50 tickets. Seems... lower than I thought, to be honest, but hey, hype is real now guys.
Also... I am weak... 2 multis on rising dragon since I had no banner units, and NEED some AOE. I can't feel toooo bad, since each pull netted me 5 SSRs, 4 of which were new:
- Uub. Nice that his rebirth is here, I think I have the medals? Need to check. But I'm not upset with this, it'll be a nice help to a mono STR team
- Xeno Trunks! My first AOE after all this time! Gotta get those medals now, and Phy Broly just became my most wanted unit in this ticket banner now.
- TEQ SSJ Gohan (future). Not terrible, and new
- Tora Great Ape. Also my first Ape unit, and nice to have for my SV team I guess
- Dupe was INT SSJ Gohan (youth). I still haven't gotten medals for him, but I guess I'll dupe system him.[EDIT Apparently I didn't have him. So 5 new SSRs! Can't complain
Speaking of dupe system, went all in the lower-right for SV. I've got one dupe waiting, but he's got a nice +700 on all three stats right now. Still waiting for tickets in case I pull another dupe, don't want to reverse dokkan twice. Started to invest in Gogeta but stopped, need to see what dupes I pull
And the fusion banner (skip) and event is up! Lots to do!
EDITx2 DAMNIT ALL TO HELL! The future event just ended. I need 12 more of those medals for Xeno and Gohan. At least Hero Extermination is here, I need Buu and Gohan medals