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DOTA2 |OT15| anime only please




Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Whatever it is it can't be more disappointing than the Switch


I thought the council of flame was some sort of round table where non-players (spectators/casters/etc) would analyse the games. That would be fun and I'd be up for that.
Sadly it's not that...

GL to the players and organizers.


I thought the council of flame was some sort of round table where non-players (spectators/casters/etc) would analyse the games. That would be fun and I'd be up for that.
Sadly it's not that...

GL to the players and organizers.

Might be something I'm willing to implement if we have the manpower behind it. It's certainly not too late for that.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I swear you guys only do these IHLs when my sleep schedule is the most fucked it can possibly be.


I'm having an absolutely awful run right now: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/5351111

I've been spamming Necrophos a lot - I loved playing as him before the patch because I figured even if I played badly, I could still do a reasonable amount of heal and help the team, so the 7.0 new skill was a very welcome change... but I'm playing worse than ever with him right now.

Any tips please guys? I'm thinking of going back to playing 100% support (probably still as Necrophos) and going from there.


Dates of Interest
Chinese New Year Jan 28- Feb 2
Mirana Statue ships Jan 31
IHL 4 Draft Feb 3

Pro Dota Results
- Jan 14-15 DAC 2017 iG, VGJ, LFY, iGV qualify for LAN
- Jan 12-15 WESG: 1. TNC 2. C9 3. [A]
- Jan 5-7 ESL Genting 1. DC 2. NB 3. VP/Wings

Jan 19-22
DotaPit 5 Split, CRO
8: DC, Secret, VP, Faceless, OG, EG, iG, Elements

Feb 23-26
SLi Season 3 Shanghai, CN
8: Wings, iGV, VGJ, 5 TBD

Mar 6-9 Kiev Major Open Qualifier
Mar 10-13 Kiev Major Regional Qualifier

Mar 28-Apr 4
DAC 2017 Shanghai, CN
12: Wings, OG, EG, Newbee, iG, VGJ, LFY, iGV, 4 TBD

Apr 20-23 Kiev Major


TI7 Open Qualifier Jun 22-25
TI7 Regional Qualifier Jun 26-29


TI7 LAN Early Aug(?)

EPICENTER 2017 Moscow, RU


I'm having an absolutely awful run right now: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/5351111

I've been spamming Necrophos a lot - I loved playing as him before the patch because I figured even if I played badly, I could still do a reasonable amount of heal and help the team, so the 7.0 new skill was a very welcome change... but I'm playing worse than ever with him right now.

Any tips please guys? I'm thinking of going back to playing 100% support (probably still as Necrophos) and going from there.
Why are you leveling ghost shroud last? It's a 36% AOE slow that doubles healing for yourself, heartstopper aura only works if youre balling out of control very early on. The aura also doesnt mean anything if youre always feeding because you're either dead first or youre not near/around long enough for the aura to really even work. You're up against a vlads PA, an alchemist and the Kotl got his greaves a little after you got your mek. Your aura is your worst ability in general but in this game it might as well healed them.

In hard games, and in general, I recommend incorporating a blink dagger into your build. That is your insurance policy, because even if you die a lot, you know you can still blink in and ult and delete someone and that will slowly feed into your reliable gold letting you get either your mek or a dagon. I see you're up against a lion PA in the offlane, getting an early stick helps as well as a iron talon and taking the bounty rune jungle camps to help catch up. In normal skill they shouldn't ever wonder where you disappeared off to.


Why are you leveling ghost shroud last? It's a 36% AOE slow that doubles healing for yourself, heartstopper aura only works if youre balling out of control very early on. The aura also doesnt mean anything if youre always feeding because you're either dead first or youre not near/around long enough for the aura to really even work. You're up against a vlads PA, an alchemist and the Kotl got his greaves a little after you got your mek. Your aura is your worst ability in general but in this game it might as well healed them.

In hard games, and in general, I recommend incorporating a blink dagger into your build. That is your insurance policy, because even if you die a lot, you know you can still blink in and ult and delete someone and that will slowly feed into your reliable gold letting you get either your mek or a dagon. I see you're up against a lion PA in the offlane, getting an early stick helps as well as a iron talon and taking the bounty rune jungle camps to help catch up. In normal skill they shouldn't ever wonder where you disappeared off to.
Thanks so much! Before the new builds came out for 7.0 I always went with Ghost Shroud first. But since the builds have been updated (I usually go with Torte De Lini) they all recommend Heartstopper first, so I figured there had to be a reason for that. I guess I should use my own brain to decide what to get, rather than relying on a build!

I usually go with Force Staff over Blink Dagger - I find it more reliable in the sense that it can be used for escaping also, or used on other heroes, and it gives me stats too. Or is the lower cooldown and higher range of Blink Dagger more useful than these things in general?

And yeah good shout, thanks! I almost always get Magic Wand as one of my first items with Necrophos, but I've never bought Iron Talon and gone into the jungle even once. I have a lot of things to work on! Thanks again :)


Thanks so much! Before the new builds came out for 7.0 I always went with Ghost Shroud first. But since the builds have been updated (I usually go with Torte De Lini) they all recommend Heartstopper first, so I figured there had to be a reason for that. I guess I should use my own brain to decide what to get, rather than relying on a build!

