Emprise du Lion is the best area in the game, gorgeous snowy environment with many highlights:
The battle towards Suledin's Keep including two giants in close proximity. Then getting to claim it afterwards. It's the best looking keep in the game.
The overarching 'battle' with the Red Templars. You actually feel like the inquisition is putting a significant foothold in the region.
Battling the Templars in the Quarry and although there are fetch quests, they truly feel like they're much less than other areas.
Lots of interesting landmarks like the Tower of Bone.
And of course, the three epic dragon battles.
The overarching 'battle' with the Red Templars. You actually feel like the inquisition is putting a significant foothold in the region.
Battling the Templars in the Quarry and although there are fetch quests, they truly feel like they're much less than other areas.
Lots of interesting landmarks like the Tower of Bone.
And of course, the three epic dragon battles.