man this game is gonna be the death of my 360, playing so much. lol
Doytch said:How I did it:When Flemeth grabs someone - it should be your tank assuming everything is kosher - stun her to drop him and pray you can get a heal off in time.
I sort of freaked out when she grabbed him. Shale's abilities were all on cooldown, I knew my archer stuns didn't work on her from last time, and thought I was screwed. I was desperately hoping that the Stone Fist spell from Wynne would do the trick, and it just barely did!Mindlog said::lol :lol
Exactly what I was going to say. My little warrior guy was making snarky comments about finally facing an enemy that could swallow him whole. Well he got his wish a couple of times.
Doytch said:Hint:How I did it:Positioning is important. Flemeth uses directional attacks so try to keep your tank on one side and everyone else somewhere to her back if they're melee, or far away if they're ranged.Preface, I used Alistair, Shale, Wynne and my archer-spec self. Positioning is important in this fight, because of the directional attacks Flemeth uses. If you're facing the swamp, I put Alistair on the left (house side), and Shale behind Flemeth to get flanking bonus. Those two would take all the damage in the fight. Wynne threw heals around along with def buffs to Alistair, and attack buffs to Shale. I sat back with Wynne on the path (below the little step-up so as to avoid Flemeth's attacks) and debuffed Flemeth and fired high dps, poisoned arrows. When Flemeth grabs someone - it should be your tank assuming everything is kosher - stun her to drop him and pray you can get a heal off in time. I barely did.
knitoe said:Question about Revival spell. Can't seem to get AI to use it when character dies.
Have it set as:
Ally: Any > Revival.
What am I doing wrong?
I don't use him, but I found a good paint and collar in the Mages' Tower. Is he your tank?hermit7 said:Interesting, I am using Dog, and I found that a lot of the damage is above him, almost had her beat til I ran out of potions. I am going to try your strategy a few more times.
Are there any places with some quality Dog items? Looking around a bit but the best I found was off ofThe dragon before Sacred Ashes
It's 3rd on list after self potion and healing. I have notice the character casting lower priority attack spell and ignoring it. Also, just did google search and it seems like people are saying you need to manually use the spell. That sux if true.Alex said:Do you got the priority set right.
Acidote said:Where the hell is the (morrigan-flemeth related quest)...
Grimoire? I ran the damn tower 3 times, only two chests left to open, not enough picklocking yet, hope it's not there.
Doytch said:I don't use him, but I found a good paint and collar in the Mages' Tower. Is he your tank?
corpserot said:Is this High Dragon serious? Sometimes it kills my whole group in seconds on fucking easy mode.
knitoe said:Redcliff quest-line only way to get Blood Mage unlock? I missed it by asking Circle Tower for help.
hermit7 said:Are there any tricks to the Morrigan quest that you found? When ever I am attempting it I get slaughtered really fast.
I don't even get a chance to do much most of the time, I just get either chain knocked down or one shotted by being eaten. This is just fucking absurd.Truant said:Took me a few tries, but Cone of Cold is invaluable. Spam it like crazy, and focus on the crits from Shale or Zavran.
Doytch said::lol Yes! Seriously it was so awesome and I'm totally geeked out on it. I didn't run out of pots, but it was still great. Shifting around Alistair to get the positioning right, throwing off a desperation stun when he's ..... incapacitated (if you get my drift) just in time for him to drop to the ground with single-digit health and scrambling for heals/pots. Just fantastic.
All I know is that had I been using Morrigan instead of Wynne as my caster as I usually do, it would've been impossible. Group Heal and those buffs saved my ass over and over again. Think I'm gonna give Morrigan the healer spec as her second.Sebulon3k said:I finished it with everyone alive but thats mostly because I had Wynne and myself as both support so I had enough healing to go around. It sucked though because I ended up having no pots at the end :lol , I'm going to try the other dragon once I finish satisfying my HoN itch tonight.
knitoe said:Redcliff quest-line only way to get Blood Mage unlock? I missed it by asking Circle Tower for help.
Whatever you do, don't get rid of Shale. Such a fantastic character.Lone_Prodigy said:How useful are you finding the DLC codes (both pre-order and in-game)? I'm thinking about selling some on eBay and getting the Warden's Keep with the proceeds.
More specifically referring to the GS pre-order (Feral Band, Memory Ring), Shale, Blood Dragon, and CE content (Bergen's Honour et. al).
