iam220 said:What's everyones opinion on using 3 spellcasters and sten? I have entered the magi tower like this and so far every encounter has been cake. Although I haven't got too far yet ..
Zeliard said:Soemone pointed this out a while back, but it's awesome how varied the random world map battles are. I haven't had two of them that are the same, in terms of environment and enemy configuration.
That sounds kinda boring to be honest. I like the options I have with Shale, Zevron, Leilana, and my spirit healer/blood mage. Gives me multiple ways of handling most encounters.iam220 said:What's everyones opinion on using 3 spellcasters and sten? I have entered the magi tower like this and so far every encounter has been cake. Although I haven't got too far yet ..
Call the EA customer support or return it to the store for another copy.nelsonroyale said:pc version and is say the Blood armour and Stone prisoner codes that come with the game are not recognized...what is this rubbish?
Any help?
nelsonroyale said:pc version and is say the Blood armour and Stone prisoner codes that come with the game are not recognized...what is this rubbish?
Any help?
nelsonroyale said:pc version and is say the Blood armour and Stone prisoner codes that come with the game are not recognized...what is this rubbish?
Any help?
Number 2 said:i think the one of the best things about the Dwarf Noble one.. is it really gives you a reason and a face to why you need to go back to Orzammar (i keep wanting to say Orgrimmar lol). The Human Noble has a reason but not really a face to put with what happened. Also the unfinished business you have is in Orzammar unlike the Human Noble. i await the day i enter my city once more :lol
BattleMonkey said:I still don't know how you use or access the "tactics" stuff in the PS3 version. Whats up with this?
Anerythristic said:Is there a concensus on who the best mage is? In the early game I actually preferred Wynne in almost a cleric role, healing and buffing three strong melee characters. Was Iincorrect?
Ceebs said:That sounds kinda boring to be honest. I like the options I have with Shale, Zevron, Leilana, and my spirit healer/blood mage. Gives me multiple ways of handling most encounters.
iam220 said:You've got 2 rouges in your party? Interesting ... I'm not sure I'd be able to handle some of the harder encounters like that, unless I bump down the difficulty level.
Mindlog said:It's in the skill or character detail screen. I forget which atm.
Splatt said:I managed to beat the undead army in Redcliffe, but when I got to the castle, a mabari pack ate my party alive. *sigh* I knew I should have played as a frickin warrior... rogue sucks :/
BattleMonkey said:Hmmm been going through the menus all over the place and see no use or place where tactics are or why I spent my starting point on taking extra tactics slot which I can't even figure out how to use.
nelsonroyale said:when redeeming codes...what does 'refresh your wallet ballance in game mean'?
nelsonroyale said:when redeeming codes...what does 'refresh your wallet ballance in game mean'?
BattleMonkey said:Hmmm been going through the menus all over the place and see no use or place where tactics are or why I spent my starting point on taking extra tactics slot which I can't even figure out how to use.
whatevermort said:I'm playing as a rogue that I've essentially gone the warrior-rogue route with, and I have been running a Morrigan/Leilana/Shale party alongside. It's been working out fine, as long as Morrigan's tactics basically make her super aggressive and Leilana knows to spread some healing potions around.
Zzoram said:On PC, Tactics has it's own button at the top beside the Map and Main Menu. I'm not sure how the console UI is, but I would assume that the way you move between Character, Skill, Inventory, Journal, Map would also include Tactics.
Durante said::lol :lol
I just went to my Fraps folder to look for some screenshots and found out that I have over 40GB of DA:O movies. Apparently I pressed the wrong button once while playing yesterday. It's pretty amazing that I didn't even notice any performance degradiation because of that.
GasProblem said:Hmm, I was planning on Alistair, Shale and Morrigan, but Zevran instead of Morrigan sounds nice too. More to think about![]()
Zeliard said:Is anyone here running with a party of Alistair, Shale and Zevran? :lol
Best shit ever.
Peronthious said::lol :lol
DA:O plays pretty nicely with Fraps. I've only noticed the framerate cut in half from a constant 60 to a constant 30, which isn't too bad.
Zzoram said:I'm tempted to have a party of Morrigan, Dog and Shale. Will having the Dog reduce dialogue a lot?
Durante said::lol :lol
I just went to my Fraps folder to look for some screenshots and found out that I have over 40GB of DA:O movies. Apparently I pressed the wrong button once while playing yesterday. It's pretty amazing that I didn't even notice any performance degradiation because of that.
Screaming_Gremlin said:Yeah, I went with Alistair, Morrigan, and Zevran. The inter-party dialog is great.
Zevran: "What are you doing?"
Morrigan: "You mean besides the Grey Warden?"
Warnen said:If you get the DLC when you travel around the world you will get a cut scene that kinda like superman crashing into earth, get the meteor metal left behind. Next take it to the Keep and talk to the black smith, he will make you a 2hand or 1hand sword, think its the best in the game (didn't find any better myself).
Im at 35hrs, and i dont see it ending for another 10hrs at least. Epic game. Shoulder to shoulder with my other GOTY contender Batman:AA.AndyD said:Playing at 1920x1080 with everything maxed out on a 4890 and a quadcore amd with 4gb of ram.
Great funny writing though. Seems semi linear which is good. It will make me go back through a couple of times. How long is the entire game, main quest wise?
Macattk15 said:How do I give Gifts to people? I'm sure this was stated in the instruction manual but it's nowhere near me and I couldn't figure out how to do it by just clicking around. I've right-clicked inside the inventory screen over the gifts and see the gift box thing but it's usually grey-ed out.
Macattk15 said:How do I give Gifts to people? I'm sure this was stated in the instruction manual but it's nowhere near me and I couldn't figure out how to do it by just clicking around. I've right-clicked inside the inventory screen over the gifts and see the gift box thing but it's usually grey-ed out.
DieH@rd said:What DLC? I have WK and SP.
Fakto said:I asked for help tothe dwarfs, elfs, magi and in Red Cliff [not found the medicine for the arl yet]
And now I'm heading to the Capital, how far in the game am I ?