It makes sense for those two and only those two(in regards to u7) but ppl like gohan,goten,trunks, kale etc ppl are pushing it.
Thats the interesting part too jiren doesnt have it yet he had no prob keeping up so its not a deus ex i really like it. Its the next step but its not leaving others in the dust either
And the music made it much better.Hit's fight with Jiren will be very interesting, i can see Hit improving his game similar to the way he did against Goku in the u6 tournament and if he does it could make for a pretty awesome climactic showdown between the three
also i can't remember a shot in any dragon ball media that i've seen that looks as good as this
Haven't watched the episode yet, but really looking forward to it.Second best Goku Black already.
I can't wait to hear more.
Yooo I'm fangirling so bad right now! You can totally tell it's still Goku's voice, just with a more menacing and serious tone.
I forgot the Latin dub started literally months before us. I remember that hate boner well
There are different levels to power and ability after all. It makes me wonder if there's something special about Jiren's birth, or perhaps his species that makes it possible for him to become this powerful. And as I mention that, I recall something quite important about the tournament of power.
A key point that most of us have forgotten? Everybody in this tournament of power is under the influence of the gravity from their planet of birth. Goku wasn't born on earth. He is a true, natural born Saiyan who was born on planet Vegeta. What this means is his body's natural abilities and any genetic traits of a saiyan should be turned up to 11 for a saiyan as talented as Goku in this particular tournament. What is one of the Saiyan race's most well known genetic traits? Becoming significantly more powerful after sustaining severe damage.
I, and I'm sure others, have indicated that Goku likely benefitted from the ultimate kind of Zenkai boost from facing someone as all powerful as Jiren (which is his greatest personal wish for himself according to his interaction with Ribrianne moments earlier), and from taking the type of beating he did while also being finished off by his most powerful single attack, the Genki Dama.
No Saiyan to our knowledge with the kind of power Goku has, with as many gifts and natural talent as we know Goku possesses, has ever had the opportunity to benefit from one of their race's most impressive gifts while at the same time being under the influence of the gravity from one of the saiyan race's original planets of birth. The closest thing to anything of the sort would have to be Gohan after he was annihilated by Majin Buu. And we all remember how powerful he came back after having his potential awakened by elder kai. In Goku's case, he's both being affected by the gravity of planet Vegeta while his powerful ability to resist and endure his genki dama unlocked his potential.
I think Goku being under the influence of planet vegeta's gravity is key to what's taking place right now. Also, it would be cool if the heat everyone noticed is somehow the anger/intensity of the saiyan race manifested in goku's body and responding to their race being wiped out by way of an order handed down from the gods. Don't forget Whis said that the order for Frieza to wipe out the Saiyans came from Beerus. I wonder if that order came from anyone else, or if any other god is aware of that decision. Didn't we also see from that universe where the trio de dangers or whatever they're called are from that their god of destruction was consulting with or preparing some report on a planet about to be destroyed? At least in the manga?
You're a girl ???
Latam dub started in August, it's been only 2 months but we've gotten so far already lol. I'm pretty sure they'll start the reruns once the Black arc is done.I forgot the Latin dub started literally months before us. I remember that hate boner well
They implied that goku and jiren didn't get this powerful through just training and they got at least some of their power through other means and in the case of goku it's trueWatching their fight it makes me think how can Jiren be such a beast. Goku is as strong as he is because of all of the threats he's had to deal with pushing him to get stronger. He's always trained on his own but those dangers are what pushed him further.
I wonder if Jiren has gone through similar stuff or did he get as strong as he is by his own determination. Because he is insanely strong. Goku in UI form was getting cancelled out by Jiren and he didn't look like he was overexerting himself at all.
I think you put more thought into this post than the production team did when they came up with the "everyone feels the gravity of their world" rule.
Finally watched the new episodes with a friend (man this thread moves quickly)
Overall I really enjoyed the animations in the fights, felt really fluid. I enjoyed Ribrianne but I wish she was fighting with someone else :x Still dislike Goku was base most of the time.
