rSpooky said:Thread's so big.. search came up with nothing I am stuck withI hope it is not a matter of a bugged quest, but nothing seems to work."entering jarvia's hideout".Am I doing it wrong? Please help.I stare at walls all day but no one comes out.
The Tevinter Mages Robes that you can buy from the store in Denerim look pretty sweet.Wiggum2007 said:Will I get any cooler mage outfits as the game goes on besides the default robes in several slightly different color schemes?
Buy it from weapon vendor in Denerim for 11 gold and have class point(s) from Lvl 7 or 14.avatar299 said:How do you become aBerserker
Y2Kev said:HOLY SHIT the dungeon before theIS LIKE EIGHTY HOURS LONGurn of ashes
Prine said:KOTOR is my favourite game of all time, and MAss Effect is my favourite game this gen. Will i like Dragon Age?
I will buy this tomorow if its anywhere near those 2. Also, how is the story?
I can't believe I missed that reading that dialogue option.knitoe said:Redcliff quest-line only way to get.Blood Mage unlock? I missed it by asking Circle Tower for help
rainking187 said:Just finished my first playthrough, ended up being 35 hours.
Nah. I finished the game at around 40% and I did about as much as I could. Except the character interactions, I ignored a few of them.Slayer-33 said:That means that you skipped a ton of shit right? lol My cousin is 48 hours in and doesn't expect to be done for a while.
U K Narayan said:It's generally accepted that any investment in archery is a waste, correct?
Also, this game is dense. I expect that the entire package will last me awhile. Presentation is top-notch stuff.
Slayer-33 said:That means that you skipped a ton of shit right? lol My cousin is 48 hours in and doesn't expect to be done for a while.
Himuro said:I'm really having trouble with this group of Mubari in Red Cliffe castle. I've tried everything: traps, luring and baiting, poisons, switching Alistair to 1h for stuff like Mighty Blow, and what gets me EVERY TIME is this crazy move called overwhelm where the dog lunges at the target, incapacitates them for a given period while biting their body for big damage.
Things that have knockback also work, like shield bash. Possibly also knockdown abilities as well.Metroidvania said:AFAIK, the only way to get them off early is getting a critical hit on them.
teiresias said:Does anyone have any idea how the PC version would run on a late 2007 24" iMac under Bootcamp? Trying to decide whether to go that route or the PS3.
Not reading all the codex entries several times through and not talking to all the party members all the time. Maybe also lower difficulty._tetsuo_ said:I dont know how yall are getting through this in 35 hours
Bioware decided to flesh out the dwarfs a lot more than anyone else for some reason. I guess also because a lot of the explanations are covered during gameplay unlike the aspects of the human culture which are mainly covered by the codex. Really all in all the dwarven part of the game seems to be the best for some reason.DevelopmentArrested said:Why does the Dwarf main town have 10x as much detail and thought put into it as the others?
bran said:Specs?
The hands on approach is best.Pyke Presco said:while I fiddle with all of Morrigan's buttons.
Himuro said:How do you change your party member's classes?
Himuro said:I'm really having trouble with this group of Mubari in Red Cliffe castle. I've tried everything: traps, luring and baiting, poisons, switching Alistair to 1h for stuff like Mighty Blow, and what gets me EVERY TIME is this crazy move called overwhelm where the dog lunges at the target, incapacitates them for a given period while biting their body for big damage.
U K Narayan said:It's generally accepted that any investment in archery is a waste, correct?
Also, this game is dense. I expect that the entire package will last me awhile. Presentation is top-notch stuff.
Himuro said:I was unable to lure them one by one. How'd you do it? I was in stealth mode, made traps, and tried to lure, and it didn't work.
Kadey said:How obscure is the CE version? I swear I can't find the damn thing online or off. PS3 version btw.
Himuro said:I did that very thing and they all chased me. Huh.
Pyke Presco said:Morrigan just became an arcane warrior and is now wearing better armor than Alistair can use, does more damage in H2H and still levels the room with AoEs and status effects, plus throws out heals. My main character has been relegated to supplementary DPS while I fiddle with all of Morrigan's buttons.
Makes me want to reroll and play a mage instead of a warrior.
Seiken said:was really, really incredible. By far the best thing I've done in DA, it required strategy (constant shape shifting) and a lot of skill.Lost in Dreams
Fucking loved it.
teiresias said:Reposting, since it got lost at the bottom of the last page:
How do people think the PC version would run on a mid-2007 24" iMac?
2.4GHz Core 2 Duo
ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO with 256MB of GDDR3 SDRAM
Deciding between bootcamping it on the imac or just going the PS3 route.