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Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| Passing Stones

On the JP side, it looks like kid buu will be the Int god lead as his event gets an extra stage and it says he is super happy.

On Global side for me. SSB HYYYPE!!!
but I need more stones though.


So how does the deal for the Vegito Blue and Rose banners work? Is it three multis, you get a free multi?

Yes, but they have to be on the same banner.

3 multis in Vegito = 1 free pull in Vegito.

If you do like, 2 pulls on Vegito and 1 on rose, it won't count.

(all this assuming we're actually getting the 3+1 deal, which has usually been the case with these big profile banners).


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Aww shit it's happening. I'm still a bit under 450 stones, so not enough for the third free multi just yet. I'll get there before the banners end for sure though.
Yes, but they have to be on the same banner.

3 multis in Vegito = 1 free pull in Vegito.

If you do like, 2 pulls on Vegito and 1 on rose, it won't count.

(all this assuming we're actually getting the 3+1 deal, which has usually been the case with these big profile banners).

Exactly, but VB and Rosé both have their own banner so you would either prioritise one banner or if you have enough stones get the free multi for both.

Thanks guys for clearing that up. I'm definitely pulling on Vegito because I have much better Super characters than I do Extreme, at least I think I do. I may post my box later this morning and ask for some input. I do only have one god and that's Godtenks, but I have a few demis like Gogeta and SSBKK.
Aww shit it's happening. I'm still a but under 450 stones, so not enough for the third free multi just yet. I'll get there before the banners end for sure though.

The 3+1 deals usually only last for 3 days or something.

Weird time for the banners to be dropping though. 9PM local time here in western europe, normally they drop early in the morning.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free

Puh...beat Gogeta....this was intense lol. First multi life bar fight i won. Thanks for the help Human Trashcan, otherwise i wouldnt even have bothered. Got 1 medal...guess i need 9 more, this will be tough.

Feels like i got lucky since he never used his Special attack...anyone knows how hard his Special would hit a QCK unit ? Also what would you say is the best general Item setup for bosses ? First time i ever used Oolong to change green colors qck near the end..felt good.

I felt the hard hitter where useful in this fight...but Trunks and his orb changing Passive are a bit to reliant on RNG...but dont know if can replace him with a better unit.


Okay just saw that Gogeta Special hits for less than 30k damage...thats good...for me.
Also do you always get 1 medal after the clear or is it random ?

Any Dokkaned SV users that wanna add me for today ? lol

2nd Edit:

SV Counter is so OP....crazy.
Puh...beat Gogeta....this was intense lol. First multi life bar fight i won. Thanks for the help Human Trashcan, otherwise i wouldnt even have bothered. Got 1 medal...guess i need 9 more, this will be tough.

Feels like i got lucky since he never used his Special attack...anyone knows how hard his Special would hit a QCK unit ? Also what would you say is the best general Item setup for bosses ? First time i ever used Oolong to change green colors qck near the end..felt good.

I felt the hard hitter where usful in this fight...but Trunks and his orb changing Passive are a bit to reliant on RNG...but dont know if can replace him with a better unit.

Nice. His super only hits AGI for around 25k. The standard item loadout is Senzu, King Yemma or other damage reduction item (totally unnecessary here), Ghost Usher, and Baba/Dende/ki item, depending on the fight. If ki is an issue, bring some +ki items. But if you prioritize ki for Vegito, you shouldn't need so much of it I I think. If you wanna add me as a friend, quote this message to see the code


Puh...beat Gogeta....this was intense lol. First multi life bar fight i won. Thanks for the help Human Trashcan, otherwise i wouldnt even have bothered. Got 1 medal...guess i need 9 more, this will be tough.

Feels like i got lucky since he never used his Special attack...anyone knows how hard his Special would hit a QCK unit ? Also what would you say is the best general Item setup for bosses ? First time i ever used Oolong to change green colors qck near the end..felt good.

I felt the hard hitter where usful in this fight...but Trunks and his orb changing Passive are a bit to reliant on RNG...but dont know if can replace him with a better unit.

I think he is pretty easy because he doesn't have any particular defense ability... just use all the most powerful units you have + some stunner, with a Vegito SSJ friend.

I actually use STR Gogeta, STR Goku SSJ3 adult, TEQ Vegito (dokkaned), AGL Whis (stunner), AGL Ghoan (stun + hard hitter), random unit to level up, + friend Vegito SSJ AGL. -> Easy win with no items.


So we've had a banner on Thursday, Monday and now on Saturday. I don't really understand this game schedule's, every other Gacha treats their banner releases religiously.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Nice. His super only hits AGI for around 25k. The standard item loadout is Senzu, King Yemma or other damage reduction item (totally unnecessary here), Ghost Usher, and Baba/Dende/ki item, depending on the fight. If ki is an issue, bring some +ki items. But if you prioritize ki for Vegito, you shouldn't need so much of it I I think. If you wanna add me as a friend, quote this message to see the code

Thanks mate, sending you an invite and will save that item setup for future fights.

I might be able to have all the medals faster than i though - you get 15k exp per run and i need less than 50k per level up right now. Thats amazing. So ill do 2-3 Gogeta runs...then some Story Quests before i rank up.

I use the AGL Goku that you could get from the intial beginner pull for +KI - didnt even know there are items for that, i will have to check them out.


I need to look more closely into Link-Skills...seems like they also have an effect on +KI.
I think he is pretty easy because he doesn't have any particular defense ability... just use all the most powerful units you have + some stunner, with a Vegito SSJ friend.

I actually use STR Gogeta, STR Goku SSJ3 adult, TEQ Vegito (dokkaned), AGL Whis (stunner), AGL Ghoan (stun + hard hitter), random unit to level up, + friend Vegito SSJ AGL. -> Easy win with no items.

