10 free stones?? GODDAMN
What's fast movement?
10 free stones?? GODDAMN
What's fast movement?
Man my units suck. I can't even beat 100% Friezawelp time for me to give up on that. haha
the board game parts of the game move double speed now.
holy shit the fight animations on 2x are 60 fps now WOW
I think I'm giving up on Future Gohan Medals...
I've used 5 full stamina bars and not a single drop, 3 Senzu Beans every time.
Not as bad as being constantly one shotted by Kuro Goku at the battle start.
Which difficulty? Z-hard wasn't too bad Dark nightmare is impossible for me.
Hey guys,
My soul is still in good shape with One Piece Treasure Cruise, so i'd like to play Dokkan Battle too ! Is Golden Frieza : Golden Emperor a good roll for starters or should i aim for something else ? Thanks !
I'd wait two weeks for the 150 DLs Celebration. You'll start with a bunch of stones and a banner with all the best cards in the game will be up.
I wouldn't settle for anything other than
AGL Super Vegito
STR Omega Shenron
TEQ SSJ3 Gotenks
INT Super Buu(Gohan Absorbed)
And if it were me I'd reroll til I got one of the above and 1-2 solid cards of their same color.
They might be playing strike missions with team cost limit. Unless it's middle finger Yamcha then they are trolling.Seriously, are some people trolling when they put shit leaders when they add god tier ones when you added them ? -__-
They might be playing strike missions with team cost limit. Unless it's middle finger Yamcha then they are trolling.
Bah gawd, the fast movement on maps and the optimisation made to load times are a very welcome addition to the game! O.O
Bah gawd, the fast movement on maps and the optimisation made to load times are a very welcome addition to the game! O.O
Whales refresh stamina with ds.uuuhhh The drop rate for TEQ piccolo is horrible :-/ How am I suppose to raise LR Piccolo to 20 when there is one drop every 300-400 stamina and it is a 50% chance *sigh* ...That's ridiculous
I recently got PHY Champa. I need recent SSR units since I haven't gotten new units since mid last year. I got 350 stones saved to get SSB vegeto and hopefully a bunch more when I multi summon that day.Did 2 more singles got ssr phy champa and sr str buutenks...not too awful I guess..
broolllllyyyy??? :'[
Before I waste time and stamina on it, is the INT Frieza from the Frieza event worth farming to SA10 before I Dokkan him?
This.... is going to take some getting used to.
*starting Picollo SS medal stage*
Me: Hm, no Buuhan friends. Ah well I'll stick with Gogeta friend then and tough it out
*stages loads*
Apparently LR Piccolo is more of a tank than an offense. Him at SA20 isn't spatacular. You can do SA20 if you really want to thoughuuuhhh The drop rate for TEQ piccolo is horrible :-/ How am I suppose to raise LR Piccolo to 20 when there is one drop every 300-400 stamina and it is a 50% chance *sigh* ...That's ridiculous
I was browsing some cards on dokkan wikia and I saw that the valetine's day bulma got a pretty beastly dokkan lol, are those cards coming on global?
Decided I was going to do 5 yolo pulls on JPN since I only have 5 TEQ UR units. Was hoping for any TEQ to bolster my team. First pull nets me Godtenks.
Now I don't know if I call it a day or do 4 more since one of those UR is a lame freebie.
I'm doing my best to stop YOLO pulling on that banner. My TEQ selection is shit so I need to build a stone bank so I can pull on the INT New God whenever that comes.
How do you guys defeat Black Goku? I can't beat him on the 2nd stage. I don't have good units but i beat him no problem on the 1st stage.
I have a really stacked mono-STR team, so I can't really offer too much advice. But since there's no special mechanics for this one, damage blockers and stunners help a lot if you don't have high enough damage to burn him down.
So a Mono STR is the way to go? even his TEQ form?
So a Mono STR is the way to go? even his TEQ form?
I actually just gave the Black fight a try with my STR team desptie not having Black. Yeah, STR is the way to go. I only had to use 2 heal items, it was pretty easy. The combination of type advantage, Omega tanking, and STR being loaded with defense-down supers makes it pretty much perfect for Black.
Does def down make any difference against him? I didn't notice anything .I actually just gave the Black fight a try with my STR team desptie not having Black. Yeah, STR is the way to go. I only had to use 2 heal items, it was pretty easy. The combination of type advantage, Omega tanking, and STR being loaded with defense-down supers makes it pretty much perfect for Black.
Does def down make any difference against him? I didn't notice anything .
I don't see any significant difference while playing with dual shenron.It does but I think you would need to greatly lower his defence before you start seeing differences.
I don't see any significant difference while playing with dual shenron.
I don't see any significant difference while playing with dual shenron.