Would it make sense to have some condition (other than Alchemist) that allows aghs to stop taking up an inventory space? Like maybe if you buy a special upgrade (like BoT's level 2) that moves it to the buff slot and frees the inventory slot back up. Even if it costs as much as just buying a 2nd Aghs. Reason I wonder is cause I keep seeing all these new Aghs upgrades for core heroes that nobody in their right mind would ever buy because the item slot is so much more valuable than whatever the effect is (like the useless new Medusa Aghs). If there was a way to pay for it to not take a slot at least these things might find some use in super late games where cores are normally 6 slotted. It would still be rare to see cause the game seems to be getting faster and faster lately, but I think seeing a Medusa spend 8k on a buff-slotted Aghs in a 60 minute game would be way way less rare than seeing one ever purchased for 4k and having it use up a valuable item slot.
Is this crazy talk?
What if they make Aghs a consumable ala Moon Shard
So you can keep it in your inventory during the mid game for the stats, but consume it late game for the slots
A hero like Silencer will never want aghs wasting a slot late game, but would love it as a buff
Maybe make it so that you only get +5 all stats on a consumed Aghs, vs the +10 stats and + 175 HP/Mana you get when its in your inventory