Wait, DBO isn't getting success?
But the crazy hand waves make it more fun!I hate to admit it but I really like the BSness of the Shenron wish during the Frieza saga for many many reasons.
1. It hasn't been even close to a year since Shenron was last called.
2. Guru/Grand Elder died of natural causes.
3. If they were going to do that much nonsense they easily could have included everyone killed by Vegeta/Nappa just by saying everyone killed by Frieza, his goons, and the Saiyans.
But the crazy hand waves make it more fun!
1. Piccolo/Kami dying reset the timer
2. Guru's death was accelerated by minutes/hours due to Frieza's actions on Namek
3. Nobody really cares about Tien, Chiaotzu or Yamcha.
I hate to admit it but I really like the BSness of the Shenron wish during the Frieza saga for many many reasons.
1. It hasn't been even close to a year since Shenron was last called.
2. Guru/Grand Elder died of natural causes.
3. If they were going to do that much nonsense they easily could have included everyone killed by Vegeta/Nappa just by saying everyone killed by Frieza, his goons, and the Saiyans.
After seeing Man of Steel I need a proper DBZ movie.
Evolution was a disgrace.
Evolution feels like an attempt at telling Dragon Ball, but afraid that the Western audience wouldn't get it because they only know of Z, so added Super Saiyan in it.
I hate to admit it but I really like the BSness of the Shenron wish during the Frieza saga for many many reasons.
1. It hasn't been even close to a year since Shenron was last called.
2. Guru/Grand Elder died of natural causes.
3. If they were going to do that much nonsense they easily could have included everyone killed by Vegeta/Nappa just by saying everyone killed by Frieza, his goons, and the Saiyans.
I can't believe I've missed this thread, as well as news on this new DB movie. Wow, Battle of the Gods, after reading the wiki on it, looks bananas.
Also, for the record, I'm not ever touching Kai. EVER! I resent the idea of the studios producing a "version" of one of the greatest anime of all time, that is cut, condensed, edited or watered down in any way. To cut scenes from DragonBall Z, even if they're only considered filler, is absolute SACRILEGE and Toei should be ashamed of themselves!![]()
What was the last end with spiky hair and glowy aura?Except there's no Super Saiyan in Evolution?
1. Frieza's new dub voice sucks
What was the last end with spiky hair and glowy aura?
Hold on, does Dragon Ball never cover Trunks having/not having a tail???
Kai version of Cyborg Frieza is really good and well paced.
EDIT: Hold on, does Dragon Ball never cover Trunks having/not having a tail???
Well what, the voice is bad.
Oh and Popo has a teleporting carpet, why didn't he give that to Goku when he was looking for Nappa & Vegeta?
The Ozaru?
Wait, it was referred as the Oozaru? Doesn't the oozaru involve becoming a giant ape?
Man the cornucopia of fuck ups by the good guys during the Android saga are countless.
Baby Trunks had more reason to be there than Yamcha and Tien.Yeah, I was thought it was a huge what the fuck moment that Bulma was willing to show up to the Android battle with a baby.
And people criticize Chi-Chi's mothering skills.
Baby Trunks had more reason to be there than Yamcha and Tien.
Baby Trunks had more reason to be there than Yamcha and Tien.
Yamcha also stays the fuck away from the second fight after getting fisted.
If you say so.
Well it's because he had taken Goku to his house by the time the Z Fighters fight the second batch of Androids. Krillin's the one who pussied out in that saga.
It's going to suck going back to regular DBZ for the Buu Saga. At least I'll have glorious old school butt rock to give me solace.
Funi Dub>Japanese Freiza>Kai Dub>Ocean Group dub is my Frieza ranking.
You really think grandma Frieza is the best?
Frieza's supposed to sound like a nobleman that, despite all appearances, is a psychopathic galactic dictator. Not like Rita Repulsa with lung cancer.
Why aren't there any collections for us europeans? :-/
Which country do you live in, and are you asking about the anime, or the manga?