Got 360 and PC versions here in Toronto. As soon as baseball game ends, Ill try em out and post impressions of each if anybody cares. Also the PS3 versions was out, not delayed btw.
Thanks, I think that confirmed that I'll go with a rogue for the dialog options. It looks like there may be some conversation options for other attributes, but the coercion skill which is influenced by Strength and Cunning is better to use as a Rogue or Warrior.MirageDwarf said:Just in case if anybody likes to read manuals:
Manual said:Strength
Greater strength increases the base damage from all weapons except crossbows and mages staves, and,
along with dexterity, determines whether a melee attack is successful. Consequently, strength is particularly
important for warriors and rogues, although mages who use melee weapons also find it essential. Great
strength is required to wield two-handed weapons or wear heavy armor. Strength also contributes to a
characters physical resistance and influences the intimidation side of the Coercion skill.
As the primary component of a characters defense score, dexterity helps sidestep attacks entirely. Along with
strength, dexterity also contributes to the melee attack score, which determines whether a swing connects
with its target. For ranged weapons, dexterity is the only attribute that contributes to the attack score. Greater
dexterity also increases the damage inflicted by piercing weapons like daggers and arrows, since the character
is able to maneuver the weapons tip more deftly. Finally, dexterity contributes to physical resistance and is a
prerequisite for some weapon talents. This attribute is most important for warriors and rogues.
Willpower affects the size of the pool of mana or stamina that a character can draw from to power spells
or talents. This makes it essential for mages, but also very helpful for warriors or rogues who use talents
frequently. Willpower also contributes to a characters mental resistance.
Unsurprisingly, mages gain the most benefit from a high magic attribute; the magic attributes modifier
determines the mages spellpower, which in turn governs the magnitude of a spells effect, including damage.
For characters of all classes, the magic attribute also increases the effectiveness of healing poultices, potions,
and salves. A high magic score is required to wield high-level staves or learn certain spells. Magic also
contributes to mental resistance.
Characters cannot learn advanced skills unless they possess great cunning, so this attribute is useful for
any character who wishes to use skills effectively. It is doubly important for rogues, since many of their
class-specific talents are greatly improved by high cunning. Cunning helps characters identify weaknesses in
opponents armor, increasing the armor penetration score, and also contributes to mental resistance and the
persuasion side of Coercion.
Every point in constitution increases a characters health score, allowing more damage before the character
falls on the battlefield. It is thus important for all characters on the front lines of combat. Constitution also
contributes to physical resistance.
Manual said:Conversation
Some conversations start by themselveslike at the beginning of your background storybut most of the
time, you need to approach other characters for help or information. (Dont forget to talk to your own party
membersthey might know more than you think.) If a speech-bubble icon appears when you mouse over
a character, just right-click to begin conversation. Whenever its your characters turn to speak, youll have
several options for what to say. Click on the line you prefer or press the corresponding number key. Choose
carefully: the vastly different outcomes of certain choices may not be evident until much later in the game.
Some player lines begin with (Persuade) or another prefix. If your skill is sufficient, the character youre
talking to will bend to your logic, but if you fail, you might find yourself in a worse position than you were
before. Persuade lines depend on your characters rank in Coercion and the cunning attribute.
Intimidation is the flip side of persuasion: it still depends on the Coercion skill, but is influenced by your
characters strength attribute rather than cunning. There are fewer opportunities for intimidation than there
are for persuasion, but the results can be more dramatic. As with persuasion, the price for failing an intimidate
check can be steep.
Other Attribute Checks
Some other special lines check your characters attribute scores. For example, you might see a line prefixed
(Cunning) where your character displays unique insight. If your attribute is high enough for the situation, other
characters will respond favorably; if not, they might think less of you.
TheFallen said:Think I may go Human Noble Warrior (Reaver) from the start. The two specializations idea sounds crazy. With the way it seems set up from the wiki, I am worried that I may end up with this retarded character who's only spread thin across his talents. Doesn't help that there's no respec. Guess I will have to wait and see.
jcm said:I think they may just be low on product. I ordered mine a while ago.
I would be angry at you if I didn't have it on steam and had a busy day tomorrow.DevelopmentArrested said:Got 360 and PC versions here in Toronto. As soon as baseball game ends, Ill try em out and post impressions of each if anybody cares. Also the PS3 versions was out, not delayed btw.
I suppose that does make sense too, Rogues should have the most options for conversations. They are sly bitches.Fredescu said:Thanks, I think that confirmed that I'll go with a rogue for the dialog options. It looks like there may be some conversation options for other attributes, but the coercion skill which is influenced by Strength and Cunning is better to use as a Rogue or Warrior.
Yeah I thought so too. Once I disabled that frame-buffer box the game went into awesome mode. I'm trying to get a screenshot but print screen isn't doing it for some reason.Zzoram said:I'm sure DA:O will run on your 4350 on medium-low as well. Some guy said his 4570 runs it on High at 1920x1200 (but not Very High), which sounds almost too good to be true.
frapsSanjuroTsubaki said:Yeah I thought so too. Once I disabled that frame-buffer box the game went into awesome mode. I'm trying to get a screenshot but print screen isn't doing it for some reason.
