I don't think the colored manga looks good.
I just realized that power level doesn't equate to speed like so many believe because if that was the case, Super Trunks wouldn't have been so slow, Goku wouldn't have called the form incomplete (yet it being more powerful), and Cell's demonstration of it even though the power matched, still didn't match his speed.
They weren't really using power levels as a metric in Cell Saga, were they?
They didn't mention specific numbers, but they mentioned how Super Trunks caught up to Perfect Cell in power but couldn't match his speed. So yes.
I assumed when you said power level you meant the numerical ratings on scouters.
Refresh my memory:
Why couldn't Future Trunks, in his own timeline, just use the Earth or the Namekian dragonballs to wish Goku back after he died from heart disease? Or to cure Goku of the heart disease?
They should totally do a movie set in the future timeline when Goku comes back to kill Freeza and his dad.
Piccolo was already dead by that time which made Earth's Dragon Balls go kerplunk (and he didn't know about Dende or anyone else who could potentially become a new guardian).
Refresh my memory:
Why couldn't Future Trunks, in his own timeline, just use the Earth or the Namekian dragonballs to wish Goku back after he died from heart disease? Or to cure Goku of the heart disease?
They should totally do a movie set in the future timeline when Goku comes back to kill Freeza and his dad.
Refresh my memory:
Why couldn't Future Trunks, in his own timeline, just use the Earth or the Namekian dragonballs to wish Goku back after he died from heart disease? Or to cure Goku of the heart disease?
They should totally do a movie set in the future timeline when Goku comes back to kill Freeza and his dad.
Why couldn't they use the Namekian balls? The same strategy they did the last time Piccolo died? They didn't know where New Namek was?
I think in the future timeline, Goku & co had been dead for (well) over a year.
I've been re-watching the original dragonball anime, up to episode 120. I do this every few years, love it.
That was a limitation on the Namekian balls? I don't remember that.
Dragon Ball is timeless. I've just finished Dragon Ball and I'm starting Fist of the North Star right now. Both came where on TV at about the same time according to Wikipedia (84 FotNS / 86 DB), and the quality of Dragon Ball is just outstanding by comparison. There's so much more variety in every aspect. I love both but DB is on another level.
They didn't mention specific numbers, but they mentioned how Super Trunks caught up to Perfect Cell in power but couldn't match his speed. So yes.
Something has been bothering me.
Picollo Jr in the original dragonball went from being a wee nipper to late teens early 20s, in 3 years.
Dende didn't age the same way.
Interesting. We've known that ocean has been up to something, so if this is it, that's really cool. Maybe they go through the whole series?Holy. Fucking. Shit.
and the american theme i guess
Colored manga is out in Japan. Should be out in English today too via Viz's digital service.
Kanzenshuu has some comparison pics:
Colored page vs. original black and white:
Newly colored page (top) vs. original colored page (bottom):
I think they look pretty fuckin' good.
Kanzenshuu has a whole write up about them. Check it out.
Haven't been following much DB series news so if someone could clarify a few things
1- When is the new DB(Z) movie getting released in japan?
2- What's the latest update on the post Cell episodes getting the 'Kai' treatment?
viz why are you trolling us
what did we do to deserve this
why do you suck
viz why are you trolling us
what did we do to deserve this
why do you suck[/QUOTE]
Viz are teaming up with Capcom/Ninja Theory to give you the feel of the kanzenban.
Supposedly there's a new form in the film.
Goku transforms into Super Saiyan God.
Sounds like something on a Geocities fan website in 1999.
NOTE: The chapter appears to tell the story from the early part of the upcoming movie, weaving together bits and pieces we have seen from the various trailers and promotional materials. Those wishing to avoid more detailed spoilers may wish to stop reading, though it is likely that events in the SD version will differ at least slightly from the theatrical version.
The story begins on Kaiō-samas planet with him, Goku and Bubbles. Kaiō becomes extremely agitated when he senses Birusus awakening. Goku asks him whats up, and Kaiō describes him using the narration from the first trailer for the movie. Kaiō stammers out Birusus name as he realizes the God of Destruction is standing right behind him (not the lanky blue guy that Goku thought, who is actually Birusus attendant), and proceeds to go into obsequious-mode as Birusu says it has been a while since they last met. Birusu is here, however, because he has business with the Saiyan.
The God of Destruction tells Goku of the prophetic dream about Super Saiyan God, but Goku says he has only heard of plain old Super Saiyan. Kaiō has not heard of it, either. Birusu decides to leave (at Uisus suggestion) to inquire with the Saiyan Prince on a planet called Earth, but before he leaves, he accedes to Gokus request to fight with him, since Goku heard hes super-duper strong. The God tells Goku to come at him with his full power. Goku revs up to Super Saiyan 3. Uisu is mildly impressed, and Birusu instructs Goku to come at him Goku is surprised they are not taken aback. Goku comes flying in with a punch, and there is a large explosion but when the smoke clears, the God is effortlessly holding Gokus fist in his hand. Birusu flicks Goku in the forehead, sending him tumbling around Kaiōs planet.
Birusu goes off to Earth to visit Vegeta, while Goku is down for the count, and Kaiō stands there with Bubbles, mouth agape, though he snaps out of it when he realizes he needs to warn Vegeta.
Back on Earth, everyone is gathered at Capsule Corporation for Bulmas birthday party. Kuririn asks how old she is, but she retorts with a Shut up! while Vegeta mutters that it is the same lousy thing every single year. She eventually answers, in SD, Im always a youthful 16!!! Kuririn protests that, if that were the case, he would only be 13! Kaiō telepathically contacts Vegeta to explain the situation, and notes that whatever he does, he must not anger Birusu, lest he destroy not only the Earth, but the entire galaxy.
Vegeta is suitably freaked out, not least because of all the happy people enjoying themselves around him. As Kuririn plays with his daughter, Piccolo sings karaoke (much to the dismay of Goten and Trunks), and everyone toasts to Bulmas good health, Vegeta looks over (eyes bugging out) to notice Birusu lounging on a deck chair across the way. Kaiō was not exaggerating: Birusu is indeed a big deal. The chapter closes on Birusu asking Vegeta about Super Saiyan God, and Vegeta repeating the words back at him. The ending narration says you will have to see the rest with your own eyes at the movie theater!
So Kai Boo saga stuff:
The music will be new, not Kikuchi reuse. The music won't be composed by Takaki Hiroshi (Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans and Episode of Bardock).