I usually go with Force Staff over Blink Dagger - I find it more reliable in the sense that it can be used for escaping also, or used on other heroes, and it gives me stats too. Or is the lower cooldown and higher range of Blink Dagger more useful than these things in general?

And yeah good shout, thanks! I almost always get Magic Wand as one of my first items with Necrophos, but I've never bought Iron Talon and gone into the jungle even once. I have a lot of things to work on! Thanks again :)
If you're getting wand make sure you pop your W first. You also should let your wand charges build up to get max value out of it. You should always be getting the 40 dmg talent and because of that power treads is probably the best boots choice for Necro.

Blink is generally better than Force, and having Ghost Shroud means you can sometimes Blink out even when initiated upon by physical carries. But if you're playing a support Force's saving potential is extremely useful and probably the better buy.

Lots of other midgame items like Veil, Mek and Dagon work well on Necro too. Ever since the new W Blademail isn't as useful but it's still a good pick up against most heroes as they'll usually try to focus you down.

Aghs is maybe the best Necro item but you should have at least a mobility item before this. Make sure to keep farming even if you're playing a support role. His Q is great for killing creep waves, you only need 1Q+ 1 Right Click to kill the ranged creep and 2Q+1 Right Click for the melee ones.

All in all Necro isn't particularly hard to play and he's in a really good spot. You should be winning more games then you're losing if you spam him.


Thank you very much, really appreciate both of your advice :)

Good shout on using my W before any sort of healing (including wand) - I was very aware of this when 7.0 first came out but my play has become quite slack since then. I always go for the +40 damage talent tree, and Arcane Boots, but I will try Power Treads instead - I guess set to INT? I'll start buying blink dagger if I'm not supporting too.

I'll keep an eye on the items I'm buying and how I use them also. Someone was watching my stream yesterday and commented on how I was often activating blade mail and my W at the same time which is a complete waste. I should be blade mailing until I'm low on health, then using W to heal up as much as possible, not using them together. Thanks again!


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
(Today, 06:15 PM)

That was 2016 LiQuid!, 2017 LiQuid! has turned a new leaf.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I plated a match Friday as solo Tusk support and I helped gank mid so much he became rich really fast then proceeded to buy shit loads of wards. One of the few times I have ever seen a core buy wards in one of my pubs.

Nothing is more triggering than buying wards all game as solo support and then your team complain about vision even though you are dirt poor.
Either they were dewarding you hard or TA is blind, cause you bought dozens of them lol.

I'd probably place it on the latter.
They had a Night Stalker, which made wards almost useless at times.

when you're solo supporting and one of the four greedy cores on the team complains about vision
Yup. One of the most annoying things to hear.

TAnus went off though, goddamn

her power, carrying yall to victory
Yeah, I wonder how she was able to farm safely and get kills when we spotted Moonlight Shadow ganks with the wards and sentries no one bought
I plated a match Friday as solo Tusk support and I helped gank mid so much he became rich really fast then proceeded to buy shit loads of wards. One of the few times I have ever seen a core buy wards in one of my pubs.

Nothing is more triggering than buying wards all game as solo support and then your team complain about vision even though you are dirt poor.

I once had a Tiny buy me a bottle as IO.

We stomped so hard that game.

Global presence, beeyotch.



Day 1

VP vs Elements Bo3
OG vs iG Bo3
Loser vs Loser Bo1 elimination
Winner vs Winner Bo3

Day 2

EG vs Faceless Bo3
Secret vs DC Bo3
Loser vs Loser Bo1 elimination
Winner vs Winner Bo3
I'm having an absolutely awful run right now: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/5351111

I've been spamming Necrophos a lot - I loved playing as him before the patch because I figured even if I played badly, I could still do a reasonable amount of heal and help the team, so the 7.0 new skill was a very welcome change... but I'm playing worse than ever with him right now.

Any tips please guys? I'm thinking of going back to playing 100% support (probably still as Necrophos) and going from there.

1. Rush Aghs
2. Rush Aghs
3. Rush Aghs
4. Get dagger
5. Win game
Haven't played in 10 days and feel no urge to do so. Worst patch ever, 6.83 doesn't come close. History will prove me right. Dota is past it.

I play maybe one or two games a month, usually.

Still haven't learned the map yet so I don't want to ranked until I learn pulls and stacks.

Just been watching streamers play while I play other games.


Remember when DOOM was a hero

remember when doom wasnt a dog shit ult

lol, me and volodja were talking about that earlier. Hero isn't good at anything. Doom isn't good, survivability isn't good, gpm boost isn't good since your other abilities cant be left at level 1 while you max devour, righclick doom isn't even ok.
Most fun dota has been in a long time. Great patch.

It's hit or miss. I think it will take 1-2 patches of refinement to be in a good place. I like how fight-heavy the game is now, but the trade off is that in games I play Rosh has been irrelevant, and fighting for farm when you aren't winning team fights is a nightmare. I also find a lot of heroes are in a weird place, maybe I just need time to adapt.
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