Doesn't MV require the SSJ4 event medals to Dokkan? Seems really odd that they would release him without them. Maybe we're getting SSJ4 on the 11th too?
Doesn't MV require the SSJ4 event medals to Dokkan? Seems really odd that they would release him without them. Maybe we're getting SSJ4 on the 11th too?
Pulled Omega finally with a salty single on Cell's banner.
That's me done until SSJ4s drop.
wtf he barely requires any medals at all, easiest LR yet?
Fuck didn't expected 96250000 zeni to LR Broly...
What's the fastest way to farm zeny??? I'm 60000000 short...
Fuck didn't expected 96250000 zeni to LR Broly...
What's the fastest way to farm zeny??? I'm 50000000 short...
Anyone else ever had the problem where an update for the app wont download from the Play Store?
Did a few singles to get it out of my system and see if I got a lucky Omega to make Cell grind easier, got absolute shit.
Then I did a friend summon to get some training fodder for Frieza and got a Bye Guys lol :/
I felt the urge to buy some stones to waste on LR Vegeta next week but decided to follow the recent advice and just bought a new game instead (Wipeout, in this case), I feel much better now.
Right now if I have used all friendly pulls and sold all that could be sold the only way to get Zeni is farming the android 13 and awaken him to sell it?? Or I just should go with the red ribbon quest and beat Hercule to get around 100K zeni?
I need to farm that hero extermination plan when available...
Man... I'm never going to get LR goku or LR Freeza at this rate!
Now I gotta farm Shenron medals to FINALLY dokkan him, same thing with Cell.
But I also need that Angel Vegeta and maybe the event Cell as well?
And what if I decide to pull (300+ stones for SSJ4) and get something that can be dokkaned right now?!
I'm never able to get those SS characters to SA15 at this pace.
And just to be clear the LR Freeza event returns and LR Broly is not on any banner right now right?
10 mill zeni away from LR Broly
10 mil zeni?
You can buy LR Broly?
10 mil zeni?
You can buy LR Broly?
Broly calm the fuck down plz, give the man a chance to do something.
Broly calm the fuck down plz, give the man a chance to do something.
Mono STR got it goin' ON.
So to get Broly to LR I need one more Kibito medal and 11 North Kai medals.
Where's the best place to try and farm those?
I bought 10 Kibito medals from the Baba shop using gems, so that might refresh at some point.
My perfect Super Saiyan mono STR team is almost complete!
Just waiting for the SSj3 Goku (GT) awakening and SSj4 Goku!
omg is SSJ3 Goku GT getting a dokkan? I have him and was so excited and I'm so underwhelmed by him![]()
omg is SSJ3 Goku GT getting a dokkan? I have him and was so excited and I'm so underwhelmed by him![]()
Yeah but he's just a slightly better version of his current form. He's a support unit, he's not there to hit hard himself. The reason he's great is because he gives SSJ4 Goku a ridiculous amount of attack between his passive and his links (SS, FB, Saiyan Roar) as well as ki.
I had this open for way too long and forgot to hit post so of course I got beaten super hard.
@Syntsui Great Ape sucks because it's a waste of time, really. It doesn't help you at all, is liable to screw up your rotation, and the fight would be over faster if it didn't happen.
It's great if you don't have a shitton of good cards though. I for one love when my TEQ Bardock goes great ape because it's 2 or 3 free turns of damage and my TEQ team sucks.
Jesus H Christ, I hadn't really used LR Broly before, i've never seen a health bar deplete so fast.
I've been using a villain team but I think you'd have as much success with just a leader and a team full of Rs, you just have to survive one round until you get to Broly and he obliterates Cell.
Even a low SA Broly leaves Cell on his last bar, wtf
It could save some usher uses though.