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DOTA2 |OT15| anime only please


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's okay icefrog will fix Monkey King in, like, 2 years time just like how he fixed ES.



China Top 2016

Newbee EG

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I wish when IF put out a new hero he would make it super shitty and underpowered and then buff upwards, rather than this debacle with Monkey King where he's a game ruining tyrant that desperately needs to be nerfed. My thinking is, there's going to be one in every game for the first month regardless of whether or not it's any good. Might as well just make it suck so it's not a cancer in every game.

No one would be an arcana for a shit hero

source my techies arcana was worth 11 dollars at one point


Corporate Apologist
No one would be an arcana for a shit hero

source my techies arcana was worth 11 dollars at one point

Maybe long term, but people will buy Arcana's for new heroes no matter how shit.

Source, bought techies arcana.

Also, I don't really like the MK Arcana.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
No one would be an arcana for a shit hero

source my techies arcana was worth 11 dollars at one point

I agree your point, but to be fair all of the arcanas were down to 11-13 USD during some steam sale or another at the same time as the Techies one.. I remember it specifically because a bunch of my whale friends bought almost all of them, like the Lina arcana when nobody ever plays Lina. A lot of heroes that launched along side an arcana were pretty OP for a few months afterwards tho.

Bulldog level 4 mid timber
75% hp with 5 stacks of level 2 regen armor, 4 armor and stout shield gets fucking rekt in 2s

Yo that's fuckin bullshit levels of damage. that's the kind of damage you get out of a max level midlaner ability (like max dragon slave, powershot, thunder bolt) but at < 4 minutes. And he didn't even need the passive to proc, which is what most people want nerfed in the first place.

Whole kit is overtuned. Except the ult itself. I like the ult (size, duration, how it works). Just gotta tune some values.


No one would be an arcana for a shit hero

source my techies arcana was worth 11 dollars at one point

Speaking of, wish they would improve the Lina Arcana

I know it was the test run cosmetic, but damn its a piece of garbage now

Compared to everything that came after its a joke. There are normal tier cosmetics that look better, have more particles/effects and cost like $1


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like

Played a game with a Techies on my team last night and I think that hero finally doesn't make me want to kill myself. Seems like he can do more to help team now aside from just AFK'ing in the woods and striking fear into the enemy.
I hear people saying that the key is to not trade at all with MK during laning stage because that is his thing that he is The Best at, and if you don't let him snowball the first 15 minutes he will drop off very quickly.

I have no idea how true this is because life has conspired to not make me able to dota the past few days.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Yo that's fuckin bullshit levels of damage. that's the kind of damage you get out of a max level midlaner ability (like max dragon slave, powershot, thunder bolt) but at < 4 minutes. And he didn't even need the passive to proc, which is what most people want nerfed in the first place.

Whole kit is overtuned. Except the ult itself. I like the ult (size, duration, how it works). Just gotta tune some values.

the passive was procced tho..?


singsing just killed a zeus with his passive plus q, then waited to zeus respawned and then instakilled him with e + q because he still had his stacks up

this was level 4 ofcourse. good hero SeemsGood

e: oh yeah, mk almost died but since his passive also heals, his q and one hit put him to full hp xd


I dont know about worst patch, but games do feel super stompy.

At least in my shit MMR; and yes I know its my shit MMR so games are stompy anyways, but it feels more one sided than usual.


No hero or patch will ever be as bad as Centaur's release in Dota 2. This was when they changed his ult from Great Fortitude (large passive strength gain sort of like Marksmanship, but never lost) to Stampede. Stampede did more damage and fully stunned back then. Centaur was a auto win button more than any hero ever has been.

I rank MK as the third most unbalanced hero at some point in time (Only counting Dota 2). #2 is Earth Spirit and of course #1 is Centaur


Played with a friend who played monkey king. Such a broken hero. Won 7 in a row and was never really in danger outside of one game against a CK.


The problem with monkey king is that he can engage on multiple heroes so early. I can't really think of many heroes that can just take on a 3 man gank in the early game and come out ahead.


Bull on a Donut
6.82 was the worst patch because you legitimately could be down 45-2 and manage to snag 1-2 kills as they were going high ground and actually get a fucking aoe gold bounty of 10k per hero. the sniper with phase aquila mom suddenly picked up a skaadi and a butterfly off 2 kills.

nothing, nothing, will ever come close to that in terms of shitty patches. it blew up the gold mechanics and at the start they were fucking horrible

i still remember the reddit lines "just don't die!!! i rly wike dis patch cause it punishes bad play wike dying !!! l2p !!" yeah that's why it took nerfing gold like fucking 8 more times after that probably by a total of 40-60% to get the game in a non-garbage state in time for TI

if there's one thing that's a sure bet in dota unless ur a storm, ember, or weaver against discord-mumble-stack, YOU WILL DIE


people that solo use shrines when their teammates are in the area


>gather for shrine

I poop alone.

The problem with monkey king is that he can engage on multiple heroes so early. I can't really think of many heroes that can just take on a 3 man gank in the early game and come out ahead.

>Ursa damage, with a stun, and a crit, and a lifesteal, and an escape, and a taunt

sells arcanas


Bull on a Donut
alternatively to all MK nerf suggestions, he'd instantly be solved if he was just a melee hero like he should be (gofu's suggestion). it's actually kind of dumb that he's 300 range, sure it's cool for "uniqueness" or special snowflake i guess but it adds nothing but frustration to the hero and makes no sense.

but i don't see icefrog changing that so i still think just rescaling everything so he's not a god of laning (but still strong in lane regardless) is the solution - 40/35/30/25s Q (instead of static 25), 25/40/55/70% slow on W (instead of fucking 40% at level 1), 50/100/150/200 damage on E (down from 80/120/160/200), and you gain 1/2/3/4 buffs of E (rather than a static 4 at all levels)

his design and play reminds me of hon heroes tbh, very hon-esque

also one thing is i don't think his ultimate monkeys should benefit from any item effects beyond the stats (i.e. diffusal, deso, abyssal, skaadi, etc...) -- you haven't been to hell in dota yet if you haven't played against an abyssal monkey king lmfao.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I await 7.00b where Icefrog implements all of Balance God Anbokr's proposed changes.


I cannot believe you can't hook monkey from a tree. Fuck this hero is fucking ridiculous
The fuck? You can't?!

Can Clockwerk latch onto him? What about Slark pounce?

If all the latter work, I feel like Pudge hook not working is a bug as the is no logical reason it shouldn't.


Wow. Even if you see him with wards you cannot hook

Edit: This game is a mess. Just going to do ability draft until all this stupidity is over.

I wish MK could be in Ability Draft. There would be some fun combos like Jingu Mastery + Fury Swipes + Overpower. Or hell even Jingu Mastery + Overpower.


I wish MK could be in Ability Draft. There would be some fun combos like Jingu Mastery + Fury Swipes + Overpower. Or hell even Jingu Mastery + Overpower.

Might as well. I never get mad at ability draft since it's always a shit show of snowballing. But this patch was just throwing shit at the wall for regular dotas. I understand that a lot of balancing issues are done after the fact but not being able to hook when on a tree is dumb. Going from 1 HP to full HP is bullshit. Ever since that rubber band patch, he's determined to fuck shit up. I'm still legitimately confused why there is even creeps in this game. They've been nerfed every patch.

Watching DotA is becoming more of a chore, most team fights don't matter unless they happen at a moment you can take advantage from it. Team fights use to mean a lot. Now it's just for farming gold.

I hate ranting like this, cause I love this game. But this game is getting shitter.
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