've been thinking more about how to balance lycan without gutting the hero or sending him back to before and imo it's feral impulse that should change -- it gives too much in one ability and allows lycan to sustain through nearly anything like he's fucking dragon knight.

Wolves just need to have 5 base HP regen to start, this won't affect them at all cause they are still complete trash at level 1-2 and this won't change that. Then you can lower the feral impulse HP regen to 0/2/4/6 so that overall the regen on wolves is about the same but lycan isn't a walking fountain that can be laned anywhere. Howl should probably still cap out at 150/300 HP, 400 HP in the early nights is pretty ridiculous, especially when you're facing down a coordinated team breathing down your t2's.

I really really like the new lycan, he's a much heavier hitter (with just midas treads early game you get your 30 attack speed back and hit for nearly 150 unbuffed). He's a much better laner. His late game is signficantly better with talents. Very fun hero right now, and the night theme isn't too oppressive or forced, but it's a pretty strong boost and fits the hero's theme.

Shorter respawn time.

4 wolves for end game.

Feels Good. One of the most fun hero to try this patch. Thanks for pointing it out.

I feel so lost in the new jungle
The hill ward spots are the same before (covers big and med camps close to tier 2 towers) but I have no idea where to place the ward to cover the other camps (closer to tier1)


I've played 10 games myself so far and watched some streams for a bit as well...

- I decided I like the shrines.

- I'm still iffy on talent trees... Some talents are definitely fun tho like having 4 wolves as Lycan.

- I hate the new jungle. Both the layout and the neutrals spawning every 2 minute instead of every minute.

- I Dislike the river rune change and how it only spawns on one side now. The extra 4 is just weird to me too.

Just some random thoughts. Overall enjoying the patch tho.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
the game rn feels a lot like that ultra crappy meta from a few patches ago where jamming five people in a lane at the 5 minute mark was the best way to play. which is to say i fucking hate it. but it might just be that 7.00 has gone to everyone's head so i'll wait until it simmers down a bit.


they took out the mute all key

it was moved to options


Is it how I can report and commend people now? I cannot find the button.

the game rn feels a lot like that ultra crappy meta from a few patches ago where jamming five people in a lane at the 5 minute mark was the best way to play. which is to say i fucking hate it. but it might just be that 7.00 has gone to everyone's head so i'll wait until it simmers down a bit.

Well, if you can group up and kill people in lanes, I think you get a huge advantage due to the interminable death timer. Maybe I will just restrict my hero pool to heroes with talents that decrease respawn time.

So Elder Titan, Oracle, Phoenix, or Undying, who all get it at level 10!

the game rn feels a lot like that ultra crappy meta from a few patches ago where jamming five people in a lane at the 5 minute mark was the best way to play. which is to say i fucking hate it. but it might just be that 7.00 has gone to everyone's head so i'll wait until it simmers down a bit.

I agree. I don't like this patch at all so far. Perhaps it's the disorganization in my pubs due to people getting used to the new map layout but it's basically all fighting past the laning stage which I don't enjoy.


Patch is hot garbage, mostly because they spent all their time adding talents (lol) and didn't seem to do much actual skill balancing for a lot of heroes.


but it's basically all fighting past the laning stage which I don't enjoy.
It's strange that I only really begin to hear people say this with 7.00, I was complaining about that with my friends basicaly for the entire duration of 6.88 ( and maybe 6.87 I can't remember ). It always felt like you knew who was gonna win the game by minute 15-20 where you would see which team had the best death ball.
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