The VHS cases forming images saga by saga was so awesome
Yeah, the Orange Bricks forms Shenron when put together, and the Dragon Boxes form Goku/Gohan when put together. Looks awesome.
The VHS cases forming images saga by saga was so awesome
The VHS cases forming images saga by saga was so awesome
Doesn't the Destructo Disk take awhile to do?
No, it's pretty quick to form, but it has to be thrown and not "shot" like the beam-spammers. So it's slightly slower.
Really, Krillin should have been able to take out a lot of villains but he suffered from comic sidekick syndrome.
Toriyama Interview
Speaking of women who fight, there is No. 18.
Ah, thats right. No. 18 becomes Kuririns wife in the end.
Ah, I was surprised at that, too! All the voice actors wondered, Why did she choose Kuririn? (laughs)
Kuririn was originally supposed to be just a minor role, so to have him become Gokus best friend in the blink of an eye
Well, he is the strongest Earthling male.
Youre right, he is the strongest among the Earthlings. But in spite of that, he tends to end up in a bad way, so I thought, once in a while, I have to let him be happy, and had him get married. (laughs)
Well, you just have to wonder at what point in the series Krillin is regarded as stronger than Tien. I reckon he's probably strongest up till he marries 18 and retires from fighting at the end of the Cell saga, after which Tien keeps training (superfluously as he can't compare to any saiyan/namekian) up till the end of the show.
Did Tien body berter and jeice in the manga?
I'm pretty sure Krillin can solar flare everyone too and do blindside discs.
Destructo Disc didn't even tickle Perfect Cell.
I just realized that the proficient solar flare users are bald
Also if it was Yamcha or Tienshinhan who replaced Krillin during their Namek Dragon Ball search arc, how would it fare?
Goku does solar flare in the original dragon ball.
Hmm, forgot about that. But is he proficient?
Also does Roshi use solar flare too?
"The uploader has not made this video available in your country."
Because the one thing you really have to region lock is promotional material, Funi.
Yeah, I've no interest in buying it either (more than happy with my Dragon Boxes) just wanted to see the trailer. Somebody else will upload it sooner or later, I imagine.
I gave my brother our old Dead Zone DVD when I got the double packs, so that's always there if I want to nostalgia a little. I'd actually probably buy a cheap triple pack of the original dubs of the first three movies.
If we are going by filler it can be argued Yamcha is stronger than Cell, so I'm pretty sure Yamcha is the strongest human in the anime.
Also, I just realized Goku married the strongest female human! Never thought about that.
Oh yeah, the filler had him beating up on Olibu at the Grand Kai's place when Buu showed up, right? The same guy that exchanged blows with Pikkon, who one shotted cell. LOL
So watching DBZ Abridged's new ep...
...Senzu beans can recover flesh and organs too?
Oh yeah, the filler had him beating up on Olibu at the Grand Kai's place when Buu showed up, right? The same guy that exchanged blows with Pikkon, who one shotted cell. LOL
Filler is all contradictory stuff anyways.
But you could argue that Yamcha and Krillin were able to train way better in the afterlife than when alive.
.... it was like 6 hours after they died.
.... it was like 6 hours after they died.
Fans in the West pick the Top 10 fights in the series:
10: Gohan Vs. Buu
09: Baby Gohan Vs. Vegeta
08: Trunks Vs. Freeza
07: Super Buu Vs. Super Vegeta (They spelled Vegito wrong.)
06: Goku Vs. Fat Buu
05: Goku and Vegeta Vs. Meta Cooler
04: Gohan Vs. Cell
03: Gohan Vs. Broly
02: Vegito Vs. Buu
01: SS4 Gogeta Vs. Omega Shenron
FUNimations high definition, remastered Blu-ray release of the Dragon Ball Z TV series lasted all of two volumes and about six months between original announcement and a release hiatus/suspension.
The company has mostly avoided talking about continuing the series in such a format since then, falling back on promoting the (cropped/widescreen) orange brick season sets originally released from 2007-2009 after completing the Dragon Box run and working on the refreshed Dragon Ball Kai TV series.
Today, FUNimation launched a new survey asking fans about their purchase history with the franchise and continuing with a new Blu-ray release, which would tentatively span nine volumes (similar to the DVD bricks) and cost $44.98.
Perhaps most interestingly, the company is specifically asking about aspect ratio preferences:
While the orange brick sets were cropped to 16:9 removing approximately 20% of the original picture, FUNimations Level Blu-ray sets remained in their original 4:3 aspect ratio. FUNimation also released Dragon Ball Kai on both Blu-ray and DVD in its original 4:3 production aspect ratio.
FUNimations question about which year you started watching the series starts with 1996, the year that FUNimation themselves began airing their dub of Dragon Ball Z in syndication.
Visitors of Kanzenshuu that select a 16:9 preferred viewing option for a 4:3 original production will be considered non-canonical readers and will promptly be shot out of a cannon.
Here we go again ...
Here we go again ...
The Superman movie was what the Dragonball Z movie should have been.
Replace Zod with Vegeta and you could do a Saiyan movie.
Would the "human life" parts be the same?
So me and my fiancee just finished watching all of Dragonball. She had never seen it before so we started from the beginning and went all the way though to GT.
I just don't get the GT hate, I never watched it after Z because I kept hearing how its the most horrible thing ever, but you know what its not that bad. Is it as good as DB and DBZ, no, but I enjoyed it. Feel stupid for avoiding it all those years.