Ginyu's buff comes at the lack of ki, Frieza's too. Ginyu as an entire unit is better than LR Goku undoubtedly, Frieza too, and Ginyu's passive offsets the lack of ki on his leader, but speaking in terms of leaders only, Ginyu and LR Goku break even. Frieza's LS is strictly worse, the lack of ki puts heavier strain on team building. A vast majority of a units utility and damage is locked behind SA's, not supering kills your potential, +6 starting ki is a massive relief for teams.
Androids are excessive, there's never a point where you need 7 to 8 starting ki from leaders, especially since ki links make up the rest, damage is more preferred. The Androids are actually far worse off than LR Goku tbh, worse passive, worse stats, and ki link overload, with at least 2 being completely unique, granted their links are overall more beneficial for bridging, they end up being outclassed in every niche you'd find for them. Villain teams are usually packed with units that hit harder on average, pack more utility, or both. On mono agl they're too orb hungry, and unlike LR Goku on mono teq, they don't have a top tier best friend that lets them become a powerhouse.
Conversely LR Goku is still the 3rd best hitter super TEQ has access too, not to mention their only off-tank, and still top 3~4 in mono teq period, though heavily outclassed in mono heroes due to his poor linkset.