longdi said:why not go straight to the pc one? 360 may be a little better, pc should be infinitely better and alt+tab to neogaf for updates is priceless.
Switched my pre order from 360 to PS3 tonight on the small hope of some mods.
Alphasnake I really honestly believe you are mistaken, to the point that I have totally discounted what you've said.
As a multi console owner for generations there are always differences in ports but there is no way they are releasing a game with massive texture quality issues and studdering frame rate issues. From experience I am not even worried they will be very close they almost always are.
Umm form the vids they look the same to me in the graphics department.
Anerythristic said:RAD-
The way he was talking about the graphics, textures and framerate being so much better. I don't even have to look at the videos, though I did, it doesn't happen that way.
The framerate and textures might be slightly better on 360 and the PS3 has better lighting and other effects, issues like that happens all the time. If he stated Live functionality was better than PSN, OK very possible.
Look at 100 comparison videos on fanboy sites one port or the other is never a total trainwreck :lol
AlphaSnake said:What are you talking about? Nevermind what you wrote is hard to make sense of, but it's still very common to see the PS3 version of a multiplatform game turning out worse in the graphics department. Bayonetta is one such recent example. Borderlands is another. Both games have worse textures, pop-up, and framerates on the PS3 as opposed to the X360.
Anerythristic said:Not true. Here is a great comparison about Borderlands
Off topic I know, but it proves I am not just being difficult. I am not going to argue because I own all both consoles and if anybody can back up what you are saying I will listen.
Edit: It honestly sounds to me like you are completley shell shocked by PS3 port FUD.Though I have heard that Bayonetta has slightly better textures on 360.
Anerythristic said:Not true. Here is a great comparison about Borderlands
Off topic I know, but it proves I am not just being difficult. I am not going to argue because I own all both consoles and if anybody can back up what you are saying I will listen.
Edit: It honestly sounds to me like you are completley shell shocked by PS3 port FUD.Though I have heard that Bayonetta has slightly better textures on 360.
AlphaSnake said:Regardless, I'll tell you what I said earlier on in this thread, if framerates don't bother you as much as they bother me, then you'll still love the PS3 version of Dragon Age dearly. It is truly a fantastic RPG, which is why I refuse to put down my PS3 controller. I'm just saying that I'd love to enjoy the game with a more consistent 30FPS, or at least as close as possible.
There are several different voice sets you can pick from at leastSenorDingDong said:The one annoyance I noticed was the tirade of taunts made by your character and party members. The main character's in particular seemed the most grating. But it's a relatively trivial issue and I'd be surprised if you couldn't just turn them off.
AlphaSnake said:Christ, the framerate is actually beginning to get to me. In the more dense areas, not just the villages/towns, it's reaaallly choppy. I normally can't stand games with framerates like this, but I really, really like Dragon Age's gameplay and story a whole lot, so I've been a bit hooked.
But when that nasty framerate pops up, I try to move myself further away from the TV, so that I don't get a headache from the framerate (this often happens to me).
RPGCrazied said:this the 360 version? so it does run like mass effect? shame![]()
fizzelopeguss said:Well....i guess randy weren't full of shit when he said the pc version was the best. 360 has the pc effects but those textures are horrendous, i mean they actually turned the guns into a blurry mess and that's what the game is all about. PS3 looks like it's missing most of the post process effects. In otherwords...they're both shit.
AlphaSnake said:Regardless, I'll tell you what I said earlier on in this thread, if framerates don't bother you as much as they bother me, then you'll still love the PS3 version of Dragon Age dearly. It is truly a fantastic RPG, which is why I refuse to put down my PS3 controller. I'm just saying that I'd love to enjoy the game with a more consistent 30FPS, or at least as close as possible.
AlphaSnake said:Edit: BTW, Mages are sooo fucking powerful, I love it!
gregor7777 said:Hopefully that puts some of the ps3 guys at ease. Sounds like a shame to miss the game over small visual stuff, if that really is the case.
RPGCrazied said:so its good on 360?
