Got a $50 Steam gift card from a brother and thinking about Witcher 3 with both expansions for 30 and Doom for 20.
Approve or disapprove?
That's some good choices there.
Got a $50 Steam gift card from a brother and thinking about Witcher 3 with both expansions for 30 and Doom for 20.
Approve or disapprove?
OK yeah I'm genuinely unsure of what the reasoning behind Veil/Octarine Ember is.
With the right talents, searing chains has like 100% up time, I'm sure there are others also, but that's one thing that popped into my head
With the right talents, searing chains has like 100% up time, I'm sure there are others also, but that's one thing that popped into my head
Really worth it though? That's a lot of investment to do that without damage items.
OK yeah I'm genuinely unsure of what the reasoning behind Veil/Octarine Ember is.
100% uptime on chains at level 25 and a fucking shitoad of magic damage. it's a lot of fun and very effective, it's not often you see a hero jump 3-4% winrate off of a mass playstyle/item-choice change alone thanks to that spell amp talent.
ember already has decently high innate physical damage output and you can tilt towards more physical damage later if the game demands it, but with just veil/radiance/octarine or veil/maelstrom/octarine your magic damage output and control is obscene.
the only real weakness is when enemy cores build BKB, but ember is so slippery that you can just bait out BKBs and re-engage
Boy am I glad I didn't have work tonight! Cause they just got robbed
Is that better or worse?7.00 made Dota a 6/10 solid, maybe on next Steam sale game if it wasn't free.
Game was godlike for years. The fact that it didn't win GotY awards 2013 on GAF by landslide made me question my faith in this community a little. I think the second best game on the list wasn't even a quarter as good. GAF redeemed itself a bit with Bayonetta 2 winning 2014 in all fairness.
Anyway, my pubs are no fun, win or lose. Average of 2,5 kills per minute, stompy ass games, 1 team fight per 2 minutes, blablabla. All the stuff I personally hate and avoided as much as I could. I think the patch offers certainly more options, which should not be a bad thing on paper, but my pubs all look alike and have as little variety to them as I've ever seen. I hope the pro meta will be different and less of a chaotic mess. Usually, pubs follow in line with what the pros do more or less.
I feel like this patch muddles the skill levels a little bit. I personally feel less able to win games on my own due to the nature of team fights. Gotta depend on everyone else a bit more. Realistically, I'm probably just a worse (and saltier) player pound for pound this patch than I used to be because my strengths are not what 7.00 requires.
I wouldnt expect the game to be properly rebalanced until 3 months from now. I mean just adding two bounty runes per jungle and all the +xp or gold talents muddled everything but they need time to get all the data
You work for IO Arcana or Bloodborne GOTY?
7.00 made Dota a 6/10 solid, maybe on next Steam sale game if it wasn't free.
Luna spam is taking me to new mmr heights.
She will probably get another nerf within a week so get the wins while you can
It will be more balanced but it won't be more fun. Talents are still dumb, just another thing to balance instead of just giving stats like before. There's no flow to the game, it's just chaos 99% of the time. There's no startegy, it's just 5 man death ball. Idk it feels less like DotA and more like some weird hybrid.
I would say gyro is the biggest loser of this patch. He was already doing awful. Now his talents are mediocre and the only buff he got was for his aghs (and something about rockets not getting target priority or some shit)