Fredescu said:Thanks, I think that confirmed that I'll go with a rogue for the dialog options. It looks like there may be some conversation options for other attributes, but the coercion skill which is influenced by Strength and Cunning is better to use as a Rogue or Warrior.
DeadGzuz said:How is the 360 pad support on the PC? I cannot do K&M anymore![]()
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Ah, it went into a BioWare folder in documents. Here is a shot I took at the beginning.
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Ah, it went into a BioWare folder in documents. Here is a shot I took at the beginning.
Zeliard said:So you getbasically right off the bat?Dog
Pretty much. Standard opening to a RPG.Zeliard said:So you getbasically right off the bat?Dog
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Ah, it went into a BioWare folder in documents. Here is a shot I took at the beginning.
If someone could direct me to a command to view it that would be great. It isn't choppy at all, only thing I could say happens is I get a hiccup say I'm walking down a hallway and enters a cutscene. Nothing annoying though.Zzoram said:That looks pretty good. How is your framerate?
MirageDwarf said:You know what is even more awesome? Amazon's pre-order price guarantee is up to midnight of release day. If Amazon drops price temporarily to scoop up more sales, you will get lower price automatically.
SanjuroTsubaki said:If someone could direct me to a command to view it that would be great. It isn't choppy at all, only thing I could say happens is I get a hiccup say I'm walking down a hallway and enters a cutscene. Nothing annoying though.
SanjuroTsubaki said:Pretty much. Standard opening to a RPG.
Well here is my SON!
Go speak to your mother!
-Mikey- said:What gfx card do you have Sanjuro?
-Mikey- said:What gfx card do you have Sanjuro?
hyduK said:Hm.
Running an E5200, 9800GT, 2GB. If I upgrade to 4GB of RAM do you guys think it will run decently (don't really care if it's on low-medium settings, I just can't see myself playing this on 360).
W7 btw.
bathala said:eh u need 38 strength to wear the Dragon Armor
frapsSanjuroTsubaki said:If someone could direct me to a command to view it that would be great. It isn't choppy at all, only thing I could say happens is I get a hiccup say I'm walking down a hallway and enters a cutscene. Nothing annoying though.
Thanks, I'll pick this up for PC tomorrow then.Zzoram said:It'll probably run well even with 2GB of RAM, but 4GB can't hurt. If you're too low on RAM, you'll suffer from stuttering, which isn't a drop in framerate but actually loading hitches as you traverse levels because the game will use your HDD to swap stuff into RAM and the HDD is slower than RAM. You're unlikely to get stuttering at 2GB of RAM but many games do it if you have 1GB.
Anticitizen One said:Any differences between the ps3 and 360 versions? (graphics, framerate, features, etc.)
hyduK said:Thanks, I'll pick this up for PC tomorrow then.![]()
Damn, I just thought you wanted to take me out for some ice cream.eznark said:fraps
2.4 Core 2 Duo.Snapshot King said:Yo Sanjuro, whats your CPU?
SanjuroTsubaki said:Damn, I just thought you wanted to take me out for some ice cream.
I downloaded the fraps, according to that I'm getting 28-30 fps with the BG2 view and from the third person view I get around 25-26fps.
I also have a bunch of programs running so not sure on the effects, but it is running smooth enough to make me happy.
Should run fine already. Higher than low-medium probably.hyduK said:Hm.
Running an E5200, 9800GT, 2GB. If I upgrade to 4GB of RAM do you guys think it will run decently (don't really care if it's on low-medium settings, I just can't see myself playing this on 360).
W7 btw.
Dipper145 said:Should run fine already. Higher than low-medium probably.
Pretty much the same, with no AA, frame-buffering option, and a lower fullscreen resolution.Snapshot King said:Hate to bug you some more, but when you loaded the game up, what settings did the graphics default to?
Dipper145 said:Should run fine already. Higher than low-medium probably.
I think I'm going to be getting this for the PC since if the 4570 can run it good enough, my computer should be able to handle it just about as good.
If you are going for Warrior Mage then maybe its better to put points into cunning or dexterity or something like that. Because the only thing strength will give you is intimidation and a physical defense buff.Zeliard said:I want my Mage to have some melee abilities so I'll probably sink some points into Strength, which modifies intimidation. Guess I'll find out how much influence it has on a non-warrior class.
Yeah I agree, but I don't want to say that, and then he gets it and it doesn't run as good because this High on 4570 is some sort of weird miracle, and then he gets mad.Zzoram said::lol
He'll probably max it if the other guy is getting 30fps on High with a 4570.
Well I checked the benchmarks for the 4570 mobility. And It's benchmarks on Crysis is comparable to what I get on my x1950 pro, except I play at a higher resolution. I know this doesn't translate to every game evenly, but it's a good enough for me. I'd rather play it on PC anyway. If I can somehow finagle medium at any resolution I'll be a happy camper.Zzoram said:What does your PC have?
Dipper145 said:Yeah I agree, but I don't want to say that, and then he gets it and it doesn't run as good because this High on 4570 is some sort of weird miracle, and then he gets mad.
I'm going to bite the bullet and buy it right now actually off steam.
Minsc said:And what's even less known, Amazon's 30-day price protection guarantee. If the said price drops any time within 30 days of your initial purchase, Amazon refunds the difference. Not automatically though. I've succeeded in getting $15 back on a $30 purchase that fell to $15 a week later with a simple phone call.