Seiken said:One thing that's really bothering me, making me go "what the fuck were they thinking" are the loading times. And yes, I'm playing on a ridiculous PC and depending on the place I am when I quick load, it usually takes between 15 to 20 seconds to load.
What the heck is going on? I quick loaded in a small inn, I swear, 5x5 meters and it had to load for 15 seconds. What kind of engine are they using, what exactly is it loading? The entire world of Dragon Age every time you quick load?
Jesus, I can't even imagine how long they are on console. Glad I didn't buy it on PS3.
EDIT: On a side note, it takes less than half a second for me to quick load a save in Crysis. So again, what exactly is it loading?
Seiken said:One thing that's really bothering me, making me go "what the fuck were they thinking" are the loading times. And yes, I'm playing on a ridiculous PC and depending on the place I am when I quick load, it usually takes between 15 to 20 seconds to load.
What the heck is going on? I quick loaded in a small inn, I swear, 5x5 meters and it had to load for 15 seconds. What kind of engine are they using, what exactly is it loading? The entire world of Dragon Age every time you quick load?
Jesus, I can't even imagine how long they are on console. Glad I didn't buy it on PS3.
EDIT: On a side note, it takes less than half a second for me to quick load a save in Crysis. So again, what exactly is it loading?
Even Drakensang, which is a fairly low-budget game looked a lot better than this. Not to mention Risen, which beats the environment-graphics so hard it's not even funny.
After going to Circle Tower for help, none of characters you could use will make any deal.dogknight said:So far as I know, Yes, it is the only way.
Actually,when you're making the deal with the demon, you don't need to ask specifically for the knowledge regarding Blood Mage. Even if you ask for the pleasure, you will unlock the Blood Mage, as long as you make the deal with her.
knitoe said:Question about Revival spell. Can't seem to get AI to use it when character dies.
Have it set as:
Ally: Any > Revival.
What am I doing wrong?
Silent Death said:Is it the first slot in you tactics menu?
Zefah said:I haven't had any problems with long loading times, but I have read previously in this thread that some people are getting abnormally long loading times after playing the game for a few hours. Possible memory leak on some hardware? I don't know, but apparently restarting the game fixes. Pain in the ass all the same, though.
I can't thank you guys enough, it's been ridiculous having to wait half a minute each time I quick load and that happens a lot...fizzelopeguss said:either you're exaggerating or you desperately need to defrag your HDD.
Apparently there's also a memory leak after very long play sessions.
knitoe said:No. It's:
1) Self: Health <25% => Potion
2) Ally: Health < 50% => Heal
3) Ally: Any => Revival
I also notice character casting attack spell in 8th slot while ignoring Revival spell.
I'll try that later, but like I said, the character was casting 8th place spell over 3rd place. And, googling it, people are saying you can only use the spell manually. I take it works for you?Silent Death said:You need to set 3) to 1). As you have it now if your character is at <25 or any ally is <50 it will continue to do those until you are not at <25 or an ally <50, then he/she will revive. Put revive first and revive as soon as someone dies then contiue down the list.
Seiken said:I can't thank you guys enough, it's been ridiculous having to wait half a minute each time I quick load and that happens a lot...
I restarted the game, now they're god damn instant. Phew, I can't believe I've pretty much wasted 30 minutes just on loading screens now when I could've just simply restarted the gameStupid 12 hours sessions.
knitoe said:I'll try that later, but like I said, the character was casting 8th place spell over 3rd place. And, googling it, people are saying you can only use the spell manually. I take it works for you?
I just finished it and I don't get the hate. The different forms were fun, and the stat bonuses all over the place was a nice replacement for loot. Is it the graphical effects that makes people hate it?calder said:Lost in Dreams fucking sucks.
Yeah I dunno. I don't get the hate for it either. Reminded me a lot of MotB, also. Maybe if their char was having issues with soloing...but Golem form would've fixed that.Fredescu said:I just finished it and I don't get the hate. The different forms were fun, and the stat bonuses all over the place was a nice replacement for loot. Is it the graphical effects that makes people hate it?
yeah they do, i haven't even used sten, and he's level 14. so yes, everyone levels up.Linkzg said:just curious, but do members not in the current party level up in line with those you use? Alistair fucking sucks except I think it's cool to keep him around for story reasons. For battles, I'm gonna give Sten a try, but I don't want Alistair to be even more shit if I need him later.