Went Radiance, Octarine, Agh's + 70% lifesteal talent on QoP and wasn't impressed.
Blademail is what makes it broken. You're invincible for 4.5 seconds.
Went Radiance, Octarine, Agh's + 70% lifesteal talent on QoP and wasn't impressed.
Blademail is what makes it broken. You're invincible for 4.5 seconds.
I'm not sure I could handle Ad Finem becoming TSM. I like them but I don't think I've ever liked a TSM team or player.
CM, omni, abbaDamn Ogre is so strong right now. There are very few supports better than him.
WarlockCM, omni, abba
none of those heroes are stronger than ogre
2k mmr isnt even dota tho?
what are everyones funnest heroes to play so far this patch?
im glad to see bb is still the funnest hero, and shrine helps him a lot
i guess youre supposed to get q on him first now though so i dont really know that much about it
meepo is godly this patch
what are everyones funnest heroes to play so far this patch?
Typical low 4k mmr games, somehow 4 carries and a half support works out in the end.
Hm, why is that avi familiar...
Yeah I'm copying this from /r/dota2 but whatever.
First public match after 10 bot games.
No idea if that was the default build from Valve or if I just saw loads of stats on those items and thought they were OP.
Really thought Dota was fawful but between ragequitting league and loads of Purge videos something clicked after a dozen hours of gametime.
Edit: Actually no way basher was recommended on DK. Guess I didn't understand DK's ult well the first game.
There any way to join an in house lobby game while it's in progress? Some of my friends playing a USA vs. Canada match and I want to spectate it.
what are everyones funnest heroes to play so far this patch?
im glad to see bb is still the funnest hero, and shrine helps him a lot
i guess youre supposed to get q on him first now though so i dont really know that much about it
Typical low 4k mmr games, somehow 4 carries and a half support works out in the end.
rac did ur brother jerry give u some arcanas?
Your avatar is a pretty good counter since he's forced to face LC.So, lately I have been playing Bristle and although is a very simple hero (Q, W, Q, Q, W, etc) it's quite fun. My questions are, what are the biggests counter against him?
Build related, I'm going with:
- Treads,
- Vanguard,
- Blade Mail
- Sometimes Vlads
- Crimson
- Halberd.
Late game I usually buy Travel and sell Treads in order to leave a free slot for Heart or Radiance.
Is there anything I should do to improve it? So far now it's working great, except in a certain match I had against a SF which, sadly, didn't go so well.
So, lately I have been playing Bristle and although is a very simple hero (Q, W, Q, Q, W, etc) it's quite fun. My questions are, what are the biggests counter against him?
Build related, I'm going with:
- Treads,
- Vanguard,
- Blade Mail
- Sometimes Vlads
- Crimson
- Halberd.
Late game I usually buy Travel and sell Treads in order to leave a free slot for Heart or Radiance.
Is there anything I should do to improve it? So far now it's working great, except in a certain match I had against a SF which, sadly, didn't go so well.
Your avatar is a pretty good counter since he's forced to face LC.
Silver edge destroys him as well.
Necro destroys him.
Yee Fung "Mushi" Chai - Mid/Carry
Muhammad Rizky "Inyourdream" Anugrah - Mid/Carry
Chong Xin "Ohaiyo" Khoo - Offlaner
Yong-min "Febby" Kim - Roaming Support
Ng "YamateH" Wei Poong - Hard Support (Stand in)