Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Where is the "Diary of a Topsider" quest supposed to take place ? I have no idea, the game's not doing a good job of telling me either.
chandoog said:Besides the incredibly low rez looking armor piece, the faces aren't something to write home about either .. I dunno, they look considerably worse than say, Mass Effect, to me at least.
Rad- said:Adds a storage chest to your camp (made by Bioware dev):
chandoog said:what about us console peasents
i recall them saying something like mods being available on the 360 too .. or something.
SatelliteOfLove said:I will never get used to Dwarves not speaking in brogue here.
BioNut said:Take off all of her armor and then look at her body, horrible. I can do better than that with only a years worth of modeling under my belt. They used male rigs for the female bodies so they could use the same animations for both. This makes the women look out of proportion (look at morrigan from behind, specifically her shoulders).
The face models are pretty good though.
Vustadumas said:Anyone know the easiest way to get my Arcane Warrior talent? I've yet to find a trainer, or just find it adventuring around. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Effect said:Is there a way to have the game pause upon encountering an enemy in the console version?
I've been messing around in the options and haven't seen such an option. I figure in the PC version you can pause things (or have the game pause ala Neverwinter Nights) and then issue commands to each party member and then unpause it. Don't seem to be able to do that in the console version. On the flip side it has forced me to pay more attention to the tactics system though. The defaults worked until now but I've been tweaking them a bit and here and there and so far so good.
Strange that you could have the game do that in KOTOR on the console side and it was on by default I think in that game.
I wonder if I can put the party on full auto and site back and see how they fair. Only annoying thing is that I've ended up having my mage as the healer (me directly controlling him) as no one else seems to heal themselves. Only Morr seem to cast drain to heal herself. I guess I have to swap out something or rework a healing tactic on some of them to change that.
AstroLad said:Is there any way to set it so that the player you control drinks a potion when you reach a certain health level? Tactics doesn't seem to be working unless I'm missing something even though I've got every party member doing it.
Anerythristic said:Do you guys feel you can recover from taking a couple of skills you regret selecting. With my Rogue, I wanted to take combat archery so I can use ranged weapons but then dropped another couple of points into archery for pinning shot and aiming, oops, bad idea.
Yeah, they did a rather good job on the faces but the body models are really bad, with some proportions way off. And they walk like spiders.Wormdundee said:Agree completely. All the female models look horrendous. It's most noticeable on Morrigan since she's wearing the least by default.
The exact opposite of this statement is my opinion. Except the early gen part comment, because that obvious hyperbole.GSG Flash said:I think Mass Effect looks better than Dragon Age in every conceivable category. Dragon Age, honestly, looks like an early this gen game.
AstroLad said:I loved how after killing rats in my first mission my dudes were completely covered like they'd just slain a mastodon
yeah i have the tactic set it just doesn't seem to work on ME (it does on the npcs though). maybe i'm just not giving it enough time....
Aedile said:Making an archery rogue is a very good way to get stuck in the solo portion of the game, at least if you forgot to take 99 health pots. Then again, I didn't put any points in DW.
macfoshizzle said:man this game has been taking over my life lately.. so addictive!
i do have couple questions though.. i'm playing a human rogue.. would it be better to focus my leveling by putting skill points to certain skills rather than spreading it to balance it out(ie fallout 3)?
does anyone know what the level cap is?
slasher_thrasher21 said:Enchantment?...Enchantment!!!!:lol :lol :lol
GSG Flash said:I think Mass Effect looks better than Dragon Age in every conceivable category. Dragon Age, honestly, looks like an early this gen game.
Durante said:Archery is powered up by the hotfix mod available on the bioware social site (made by a bioware dev IIRC). It's the one that also fixes daggers.
Thanks, and this leads to one final question. Is there a visual cue (like in Journeys), or is it known to be a backstab by increased damage alone?Zeliard said:Only rogues can backstab, and you have to be physically behind an opponent within a 120 degree angle. After gaining a certain skill (combat movement), it's 180 degrees. That also gives them a nice boost to flanking attacks in general.
Other classes can't backstab but they do get attack bonuses if they hit someone from behind.
Did you read the notes of that hotfix that says it significantly increases the difficulty of any encounter against archers?Durante said:Archery is powered up by the hotfix mod available on the bioware social site (made by a bioware dev IIRC). It's the one that also fixes daggers.
K.Jack said:Thanks, and this leads to one final question. Is there a visual cue (like in Journeys), or is it known to be a backstab by increased damage alone?
Best just read the notes: said:What changes does it specifically make? Just boost bow/dagger damage?
I did -- to me that seems inherent in powering up archery. Why wouldn't it?Fredescu said:Did you read the notes of that hotfix that says it significantly increases the difficulty of any encounter against archers?
Sure, it makes logical sense. It also makes logical sense not to install the thing because the back alley fights with four or more archers are hard enough as it is, especially when they get scattershot. I assume when they do fix it in a proper patch they will balance out the difficulty, but right now I'm enjoying the challenge enough to not want to mess with it.Durante said:I did -- to me that seems inherent in powering up archery. Why wouldn't it?
Yasser said:who can make armour out of scales? i have some scales in my inventory and the quest but no idea who to see. tried the dwark in denerim market but no option. do i need a certain number of scales or am i talking to the wrong guy?
Well, FWIW I got the opposite "problem" with the PC version. I got all 3 items even though I only unlocked 2.mackloon said:Anyone had problems getting the UNLOCKS from the Dragon Age Journeys Flash game to work in DA:O? I have the PS3 and can't get the first two I have unlocked to port in...? I was debating on playing to get that last unlock, if I am not going to be able to load it up.
Anyone else experiencing this problem?
Yes.slayn said:...wha?
So my rogue dual wielding daggers has been doing way less damage that he was supposed to considering his dex is way higher than strength?
Durante said:I did -- to me that seems inherent in powering up archery. Why wouldn't it?
Wormdundee said:Agree completely. All the female models look horrendous. It's most noticeable on Morrigan since she's wearing the least by default.
Zeliard said:The patch notes basically insinuate that the hotfix isn't recommended if you're playing on Hard or Nightmare due to the boost that enemy archers get in the game and how frequently they outnumber you.
Having said that, I'm gonna install it tonight and see what's up, since I have Zevran now.
Should I level Ranger before Bard then? Those are my archer's two specs and I haven't gotten any of the talents from either.nubbe said:The master ranger pet is pretty awesome. Can take on a dragon on its own with some healing![]()
Wiggum2007 said:Playing as a Dwarf and romancing your party members is the most hilarious thing ever :lol
thanks, i'll have another look aroundKosma said:There is another shop on the market you got to go in.
I just looked around on the Bioware forums and it's a bug. Good God, how did they miss that?!!Slackbladder said:I just played through the Dwarven Noble origin story. Where the hell is all my DLC stuff like the Dragon Armour? Everything's gone whenHow do I get it back?you're put in prison.
Slackbladder said:I just played through the Dwarven Noble origin story. Where the hell is all my DLC stuff like the Dragon Armour? Everything's gone whenHow do I get it back?you're put in prison.