Class for two and a half hours and I come back to one reply
ded gam
Should have asked gabe about shared levelingPompidu was right all along.
Live action american anime movies are always great. I'm really excited for ghost in the shell!!
Its the film im looking most forward to besides alien convenantnot sure if kappa
Almost did as much healing as I did damage as Slark (and no, it's not an even slightly impressive amount of healing btw)
Its the film im looking most forward to besides alien convenant
Thanks, yeah you're right, it was an awful pick! We were kinda messing about, I was attempting to do the all hero challenge with Slark and failed miserably when trying to play him properly, so figured I'd just try to support with wards and mek and let the people who know how to carry do their thingYou shouldn't really be building Mek on Slark. You don't need it yourself (because of the passive effect of your ult, which makes the passive regen of Mek pointless, and because the stats are pretty negligible) and it costs 2k gold that would be much more usefully spent on other items.
These sound like great items for Slark, thanks! I'll make a note in case I play with him againbkb linkens basher/abysaal moonshard skadi mkb
nobut slark is op anyway so it doesnt matter i guess![]()
Don't have to wait any longer cause alien convenant looks fucking horrible oh my god30 years later, still waiting for a good new aliens film...
Slark is extremely fun to play when you play him properly. In the early game you basically burst supports down with magic damage from W and Q and use ult to avoid return fire. Mid game you spend your time weaving in and out of fights to regen and get your stacks of essence shift up so that you can dick on the enemy carry. And then in the late game you force them into fights more quickly than they can recover and evaporate their lineup with 30+ essence shift stacks.Thanks, yeah you're right, it was an awful pick! We were kinda messing about, I was attempting to do the all hero challenge with Slark and failed miserably when trying to play him properly, so figured I'd just try to support with wards and mek and let the people who know how to carry do their thing(I was in lane with Monkey King)
These sound like great items for Slark, thanks! I'll make a note in case I play with him again![]()
Wow, I didn't realise Underlord had a -40% base damage aura, that's pretty huge. I might encourage someone to play Underlord alongside me because I think with Necro's heals and Underlord's aura, it'd make us very different to kill in team fights.BKB needs to give +80 damage or something. It's the only way carries in my bracket will buy it. Being rooted by Underlord every teamfight isn't enough incentive it seems.
Also is it me or is Underlord ridiculously good atm? -40% base dmg aura seems a bit much.
Thanks, this sounds great, and confirms my suspicion that I was playing Slark all wrongSlark is extremely fun to play when you play him properly. In the early game you basically burst supports down with magic damage from W and Q and use ult to avoid return fire. Mid game you spend your time weaving in and out of fights to regen and get your stacks of essence shift up so that you can dick on the enemy carry. And then in the late game you force them into fights more quickly than they can recover and evaporate their lineup with 30+ essence shift stacks.
Thanks, this sounds great, and confirms my suspicion that I was playing Slark all wrongI'll give it another go, because this sounds like it'd be very effective, and a lot of fun.
Thanks! Sorry if I'm being stupid, but how do I actually watch the replays? It just takes me to the dotabuff page for a particular match.A time consuming but very effective way of learning new heroes is to use to find high mmr matches to watch or to at least glance at their items. Folow the DotaBuff link and copy & paste the match ID under the watch tab in the main client. If you want some extra cringe you can watch a high level player from whatever hero's perspective and then watch your own replay right after, taking notes and comparing the two games. It's a lot of time to spend upfront but it's certainly more efficient than putting in dozens of games otherwise.
Good to know, thanks! I think it's good that root (and as a result things like Rod of Atos) got a buff in this patch.One thing to remember about slark is that all of his instant cast abilities are disabled by root
One thing to remember about slark is that all of his instant cast abilities are disabled by root
My only Slark game in recent memory the other team had a Maiden support and she was fucking my shit up all game. Was this root stuff a 7.0 change? I don't remember her being such a pain in the dick before.
Wow, I didn't realise Underlord had a -40% base damage aura, that's pretty huge. I might encourage someone to play Underlord alongside me because I think with Necro's heals and Underlord's aura, it'd make us very different to kill in team fights.
One thing to remember about slark is that all of his instant cast abilities are disabled by root
you can still cast darkriftpact by rooting, but you cant ulti or leap?
On the DotaBuff page there should be a long string of numbers near the top left of the page. That's the match ID. Copy that number and open the main client. Under the watch tab you should see a section titled replays with a search bar where you can paste the match ID you copied earlier. Once you're in the replay you can choose to watch the game from whatever player's perspective seeing their camera movement and even where their cursor is on screen.Thanks! Sorry if I'm being stupid, but how do I actually watch the replays? It just takes me to the dotabuff page for a particular match.
5 waifus team
2.2kwhat mmr is day9?
With weekly coaching from Purge, great mechanics, a little motivation and considering his obvious ability to break apart and understand a complicated game at a higher level I wouldn't be surprised to see Day9 shoot up to 5k in a year, 4k minimum, with ~ 60% winrate. That's still hundreds of matches to play but definitely doable since Dota is now part of his job and he can easily justify the time sink.
Except he's sort of awful at all things not starcraft. Took him like 2 years to get legend in hs right? I like the guy but watching any of his not-starcraft content has always been painful for me.
With weekly coaching from Purge, great mechanics, a little motivation and considering his obvious ability to break apart and understand a complicated game at a higher level I wouldn't be surprised to see Day9 shoot up to 5k in a year, 4k minimum, with ~ 60% winrate. That's still hundreds of matches to play but definitely doable since Dota is now part of his job and he can easily justify the time sink.