F*ck Vegeta for not giving his energy. Goku vs Jiren was sooo hype (but I felt I would have enjoyed it more if I didn't see Goku in all of the previous tournament episodes). Next episode looks good too, hopefully we see more of other U7 members soon.
And true, today the Zamasu arc begins here!! Can't wait to hear my boy Sergio Bonilla. It still feels soooo weird that the English dub is behind by a lot of episodes.
I hope UI has nothing to do with kaioken or blue like some of you are expecting.
Been racking my brain and I can't think of anything from z that touches 109 and 110 in terms of art and animation
Any chance you could grab SSBlue Vegeta? And that shot of base Goku at the start. Those were really neat
Hopefully Goku being exhausted as fuck (even with Frieza's energy) means he'll be out of the loop for a couple of episodes at least. Good thing next episode will be focused on Hit vs Jiren.
Who was referring to goku specifically I was referring to the episodes as a whole though ultra instinct goku was definitely the best looking partplease
goku looked great in Ultra Instinct (episode 110), alright.
However, people who are used to watching dragon ball super, must be blind if they consider goku's appearance, while he's in SS 1/2/blue (spicky like saiyan hair), to be any good, let alone it having better art than dragon ball z.
Like come on now. How can someone look at goku in the parts of 109 where he was in SS 1/2 (the worst offenders) and also blue, and tell me that "nothing from z touches it in terms of art". Super saiyan goku looked dramatically better before.
Who was referring to goku specifically I was referring to the episodes as a whole though ultra instinct goku was definitely the best looking part
The Namekians?
It makes me wonder if theyre getting Mais original eng va or someone else...maybe kid mais actress just sounding olderHoly shit, zero Gruff from Castañeda in the actual product...I'm so sorry to have doubted him
Also was that Mai's Dragon Ball VA? It's been so long I can't remember her voice
Favorite scene from last week's mini binge
Also a possibility. I just feel like, based on what we've seen, Jiren doesn't get beaten by Goku unless he's massively worn down first. Even with the new form Goku landed all of two punches and Jiren didn't even look like he was near his limit yet, so unless the two of them stalemate something's going to need to happen to give Goku an edge.
Holy shit, zero Gruff from Castañeda in the actual product...I'm so sorry to have doubted him
Also was that Mai's Dragon Ball VA? It's been so long I can't remember her voice
It kind of goes to shit at the end since you can see its just still frames of Goku and Jiren with yellow smears slapped all over.
Jiren was holding back the entire time i think, even when Goku did land two solid hits Jiren was completely unphased and i don't know that Goku's final attack would've done anything even if he hadn't petered out considering Jiren didn't seem to think it was even worth dodging.
Is UI pretty much Killuas godspeed?
It's what happens when people actually watch full episodes.please
goku looked great in Ultra Instinct (episode 110), alright.
However, people who are used to watching dragon ball super, must be blind if they consider goku's appearance, while he's in SS 1/2/blue (spicky like saiyan hair), to be any good, let alone it having better art than dragon ball z.
Like come on now. How can someone look at goku in the parts of 109 where he was in SS 1/2 (the worst offenders) and also blue, and tell me that "nothing from z touches it in terms of art". Super saiyan goku used to look dramatically better in the past.
Goku used his new transformation on an empty tank tho
At SSJBKKx20, fuck yeah. I didn't even realize he got past SSJBKKx10.does goku deplete his energy much faster when using kaioken on top of super saiyan blue? He wasn't fighting for that long in 109.
does goku deplete his energy much faster when using kaioken on top of super saiyan blue? He wasn't fighting for that long in 109.
does goku deplete his energy much faster when using kaioken on top of super saiyan blue? He wasn't fighting for that long in 109.
does goku deplete his energy much faster when using kaioken on top of super saiyan blue? He wasn't fighting for that long in 109.
It's what happens when people actually watch full episodes.
Not only that, it puts an insane amount of stress on his body.does goku deplete his energy much faster when using kaioken on top of super saiyan blue? He wasn't fighting for that long in 109.
does goku deplete his energy much faster when using kaioken on top of super saiyan blue? He wasn't fighting for that long in 109.