It's not like 109 is the first time Goku has fought in the tournament.
but it was the first time i watched a full episode
It's not like 109 is the first time Goku has fought in the tournament.
Just hit me that Ribranne complained earlier too when 17 attacked her while she was vunerable. Can't keep to her own standards.
Here in the U.K. we havent got any sets at all yet. The first 13 episodes is later this month I think, then nothing until January.Its really hard not to watch this shit when youre waiting for a decent Blu-Ray set of this. 13 episodes a set is kinda bullshit. Thats like 8 sets at this rate.
That Ethernet connection difference.
This picture is now meaningless because I thought Vegeta and Gohan would be knocked off(
I'm guessing the Japanese Blu-ray sets don't come with English subtitles at all?
Marriage proposal from RibranneWonder what it's gonna take for Jiren to give a fuck
Nah, he's gonna give him energy, like Goku gave him on NamekWatch Frieza pull back his beam and drop Goku a senzu bean, I'll geek the fk out.
Nothing....Jiren is supers take on the Ulquiorra persona.Wonder what it's gonna take for Jiren to give a fuck
Wonder what it's gonna take for Jiren to give a fuck
Beerus could jump into the arena...i guess
No they do not.
They implied that goku and jiren didn't get this powerful through just training and they got at least some of their power through other means and in the case of goku it's true
I can't be the only one who really liked super rebrianne when she started shooting her arrows, cause there was some nice animation there
goku looked great in Ultra Instinct (episode 110), alright.
However, people who are used to watching dragon ball super, must be blind if they consider goku's appearance, while he's in SS 1/2/blue (spicky like saiyan hair), to be any good, let alone it having better art than dragon ball z.
Like come on now. How can someone look at goku in the parts of 109 where he was in SS 1/2 (the worst offenders) and also blue, and tell me that "nothing from z touches it in terms of art". Super saiyan goku used to look dramatically better in the past.
Wonder what it's gonna take for Jiren to give a fuck
Me and I watched Z recently.
I can't believe none of you goofs pointed out Jiren's "Ok" moment yet.
At the beginning.
You know I've been pretty lukewarm on Super for a long time now, even after the parts everyone started liking the show. However I just caught up on the latest episodes of the Japanese run of Super and its really improved a lot from the animation to the actual fight choreography and even the dramatic moments and shocking reveals have a bit more punch and bite to them. Its still not perfect by any means but its improved a shocking amount in like two years time.
Nah, he's gonna give him energy, like Goku gave him on Namek
but it was the first time i watched a full episodethat's why i asked. I didn't know.
isnt that Cheating? can other fighters do that?
Okay. The Tournament officially began in episode 97. Goku's been fighting at different levels since the tournament began, shifting between his various forms.
The point is Goku wasn't exactly fighting with a full tank when 109 begins.
SSJ looked a lot better in Z. The lighter/platinum blond was more appealing.
yup i agree with this, although there are a few great shots of ssj vegeta this arc
also preferred the solid black hair for base form, and gohan's ultimate
The Grand Priest did shield Zenos during the spirit bomb
That was one of the cut scenes for the simulcast wasn't it?
Gohan looked better in DBZ , bangless Gohan is Vegeta.
Best shots of SSJ Vegeta in Super come from vs Magetta 2 arcs ago and that one epsiode of this tournament
The angels have answered
they keep drawing his face weird, there have only been a handful of shots in Super where he's looked comparable to how he did in Z
i don't remember vegeta looking that good in the u6 arc
they keep drawing his face weird, there have only been a handful of shots in Super where he's looked comparable to how he did in Z
This one is from the ToP, and there's another good one from Vegeta doing his Final Flash against Magetta in the U6 tournament.i don't remember vegeta looking that good in the u6 arc
This one is from the ToP, and there's another good one from Vegeta doing his Final Flash against Magetta in the U6 tournament.
This one is from the ToP, and there's another good one from Vegeta doing his Final Flash against Magetta in the U6 tournament.
Its not that they draw his face weird, its that they have made his hair weirdly short. It was longer in DBZ. Now they have shortened it up and it just looks awkward.
And yeah hes basically GT Vegeta without the bang it looks gross.
what's the difference between giving him his energy, so that goku can use it in an attack to try to defeat an oponent, as opposed to giving goku energy directly, to recover?