you can still cast dark rift by rooting, but you cant ulti or leap?
dark pact still breaks fiends' grip?????
you can still cast dark rift by rooting, but you cant ulti or leap?
I always thought the fact that was Purgeable was kind of fucked.dark pact still breaks fiends' grip?????
dark pact still breaks fiends' grip?????
but you were never here :thinking:Long War 2 is out, see you nerds
so is the banned smash and his team playing?
do you still need to verify your account and wait a week in order to sell items on the market
afaik you also need to use the mobile authenticator to confirm it otherwise it takes 14 days for the item to go on sale on the market place as well.
Lul dota shit lul 85 minute delay lul
Really screwed up a game yesterday, I was Necrophos up against a Venomancer and died a couple of times. The rest of our team did well, and I recovered - we went from a seemingly winning position to getting absolutely destroyed in a team wipe, and then Venomancer and Terrorblade took down our towers and base before any of us could respawn.
Question is - they both had Manta Style which massively turned the battle, there were illusions everywhere and we couldn't cope with them, nor did I know who to focus with my ulti. I was saving for Radiance, but should I have sold my blink dagger/aghs/mek in order to buy a sheep stick and get rid of the illusions?
Ah I see, thank you! Here's a question though since I've never used it: Let's say there are currently 4 Terrorblade's and 3 Venomancers, if I use sheep stick on one of Terrorblade's illusions:
1) Does it get rid of all of his illusions, and Venomancers too that are within close proximity?
2) Even though I used it on an illusion, will the real Terrorblade get turned into a sheep as all of the other illusions disappear?
You're right that Mjollnir would've been perfect for our carries by the way, our Arc Warden had a Malestrom but wasn't very fed so had little impact, otherwise we had a Lifestealer, a Necrophos (me), a Pudge and a Spirit Breaker - I guess only Lifestealer could've got a Mjollnir from that lineup.
Oh wow, thank you. I would've totally nerfed my hero by selling those items then and I'd still be in the same position as before, desperately trying to figure out which was the real one!
If you're necrophos, then death pulse and ghost shroud seem like they'd be quite good, because the only thing that illusions can do to you through ghost shroud is radiance damage if they happen to have it, and death pulse should do a significant amount of damage to them.Really screwed up a game yesterday, I was Necrophos up against a Venomancer and died a couple of times. The rest of our team did well, and I recovered - we went from a seemingly winning position to getting absolutely destroyed in a team wipe, and then Venomancer and Terrorblade took down our towers and base before any of us could respawn.
Question is - they both had Manta Style which massively turned the battle, there were illusions everywhere and we couldn't cope with them, nor did I know who to focus with my ulti. I was saving for Radiance, but should I have sold my blink dagger/aghs/mek in order to buy a sheep stick and get rid of the illusions?, i've had a number of shitty games the last few days...seems like i can't get into a match without a jackass ruining the fun be it by feeding on purpose (walking to a couple of enemies and all-chat "kill me") or by super weird high ping players. So i've decided to look through updates and there it is... jan 13th update:
"- Matchmaking now considers geographical distance when finding players for your team."
Welp. I live in Brazil and have always played on US East servers. I guess that matchmaking thing renders the server options kinda obsolete. Anyone out there experiencing this crap? Is there a way around this? 10+ years of TF2 taught me an important lesson on general online conduct and general Brazilian player behavior.
Shiva's Guard is very good at controlling illusions and spotting the real one, the armour aura is also good to reduce their damage output. Would have been a better fit for you in your situation.Very interesting, thanks guys. It's hell of a lot of money to spend for someone like me then, who is very prone to using my abilities on illusions by accidentOr worse, just panicking when I'm up against lots of illusions and dying without really doing anything.
The sad thing is, I was building radiance and very close to it before we got wiped - if I had it, it probably would've been a huge help with the illusions, plus it's passive and wouldn't have required me to do much other than focus on staying alive (and keeping myself alive) - not to mention it'd make it easier to identify illusions based on their health drain.
The majority of Russians (or ex-Soviets rather, because how am I supposed to tell which exact country these players are from) I queued with spoke easily sufficient English to have a good enough game of Dota with. I visited my GF's family in 1st world country France last May and couldn't communicate without her help at all despite the education in that country supposedly being levels ahead of Russia. Speaking English (outside of being a native speaker) is a privilege and slamming those who don't is condescending and typical of western arrogance.
Overall, communiciation on EUW servers is pretty good all things considered.
The majority of Russians (or ex-Soviets rather, because how am I supposed to tell which exact country these players are from) I queued with spoke easily sufficient English to have a good enough game of Dota with. I visited my GF's family in 1st world country France last May and couldn't communicate without her help at all despite the education in that country supposedly being levels ahead of Russia. Speaking English (outside of being a native speaker) is a privilege and slamming those who don't is condescending and typical of western arrogance.
Overall, communiciation on EUW servers is pretty good all things considered.
Oh wow, thank you. I would've totally nerfed my hero by selling those items then and I'd still be in the same position as before, desperately trying to figure out which was the real one!
I actually think that communication is way down on the list of things to worry about when solo queuing, top of list being focusing on yourself and reducing the number of mistakes you make. Pretty sure people just point to "they don't speak English!!!" When they kinda just fucking suck themselves.
It's not about being able to speak english to pick EU East. If you don't speak english but you and your computer are in EU East... pick EU East, but don't make everyone else mute you by speaking something none of them understand. If you are with a friend, use a com for your group only, everyone else already know you'r not from EUW by your avatar of a half naked woman anyway, no need to prove it with your chat.There's a EU East and a Russia server for those "unprivileged" people with a computer and internet connection that are unable to speak english.
There's a EU East and a Russia server for those "unprivileged" people with a computer and internet connection that are unable to speak english.
In terms of enjoyment then yes absolutely, but lets be honest, reddit isn't asking for English speakers only for a higher quality game, they're asking for them because the pesky Peruvian menace is preventing them from reaching 5k can be a top priority because it will make games more enjoyable,I would certainly enjoy the games more if I could communicate with my team and decide on a strategy, pings and shit work but certainly not as well.
It's not about being able to speak english to pick EU East. If you don't speak english but you and your computer are in EU East... pick EU East, but don't make everyone else mute you by speaking something none of them understand. If you are with a friend, use a com for your group only, everyone else already know you'r not from EUW by your avatar of a half naked woman anyway, no need to prove it with your chat.
have the decency to communicate in english
In terms of enjoyment then yes absolutely, but lets be honest, reddit isn't asking for English speakers only for a higher quality game, they're asking for them because the pesky Peruvian menace is preventing them from reaching 5k mmr.
The majority of Russians (or ex-Soviets rather, because how am I supposed to tell which exact country these players are from) I queued with spoke easily sufficient English to have a good enough game of Dota with. I visited my GF's family in 1st world country France last May and couldn't communicate without her help at all despite the education in that country supposedly being levels ahead of Russia. Speaking English (outside of being a native speaker) is a privilege and slamming those who don't is condescending and typical of western arrogance.
Overall, communiciation on EUW servers is pretty good all things considered.