DieH@rd said:I defeated that one, but there is also one in Dalish forset. Urgh, no luck with that one.
You should definitely kill that one... You can start to get some of the best armor in the game from him.
DieH@rd said:I defeated that one, but there is also one in Dalish forset. Urgh, no luck with that one.
nubbe said:It seems like there is a proper order to the main quest...
Elves > Mages > Red Cliffe > ? Thats where I am now
I did Red Cliffe > Mages > Elves
Red Cliffe village assault was fucking hard while the Elves was a breeze![]()
Truant said:Doesn't seem quite right, most people are saying Redcliffe is the first to begin with, the game even suggests you go there first.
Truant said:I can't possibly understand how the game is nearing it's end when I'm just 25% done, at 35 hours. If there's not much else to be done after gathering all the armies, I have no idea what the remaining percentages count towards.
Lime said:There's a bug in one of the side quests in the Circle of Magi. It's the "Watchguard of the Reaching". If you complete the main quest in that area (beyond the Fade), you cannot go back and solve the statue puzzle. At least, I haven't been able to solve it, despite doing the thing in the correct order (ie. getting electric damage).
Woo-Fu said:I had to finish Circle of Mages before I could finish Redcliffe the way I wanted to.
In my opinion, unless your main character is a healer, it might be best to do mage circle first so that you can get Wynne.
Zzoram said:The game completion counter covers all side quests and alternate paths, including every origin.
I've finished 5 origins, with 1 of them carried into Lothering. It says something like 14% completion.
Truant said:Hmm, yeah, too bad. The game is not as big as I hoped, then.
Zzoram said:It seems a good deal bigger than Mass Effect. Are you not doing all the side quests?
Masta_Killah said:Can anyone help me with my tank spec? I'm trying to tank Allister but I don't know which stats I need to put points in. I've been increasing his willpower, strength, and constitution(in that order). Will and Str are both in the mid 20s, with con in the high teens.
Tripwood said:Finaly finished my first playthrough. lvl21, 49% finished (wtf?) and i did all apart from 2-3 sidequests. Played time 49 hours. Man do i need a break.
End game question and spoiler:
Morrigan proposed to have a child that would serve as a host for the Archdeamon. I took that option. Is there even a way to avoid it since i couldn't bother reloading to hear the alternative?
Final fight was fun, but not as diffcult as i expected it.
Great game, i am left craving for more, quests, loot, new lands ... it's the mmo deamon within me forever wanting more.
bran said:How do I fight, when I went there first I wasn't ready and got owned. Now I am, but thethe dragon at the mountain top of Adraste's Urnis no longer there.gong
Truant said:Gong? You just sound the horn you picked up.
Himuro said:So even though I do it in correct sequence it won't tell me I did it in correct sequence?
Himuro said:Not working, and I haven't even entered the Fade yet.
Metroidvania said:Hmm...I did mine post-fade, and it worked just fine.
In fact, isn't the room where the 4th statue is SPOILER:where the sloth demon sends you into the fade in the first place? I.e. you would need to wait until after you've been in the fade in the first place?
Himuro said:No that's on the next floor.
There are plenty of places to visit in the game and lots of people to talk to (there is a bartender you can spend half an hour just talking about rumors with). The game is more focused on combat, story,and individual characters rather than exploration though.Domino Theory said:So how much of an RPG is this game compared to something like Fable and Oblivion in the sense that you can go a bunch of midevil cities and just explore them, look at shops, talk to random folks and go into a civilian's house, etc.? That's what I crave the most so if Dragon Age does something like that, I'll definitely hop on board with this game on BF when it's on sale for $39.99.
Resize it like you would a windowDarkman M said:How is your quick bar that long?
I think there are more endings than that.rainking187 said:I believe the other options for the ending are:She has a child with Alistair, she has a child with Loghain if you let him live, or your character dies.
Coldsnap said:Can someone tell me what happens if you tell Lelina "I think you should go"?
I'm afraid that this will make her leave permanently and if so that is sort of scary because I always press the wrong buttons on accident.
Patryn said:I'm fairly certain that it will make her leave. Every NPC has that option available.
I wish i got a notice for how much xp im getting for finishing sidequests. For a long time early on, they felt pointless except for loot until i finally completed one that leveled a character up. I said "oh!"
Yeah but non of them are as obnoxious as rally. Then you are walking shining beacon of light.Coldsnap said:Buffs show up in NPC cut-scenes, I'm a glowing and sparkling princess running around...
No, but its as close as you will ever get to one. Maybe.PumpkinPie said:Baldurs Gate?
why do people do thisPumpkinPie said:I bought this game on release and still have not played it yet, what's the verdict on it? A worthy successor to Baldurs Gate?
Coldsnap said:So far I've got two complaints:
The beards in this game are weak.
Buffs show up in NPC cut-scenes, I'm a glowing and sparkling princess running around...
Yea it's amazing. You can also use it to scout ahead and reveal targets too. Sleep/Horror makes enemy casters so much easier.Kosma said:Im loving Mograine AOE sleep spell
Son of Godzilla said:Yea it's amazing. You can also use it to scout ahead and reveal targets too. Sleep/Nightmare makes everything so much easier.
Tadale said:About spoiler tags, do you guys mind putting a little introduction to what specific part you're spoiling?
Pretty sure all the giant pictures of shit are doing a fair bit more damage.Zeliard said:Wish people would do this. I don't understand these posts that are spoilers with absolutely no context. You could be spoiling the end of the game, so barely anybody will read what you wrote.
It will reveal the name of anything it's targetting, even if you don't have los or can't cast the spell where you are targetting.How do you use sleep to scout ahead?
Eh, he doesn't need STR. You can get equivalent armor without reaching 38. Ie. Templar Armor. The Blood Dragon stuff isn't even all that amazing. Str is seemingly only useful for damage output and obtaining requirements for armor usage. Stack CON with occasional DEX and STR. He needs to be a damage sponge, not a dps.Krackatoa said:I max strength each level until 38 with the sole intent of being able to stick Alastair in the Blood Dragon Armor as early as possible. Getting him into Massive-type Armour is important for drawing aggro. From there, he needs a tiny bit of Dex to open up some of the other Sword and Shield talents (Not being able to be flanked seems like an important thing to have). The rest I'll be dumping into Constitution and Willpower.
I'm not going to bother with his Templar skills until later, I think.