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DOTA2 |OT15| anime only please

I think talents are a terrific addition and make the game better and more varied, no doubt.

The pace of the game is off right now, or at least it feels awkward to me. The new map layout makes farming the jungle a) a not very efficient use of ones time and b) pretty dangerous with all the new high and low ground constructs.

Furthermore, people aquire gold and XP more easily than before. If you were good at staying ahead in both, this patch doesn't really favour you.


Eh, the game is overall more fun to me because heroes have more options and tough decisions to make at certain breakpoints. Gives you more to adapt/work with within the game. On reddit and from pro's, you'd often always hear -- man X hero would be fine if he had +1 armor (SF) or Y hero just can't deal with mana issues, Z hero is item slotted limited needs armor, B hero just has no MS, etc... Well guess what, now you can address these concerns for most heroes and tailor your hero for what the game demands.

It definitely changes the dynamic of the game and for me, in a much more positive and meaningful way compared to stats. Sure, talents and base heroes are going to need some balancing in the next few months here and that's fine -- stat gains and base stats are going to be more important than ever (and tinkered with a lot probably) now that stats are gone.

701 hit just a week or two after 700 and I'd expect we'll get a few more patches here before TI. Regardless, I don't think balance is crazy out of whack compared to say when 6.82 hit.

Milk (artanisix) actually asked me which heroes are the "biggest losers of this patch" and I couldn't really give a legitimate answer beyond I think spectre is a shit hero and has been a shit hero for a few patches now. Every other hero to me felt decently strong depending on the game setup, and talents allow any player to take a hero and snowball even harder than before.

I respectively disagree, game is a mess. It's not fun and it's becoming less and less like DotA. If I wanted to play hots or lol , I would just go play those. I bet team leveling is coming, maybe not now but I think it's coming.



This Thread


I respectively disagree, game is a mess. It's not fun and it's becoming less and less like DotA. If I wanted to play hots or lol , I would just go play those. I bet team leveling is coming, maybe not now but I think it's coming.

do you wanna make a ban bet?


I cannot break past 3.5K MMR. There's the usual issue of your teammates being complete wildcards but I'm not good enough/have the decision making to be able to apply correction and get a victory anymore.

Time to get good I guess.

I got into 4k MMR on the international ranked matchmaking, then lost internet for a few months so I missed whatever they did to let you use that MMR as your main MMR and now I'm back in 2.9k trying to go back up again but it just isn't happening.

I only really got into 4k by spamming phoenix though, now I'm back to playing heroes that I enjoy but I'm not actually that good with them.
I got into 4k MMR on the international ranked matchmaking, then lost internet for a few months so I missed whatever they did to let you use that MMR as your main MMR and now I'm back in 2.9k trying to go back up again but it just isn't happening.

I only really got into 4k by spamming phoenix though, now I'm back to playing heroes that I enjoy but I'm not actually that good with them.

I gained 1K MMR from the International recalibration just by playing as I normally do, but then forgot to play enough matches to keep it.

Not one of my proudest moments.


Bull on a Donut
I respectively disagree, game is a mess. It's not fun and it's becoming less and less like DotA. If I wanted to play hots or lol , I would just go play those. I bet team leveling is coming, maybe not now but I think it's coming.

Why is dota becoming less and less like dota, I'm curious? What core aspects of dota did 7.00 remove from you? I'm genuinely curious/interested.


I respectively disagree, game is a mess. It's not fun and it's becoming less and less like DotA. If I wanted to play hots or lol , I would just go play those. I bet team leveling is coming, maybe not now but I think it's coming.

Oh god. Can you imagine "team level" griefing.

A: C'mon push the Team Level Up button
B: Jajaja. Remember when you steal my courier gringo? Fuck you.


Forever Platinum
I respectively disagree, game is a mess. It's not fun and it's becoming less and less like DotA. If I wanted to play hots or lol , I would just go play those. I bet team leveling is coming, maybe not now but I think it's coming.


Game is fine, people are going to be deathballing and running around like idiots right now because there hasn't been a significant event yet for people to copy. I've been reduced to soloqing here and there and even at 4.5k garbage the game hasn't changed.

Take this time to experiment, try new heroes with different builds, talent combinations, etc. Dota is still dota at it's heart, heroes are now able to specialize more and there are more things to do on the map.
Not sure why people get so triggered when someone calls a patch shit. Some patch has to be the worst and it just happens to be 7.00. Simple mathematics.
honestly nerfing visage probably ruined any potential goodwill from the changes


also un-nerf Elder Titan wtf, hero had like 3 weeks and Abdul kills him.... ok. I miss solo offlane meta


Low Tier
As the highest ranked player in this thread: patch is fine and fun.

