storm lost to spectre in the arcana vote
whats the point honestly
oh nice the play dota button got deleted
whats happening valve.
storm lost to spectre in the arcana vote
Just checking in to see how the coop stuff is. Is it worth the cost if your not interested in playing any other dota? of the Fractured Prism
Jumo's are back on the menu boys
What happened that made the price collapse?
Oh for fucks sake how did I never notice this?
Just checking in to see how the coop stuff is. Is it worth the cost if your not interested in playing any other dota?
Tried the COOP mode for a bit this morning and man is it harder than I expected. Ive made it to the first boss a few times but then my party wipes pretty quickly. Are there any good tips I should know about the mode and how to stay alive?
Siltbreaker: Act I: Tips and Strategies MegathreadTried the COOP mode for a bit this morning and man is it harder than I expected. Ive made it to the first boss a few times but then my party wipes pretty quickly. Are there any good tips I should know about the mode and how to stay alive? of the Fractured Prism
Jumo's are back on the menu boys
Notail and Fly are casting on the English stream. of the Fractured Prism
Jumo's are back on the menu boys
Only thing missing at the end here is a "thunk!" at the end.
Yep, that's what happens alright. Surprised the courier was that expensive. And that people were willing to spend that much on it.
Kind of excited for the Epicenter show match tomorrow:
Notail and Fly are casting on the English stream.
Kind of excited for the Epicenter show match tomorrow:
Notail and Fly are casting on the English stream.
And the chest is gone
- Treasure Box item is no longer purchaseable.
Win a tee eye before you talk..Finally. A LAN match Xboct might actually win.
Jesus, the Reddit tournament match threads are so toxic, it's insane. Also, Loda is out of Alliance, at least for this season. Sounds like running the team and also being a player is too much, which makes sense.
I wish Siltbreaker were actually possible to do even decently with randoms. There's really no point to playing unless you have a full party.
siltbreaker is so shit holy fuck
I want to like Siltbreaker so much, but yeah...
It seems like it's actually impossible to play it with pubs, too