Got 80 stones saved up so far, just a bit more ready for the next banner. Bet it will have all been for nothing thanks to this damned RNG
WOW that is insanely lucky, jesus. I don't have him but I've heard some horror stories. And just purely mathematically, 9 times 50% working out every time is extremely unlikely.
My jealousy is surging. I've played through the event over a hundred times and have only gotten 3 cards to drop. Not joking.
you don't have a sealer, so SV could still be taking ridiculous amounts of damage, which can drop you below the threshold that golden freeza can block.
You'll prolly have to use an item as well to stop guldo from killing your entire team by taking the hit, but after that you should be fine I guess.
I just beat that stage last night after not having a team to beat him when he first came out. I used a Mono STR team.I'm thinking of doing
AGL Freiza
Omega friend
Not sure about the last unit. SV is there to tank and chip away with counters as well as damage. GF is there to tank. Brohan to disable rampage. Guldo to lower def, Beerus to hurt him, Omega to ruin him. Is this terrible or decent?
Pff the Omega shenron runs take too longstill need to do it 4 times
Is he coming back next week??Same. Figured I'd awaken my Omega today. But pffff. Will be doing that next week looks like.
I think the events are on a weekly rotation throughout the month. I think I remember reading they all come out on the weekends as well.Is he coming back next week??
No Gogeta, SSJ3 Vegeta(I have the Teq version) or family GokuI just beat that stage last night after not having a team to beat him when he first came out. I used a Mono STR team.
Gogeta lead
Family Kamehama Goku
SSJ3 Vegeta
SSJ3 Goku
Omega Shenron friend
You can sub out the SSJ3s probably. Buutenks is used to seal, Goku disables Rampage, Beerus and Omega lower DEF, and Gogeta deals damage. I prioritized Omega and Buutenks supers. If possible, I have Gogeta and Beerus super. Having anyone else Super is not necessary (Goku supering will help if you fail to keep his DEF lowered through Omega and Beerus though), so they can be used to set up orbs. This team lacks links the way I have it, so you can make some tweaks. The STR Broly is the hardest phase for me because I don't have type advantage to block his damage. So I definitely have to rush to kill him before he forces me to use too many items.
I think the events are on a weekly rotation throughout the month. I think I remember reading they all come out on the weekends as well.
yeah all events are coming back the entire month, and then saturday/sunday is when a whole bunch return at once; it's in the news.
Damn, that sucks. I opted for mono STR because they all benefit from Omega and Gogeta leader skills. The thing that concerns me about your team is that your leader skills don't help the whole team synergistically. But I'm not a team builder guru, this is just food for thought. :]No Gogeta, SSJ3 Vegeta(I have the Teq version) or family Goku. I'll try with what I have now and since I got some AGL STR won't be a big deal hopefully. Thanks guys
If you guys need help with team-building, it helps to post your box. You can use screenshots or (preferably) build your box on dbz.space. I'm more than happy to help with team-building, as are others here (or on the subreddit).
Yesterday I was leveling up King Vegeta to SA10 and I'll finish Chilled/Android 16 next week as they are essential for LR Goku in the future.
Are there other important F2P characters I should focus on getting for specific events? Should I focus on training items, maybe medals? (Note that i'm optimizing my stamina doing different difficulties of the story missions and specific events altogether).
As stated before, I'll do several pulls on Blue Vegeto/Rose when they come, so that will obviously change any short term investment I make now.
Sale is up, previous sale was better imo, but I guess the daily 3 for 1 isn't so bad.
another multi, another round of pure trash and a janembu dupe *sigh*.
Think the 12 one is only 1 day, the 6+44 a one time only and the 1+2 daily. Atleast according to reddit.The 12 gems for the price of one is the best offer, when does it ends? I may buy the 6+44 pack
another multi, another round of pure trash and a janembu dupe *sigh*.
Because there's no guarantee they'll ever be back after they go away, and I want some dupes.
I can get other units on other banners.
Don't worry, Broly is in a weird spot where he'll be up 3 days in a row. Tomorrow for PHY day and again on Saturday for Villains day.Janemba is amazing though as a tank. I wish I ticket pulled him.
Anyways used the sale to buy a ton of stones. Did the Elder Kai multi and upped the SA on Omega since I have 9 spare Elder Kais for SSB Vegito ready.
Now getting ready to farm Broly only to remember that I need to spend 75 energy on orb farming lol.
Were they GSSR in Japan?
Were they GSSR in Japan?
Wow, 62 stones for $4, can't say no to that. I won't be doing the daily for 3 though. I think someone did the math at 70-something stones for $28, so I'm sure it's worth it but... that's like, four trips to Chipotle...
Wake up sees inbox once more full with over 30 friend REQs. Surely my characters aren't up to par for you people to be using them.