Since I have the highest mmr, my opinion matters infinitely more than yours. It's simple mathematics


Not sure why people get so triggered when someone calls a patch shit. Some patch has to be the worst and it just happens to be 7.00. Simple mathematics.

Considering the only two people in the thread calling the patch shit are you and pompidu it's not really surprising that everyone else disagrees. You take advantage of smurf accounts and when a patch comes along where you can't 1v5 noobs anymore you cry about it and pompidu is just pompidu
It's a little overhated I think (edit: 6.82). Definitely up there on the shit list but I certainly have never lost my urge to play Dota so quickly as in 7.00 or 7.01 or whatever it is. Everything I personally found good about the game seems to have gotten changed or is at least not as applicable in pubs right now as it was before. Perhaps it just needs a pro tournament to guide people.


Bull on a Donut
It's a little overhated I think (edit: 6.82). Definitely up there on the shit list but I certainly have never lost my urge to play Dota so quickly as in 7.00 or 7.01 or whatever it is. Everything I personally found good about the game seems to have gotten changed or is at least not as applicable in pubs right now as it was before. Perhaps it just needs a pro tournament to guide people.

Such as? I'm genuinely interested in specifics to people that say talents changed the core game to them, or dota isn't dota anymore. What specifically changed that makes dota less "dota" to you? What is dota to you?

I just see this thrown around on reddit and a lot of places, but no one ever gives specifics; so it's not a question of hate/mocking, but genuine curiosity because to me talents make dota even "more dota-ey" if such a thing is possible. What makes dota fun to me compared to other MOBA's are two things: flexibility of heroes and snowballing/individual potential. The former is how you can tailor your item/skill builds to the game and how a hero can play drastically differently or fulfill different roles based on how you build them -- talents enhance this aspect significantly compared to just stats.

The second aspect is something a lot of MOBA's try to curb -- they reduce hero damage or impact overall so that you are tethered to your team, so one standout player can't control the game and just wreck everyone. I love this aspect of dota, and again, talents enhance this even more. Your talent choices are very meaningful and getting those talents before everyone else, and making the "correct" choices (depending on the game) allow you to exert more dominance than someone who isn't xp efficient, who isn't owning, or who doesn't really pay attention to their talent picks.

As for the pacing concerns, I guess I can understand that but I think 7.01 was a step in the right direction. Overall 1-25 is the same but 10-20 takes just a bit longer relative to what it used to be; that felt like a very good change with addressing the power jump and speed of going 10-20 and picking up 3 talents. Might still need one more small change in that direction (longer 10-20, shorter 20-25), but I'm more OK with the pacing in 7.01 compared to 7.00.


Why is dota becoming less and less like dota, I'm curious? What core aspects of dota did 7.00 remove from you? I'm genuinely curious/interested.

Pompidu won't answer because he's incapable of thinking about things for longer than 5 seconds.


is it cool if i just drop my steam here since i have none of you guys added


3.1k, US-west and I get <100 ping to US-East too, play a lot of position 5 and almost never mid, the other roles I guess I have an even spread. I don't really talk much in-game let alone rage, though I like whining on forums about some of the randoms I get after the fact.

I'd especially really like getting adds from people who could give me advice on more farm-heavy roles since I'm pretty inexperienced at them.


7.00 and 7.01 are great and an improvement on the game.

6.83 was my least favorite patch. Hated the rubber banding and HOHO HAHA.


What's the general opinion on leshrac at the moment?

I rarely see anyone play him but he's one of my favourite heroes, used to spam him on the offlane a lot when he was fotm at one point but since he got nerfed I've never seen anyone else play him.

I just went mid with him and did... ok-ish I guess against an MK, I got first blood and the second kill before the creeps spawned but ended up becoming more of a non-factor as the game went on because I've never been the best at getting my items fast.

He seemed good at stopping MK tree nonsense with Q but that might have been because the MK was bad.


It's fuckin weird when you win the offlane so you tell your support to just leave and help other lanes and they dont and it turns out they were a 4 stack??? You'd think theyd be all about letting the rando solo a lane and helping each other ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯

Anyway LC owns this patch


How do you make your own guides now in the new menus? I used to be able to make my own item builds for heroes, but now I can't find that stuff.


How do you make your own guides now in the new menus? I used to be able to make my own item builds for heroes, but now I can't find that stuff.

in the top right of the shop there is a circular cog looking button that will pop out a seperate shop section and you'll be able to drag items around as you wish.

Edit: oh i reread that and you said menus. my b i actually dont know.. ive always just demo the hero then used the shop to customize


My mmr is so fucking wild this patch o dont even know anymore. I get get streches where everyone is decent and we just flat out win and also streches of my teammates every decision is a head scratcher
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