AstroLad said:wtf there's nothing on my dlc screen to purchase and the link just seems to explain how to get the dlc in-game which i can't do.... :/ steam version fwiw
for reference:[img]
Try this:
Or section 3.2 here:
Sir Garbageman said:This was originally posted in the Dragon Age Origins: Awakenings Trailers thread but I figured I'll post here anyway. It's a comic of a cut scene that was cut from the final game. End game spoilers so avoid it if you haven't finished the game.Specifically it relates to Morrigan's "offer"
Pretty cool imo.
Thanks. It was the updater service after all. Just starting it didn't work, so I had to restart it while in-game and finally that worked. Silly EA system.Rufus said:Try this:
Or section 3.2 here:
Dragon Age: Origins 1.03
Patch details:
You do not need to download patches prior to Patch 1.03. Downloading Patch 1.03 contains all previous patches. Downloading Patch 1.03 will provide you with all patch data available.
* Various changes have been made to code and resources to support the Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening expansion pack. Most of these changes do not affect Origins itself.
* Some players were experiencing increasingly long load times. A major cause of this problem has been fixed.
* At higher levels, non-player characters now receive a bonus to armor penetration. This mitigates an unintentional imbalance with well-armored high-level characters, since armor penetration previously did not scale as aggressively as armor itself did.
* Elite-rank enemies (lieutenants) can no longer be shattered. This preserves the intended tactical design of many combat encounters.
* Portraits for summoned creatures (like a ranger's wolf) were displaying improperly while in the party camp. This no longer occurs.
Truant said:Are there any good Knock/Open Lock type spell mods for this game? I hate the rogue NPC's in this game, and I'm playing as a warrior now.
cabot said:the expansion is out next week and STILL no RTO for ps3. this is pathetic.
Edgeward said:RTO for the ps3 is out this thursday.
Sir Garbageman said:That stinks but from what I've heard you're not missing too much.
epmode said:Isn't there a demo? The game seems to run very well IMO.
Try this:Ledsen said:No there's no demo, GAF is my only hope![]()
I have a 4870 which I believe outclasses the 5650, my experience with the game is an odd one. When the game runs good, it runs great, but on some systems there's a memory leak or something and the game gets slower and slower until I'm finishing whole cigarettes and using the bathroom in between load screens and large battles turn into slide shows.Ledsen said:Hey there Dragon Age-GAF! I want to buy this game, but I need to know how it'll run on my machine. I just bought a new laptop with a HD5650, it's good for a laptop but laughable by desktop standards (I get about 6500-7000 in 3dmark06). What I want to know is what game you would compare this to in terms of hardware demands. Does it better or worse (fps wise) than a somewhat poorly coded game like say, The Witcher? Or is it more optimized, a la Left 4 Dead 2?
It was mentioned in one of EA's sales reports or something.. dont know if its a direct sequel though.Macstorm said:So just opened Awakening and there's an insert with a red dragon and the date 02.01.2011 (a Tuesday). Sequel release date confirmed?
i believe ps3 version is download only... not sure for 360Pankaks said:Hrm, so Awakenings isn't showing up in GameFly's listing =/.
Macstorm said:So just opened Awakening and there's an insert with a red dragon and the date 02.01.2011 (a Tuesday). Sequel release date confirmed?
Relix said:Wait... fuck... Awakening is out/!??!
Macstorm said:So just opened Awakening and there's an insert with a red dragon and the date 02.01.2011 (a Tuesday). Sequel release date confirmed?
steadfast said:Or another expansion. Giving a firm release date this far out for a full-blown sequel would seem borderline irresponsible.
Trickster said:I bought the digital deluxe edition of this game on steam yesterday after a lot of nudging by a friend. So far it seems a lot better than the impressions I had of it beforehand, which is a nice surprise.
However i'm wondering if I'm the only one that feel the difficulty in this game is quite high? I made a warrior that I'm speccing to be a tank type character, but so far ( lvl 6 ) she is getting destroyed by pretty much everything even though I'm only playing on normal :/
Also, wondering if anyone could tell me how I'm supposed to get access to the bonus items and the stone prisoner dlc pack I aparently should have gotten for a free when I bought it, so far I can't seem to figure out where I'm supposed to get the items, and the only way I can see of getting access to the dlc pack is by buying it for 1200 bioware points
It's weird because warriors get chewed up pretty easily unless you follow a very particular build to make them tanks... Sink all of your points into sword + shield passive skills after you've picked up Threaten. 2H swords and dual wielding simply don't have the skills to allow your warrior to take damage.Trickster said:However i'm wondering if I'm the only one that feel the difficulty in this game is quite high? I made a warrior that I'm speccing to be a tank type character, but so far ( lvl 6 ) she is getting destroyed by pretty much everything even though I'm only playing on normal :/
EatChildren said:So I thought before I got into the meat of the game I'd try to get as much of the DLC (legitimately) as possible. Quickly gave up on that one.
I feel so, so sorry for anybody who wanted all the DLC. I thought Mass Effect 2 was bad, but holy fuck did BioWare rape consumers with this one.
WaltJay said:Awakenings requires DA:Origins right? So what does the Awakenings retail disc do? Just install the content similar to Shivering Isles, and then you start up the game with DA:O?
cubanb said:Tomorrow I am going to buy either Dragon age or final fantasy XIII.
Which one should I go for? Dragon is age only $5 cheaper used.
I need a good story or I lose interest. I mostly play sports games nowadays. I haven't really finished a game all the way since Knights of the Old Republic. I LOVED THAT GAME. I used to play some of the final fantasy games on the snes and liked them, but I can't remember if I enjoyed the story. I recently tried fallout 3 and the world felt a little too open to where I couldn't decide what to do next. I prefer combat systems that don't involve too much manual targeting like in fallout 3. Which is why I used to enjoy final fantasy's turn based and KOTORS round based combat.
Kadey said:Oh, I loved how the different origins actually tie in together.Like if you're playing anybody other than the dwarf commoner, you'll see his body in the prison next to his buddy with the braids.
Can you elaborate? I have no idea what you are talking aboutHadesGigas said:You don't want to buy Dragon Age used. You'll miss out on Shale, who is a fun character to have around.
:lol I'm at Lv. 13, I'm no where near that much.Kadey said:What's the most damage you've done? Anybody get in the thousands? I noticed Mana Clash does a huge number on mages. I basically killed that one blood mage in one hit because of it.
cubanb said:Can you elaborate? I have no idea what you are talking about
Shale is female.hateradio said:I wouldn't say Shale is that interesting, I actually found him annoying, aha. He's most definitely not worth $15, so the code is alright.
WaltJay said:Awakenings requires DA:Origins right? So what does the Awakenings retail disc do? Just install the content similar to Shivering Isles, and then you start up the game with DA:O?
"Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is a standalone expansion, meaning that ownership of the original Dragon Age: Origins game is not necessary for play."