Can anyone recommend a good team to tackle buuhan with?
I want to dokkan buutenks, so I can use him for his links/seals on my team to take on omega, but buuhan confuses me with how many phases/types you have to go through.and I guess buucolo but he's not a priority
Can anyone recommend a good team to tackle buuhan with?
I want to dokkan buutenks, so I can use him for his links/seals on my team to take on omega, but buuhan confuses me with how many phases/types you have to go through.and I guess buucolo but he's not a priority
Did a multi on the special banner and got 3 SSR
Any of them good?
Did a multi on the special banner and got 3 SSR
Any of them good?
Did a multi on the special banner and got 3 SSR
Any of them good?
Did a multi on the special banner and got 3 SSR
Thank you for your post, motivated me to pull one more time
So with this dupe system, the new rule is never fuse a card unless you have more than 5 copies of it?
Thank you for your post, motivated me to pull one more time
It's's finally over!
The team I was thinking about doing for PHY Broly is:I made my DBZ box quote to see.
AGL Freiza
Omega friend
Should I do any changes?
DarkHeartedKill's Box
It's's finally over!
The team I was thinking about doing for PHY Broly is:I made my DBZ box quote to see.
AGL Freiza
Omega friend
Should I do any changes?
sv and freeza for blocking, guldo for lowering def, gohan for disabling rampage, buuhan for healing and omega for tanking?
I feel like phase 3 is really going to hinge on tanking a hit with guldo + whis/yemma/icarus and then destroying him with beerus and omega.
Otherwise just keep omega and gohan on the same rotation and sv+buuhan on the other.
You would've had a MUCH easier time if you just got the broly videl, dokkaned your current videl into saiyaman, and just had them on one rotation and gohan on the other, you'd just walk all over him.
I meant Buutenks not Buuhan D:.
Yeh people said she wasn't great so I didn't bother. Any recommendations based on my box? Or should I just go with what I said and pray to RNGesus?
It's's finally over!
The team I was thinking about doing for PHY Broly is:I made my DBZ box quote to see.
AGL Freiza
Omega friend
Should I do any changes?
Edit: Try now
Fack I need SV dupes! I gotta save for Rose though, only have enough to do 2 multis and hopefully will get enough to do three and get the free pull!
I can't wait for all my SRs and Rs!
edit: opps! Buutenks not Buuhan, als I was not lucky enough for Buuhan![]()
Oh you got a much better chance with buutenks, swap out freeza for majuub though, he´s got much more useful links for sv/omega/gohan/buutenks and he has the type advantage.
Prolly keep buutenks and gohan on one rotation and beerus and omega on the other.
If you have Ki items don't be afraid to use them during the beerus/omega phase so they can super to lower his def if guldo isn't working out.
Huh? Why would you use SV lead and then friend Omega Shenron? lol
Grab a double SV and Brohan. Then every other unit should be lowering defense, though Guldo works for that.
Thank you for your post, motivated me to pull one more time
Because I wasn't thinking clearly. I'm probably gonna do Beerus as a lead since he gives 30% HP & Attack to TEQ, INT, and STR and paired with Omega will make me beefy enough that hopefully Guldo doesn't just die.
That's seriously way worse
Because I wasn't thinking clearly. I'm probably gonna do Beerus as a lead since he gives 30% HP & Attack to TEQ, INT, and STR and paired with Omega will make me beefy enough that hopefully Guldo doesn't just die.
Should I DA Buutenks? I have the medals and everything just was waiting on getting him to SA 10 if that matters. Speaking of items which ones should I use? Senzu, Usher, Fruit of the ToM, and maybe Yamma so Guldo doesn't get wreaked?
You guys believe This list is accurate?
You guys believe This list is accurate?
You guys believe This list is accurate?
That means I have 4 of the 5 strongest characters in Dokkan only missing Gotenks..
But I simply cant beat super content
What is the page to post my box? I really need Help with This gameEither the rest of your box is really crappy and you got super lucky with those pulls, or you're not building good teams. Show us your box and what events you need to do and we can help. You should not have any problem with the Super Vegito event, for example, he's the easiest god lead to dokkan. I only have Gogeta and SV out of that list (and PHY Broly who should be there) but I've beaten every Super event that's currently in rotation.
Definitely a good time to grind with the half stamina rotating events.
Did either the rosé or blue banner have omega? A dupe for him would be nice, so I think I'll pull on the one that has omega.
I believe all but Black will be on them. Omega is an extreme card right? He would be on the Rose Banner then.
I wasn't going to, but I decided to pull on the final Fusion GSSR after pulling the first two and only getting a Pandel each time. I got:
- Karoly
- Janembuu
- Bulpan
I can now say, Fusion banner worth it!
Mono-AGL with Super Vegito lead and friend. Survive Buuhan with blocking/countering, and then utterly nuke the STR Buutenks that follows.Can anyone recommend a good team to tackle buuhan with?
I want to dokkan buutenks, so I can use him for his links/seals on my team to take on omega, but buuhan confuses me with how many phases/types you have to go through.and I guess buucolo but he's not a priority
Mono-AGL with Super Vegito lead and friend. Survive Buuhan with blocking/countering, and then utterly nuke the STR Buutenks that follows.
Spend more money and do both.I'm torn on which banner (Blue or Rose) to pull on. On one hand I don't have any of the hero gods, so getting any of those would be great, but on the other hand getting a dupe Omega Shenron, PHY Broly or Black would be great with the potential system. Why can't they just double the rates and put both on the same banner?
21-1 it has the best chance for both pilaf and launch to appear on the board. The boss is also just 1 PHY enemy.Which stage is best to grind out gems. Going to run up on those Kai medals so I can dokkan these bad boys.