Rad- said:I really don't understand why you would switch to PS3 version. There will be no exclusive mod support, as Bioware said both console versions will be the same content wise.
And he has played the game, we haven't. Why would he lie, he runs a freaking Playstation review site.
Blah, whatever. PC version come to papa.
Aljosa said:I need help determining which version to get: 360 or PC. Here's the specs for my laptop.
Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4200 @ 2.00GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 120M
Hmm, okay. I won't be going higher than 1024x768 anyway, I hope that's good enough for medium with 30fps. If not, I'll just go ahead and purchase the 360 version. It can't be that inferior, I think.Zzoram said:Supposedly the GT 120 is a GeForce 9500 card. That's borderline for max settings on current-gen gaming and it's a tough call. I'd say it depends on the resolution you're going for on PC. 1280x800 is probably going to be fine on medium-high, questionable if AA will be manageable, but 1680x1050 or higher won't be.
That's borderline. If the features of the PC version interest you (mod support, isometric perspective, difficulty, cheaper) then go with that. Just don't expect graphics much better than what the 360 version does.Aljosa said:Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4200 @ 2.00GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 120M
Durante said:That's borderline. If the features of the PC version interest you (mod support, isometric perspective, difficulty, cheaper) then go with that. Just don't expect graphics much better than what the 360 version does.
Zzoram said:Borderline cards are such a tough call. They usually end up only slightly better graphics than console but at least on PC you can always turn down graphics to get a better framerate, which is arguably more important.
PC also gets to zoom out to be almost isometric, if you're a Baldur's Gate 2 fan and want to pretend this is Baldur's Gate 3.
Minsc said:There should be plenty of second hand information next week.
I really wish every new game came with a benchmarking utility, like Capcom's. It's just perfect for seeing what to expect, the character editior is a nice touch, but doesn't fill the same void as a benchmarking program would.
True. Of course, Capcom has one of the most efficient engines out there (in terms of visual "oomph" vs. required performance) so it's unsurprising that they like to show it off.Minsc said:I really wish every new game came with a benchmarking utility, like Capcom's. It's just perfect for seeing what to expect, the character editior is a nice touch, but doesn't fill the same void as a benchmarking program would.
Just for perspective, your GPU has more programmable FLOPs than all of PS3 and 360 combined.Zzoram said:I'm going to go ahead and assume my E8400, 4GB DDR2, HD4870 512MB will run Dragon Age: Origins better than my 360/PS3. If I'm wrong, I'll cry (a little).
Zzoram said:Yeah, or a demo that has a benchmark feature.
I'm going to go ahead and assume my E8400, 4GB DDR2, HD4870 512MB will run Dragon Age: Origins better than my 360/PS3. If I'm wrong, I'll cry (a little).
Deacan said:Ernt Bards more of a support class, use their songs to give the party buffs or disable the enemies.
A bard is something of a curiosity even in the courts of Orlais, where intrigue is as common as silk. Musicians and troubadours, doubling as spies, exploit their access to powerful nobility to glean secrets for employers who are usually nameless even to the bard. The nobles welcome such entertainers with full knowledge that any could be a bard; the thrill of outwitting a spy is a notion the Orlesian aristocracy can hardly resist. Unfortunately, when they finally realize that a master bard has been among them, it is usually too late. Bards use music to soothe hearts and cloud minds; in combat, their abilities to inspire allies and distract foes are legendary. Beyond their music, they are masters of dirty fighting, stealth and larceny.
In other parts of the world, bards are less prominent but no less dangerous. Bards travel wherever secrets have value: in Ferelden, they once played fairs and graced the courts of banns and arls, listening for secrets that could be used to sway the fiercely independent nobility. Outside of Orlais, most traveling entertainers are now merely musicians, but that only makes the spies more difficult to detect.
guidop said:Hype is definitely rising for me. Last week when i bought the game of steam i was mildly interested, now I'm really eager to play it.
Not going to have a physical copy of the manual is going to suck though