Thats good to know for the future, thanks....i need to do some more research on useful units with needed Gimmicks. Right now im just going for hard hitters.

Did a couple more runs and yeah i dont really need to use any Items...SV is really OP.


SV really is OP, to the point where you can beat almost any current content with a full AGL team (some will be harder / longer than others, obviously).

And yeah this banner time is weird. If I recall correctly, they also launched the SV banner at an unusual time (close to the daily reset, I believe?).

I'm a few stones short of a 3+1 deal, but unless there's a pretty good sale I won't be spending any money on this one.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I think they're just wanting people to get that weekend stones temptation.

Get them drunk buys.

I mean, I'm an order of magnitude more likely to make unnecessary video game purchases with a few beers in me. It's a solid business strategy.


600+ stones for Blue and Rose.

I WILL get them both!
Maybe then I'll be able to do something in this game besides story and story events.

EDIT: Also, any site I can check what the optimal unlock paths are?


Is it me or I'm supposed to do the GT event and absolutely nothing else for the entire duration of the event to actually be able to buy the Old Kai cards? Are they fucking serious that the best drop is 350 Hercules medals at 16 stamina, this is a crime.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
YES !!

Was running out of SV friends at the end so i had to refresh for random friends heh. Now to level him up again.

I realized that i never used the Dokkan bar below the HP bar - cant remember if the Tutorial even mentions it.

I wish the Dokkan menu would only show you the units you actually own - having to scroll through a bunch of units you dont even own takes more time than necessary.

Also whats up with the Blue/Rose units ? Are they the next big thing ? Have done two 10-pulls so far on the current banner and they all have been kinda shitty. If the next one is good ill farm back to 50 stones for at least one multipull.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
600+ stones for Blue and Rose.

I WILL get them both!
Maybe then I'll be able to do something in this game besides story and story events.

EDIT: Also, any site I can check what the optimal unlock paths are?

For hidden potential? Bottom right and top left are best. Start with bottom right if the unit has a high SA level (6+) otherwise start with top left.
I have better super units overall, but I'm pulling on rosé because of the potential for dupe omega, pulling buuhan/broly would be #swag too

600+ stones for Blue and Rose.

I WILL get them both!
Maybe then I'll be able to do something in this game besides story and story events.

EDIT: Also, any site I can check what the optimal unlock paths are?
The paths are the same for all units, the most important paths will always be top left and bottom right because of the 3 star nodes in them.
Which one you choose depends on if the unit is high SA or not, since the bottom right path requires SA10 to complete


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Is it useful to unlock some of those nodes if you don't have a dupe yet?

Absolutely. Dupes let you unlock most of the more major nodes, but there's still important stuff you can get without them.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Pretty useful post on the reddit about who to pull for (VB/RB)


It's pretty much what you expect: Pull for VB if you have/want more super units, and vice versa for Extreme. If you are like me and have a smattering of both, just pull whichever you want (which should always be extreme because Omega and Buuhan are the coolest units in the game and if you have them you always want to use them.)

The thread does make a decent point in that the VB banner is a bit better overall when it comes to pulling subs for mono teams, though. The RB banner didn't have Teq Golden Frieza in Japan (so probably won't for us) and that's a bit of a bummer.

I'm also in the position where I would be 0% bummed to pull a dupe for pretty much anything on the RB banner. I only have 1 dupe slot unlocked for Omega and zero for anyone else.


Pretty useful post on the reddit about who to pull for (VB/RB)


It's pretty much what you expect: Pull for VB if you have/want more super units, and vice versa for Extreme. If you are like me and have a smattering of both, just pull whichever you want (which should always be extreme because Omega and Buuhan are the coolest units in the game and if you have them you always want to use them.)

The thread does make a decent point in that the VB banner is a bit better overall when it comes to pulling subs for mono teams, though. The RB banner didn't have Teq Golden Frieza in Japan (so probably won't for us) and that's a bit of a bummer.

I'm also in the position where I would be 0% bummed to pull a dupe for pretty much anything on the RB banner. I only have 1 dupe slot unlocked for Omega and zero for anyone else.

VB for me :D
I was hoping the old +3ki mono leads would also be on these banners but I guess they're not? I really want FP Frieza. Oh well, I can get him for free during the 2nd anniversary.

Also gonna heavily contest that claim that Omega and Buuhan are the coolest units in the game :D but I'm a Broly stan, so what do I know. I really hope Broly becomes an LR (non-gacha pls) or neo-god leader at some point.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
VB for me :D

The choice is so close for me that it really just comes down to what I feel like doing, so I'm going RB because Extreme units are cooler.

Here's my box, for reference:

On one hand I have the two best 2 Super god leads+ Gogeta (and other current/future good stuff like Str ssj2 teen gohan and ssj3 GT kid goku). On the other I have the two best Extreme god leads+ Black, as well as both Cells (neither are great, I know), Baby (who gets an awesome dokkan in a bit) and of course LR Androids in the (very) near future.

So yeah, it's really even overall but I think being so close to having my first LR combined with just liking some of the Extreme units more pushes the Extreme end over the edge for me.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Pretty useful post on the reddit about who to pull for (VB/RB)


It's pretty much what you expect: Pull for VB if you have/want more super units, and vice versa for Extreme. If you are like me and have a smattering of both, just pull whichever you want (which should always be extreme because Omega and Buuhan are the coolest units in the game and if you have them you always want to use them.)

The thread does make a decent point in that the VB banner is a bit better overall when it comes to pulling subs for mono teams, though. The RB banner didn't have Teq Golden Frieza in Japan (so probably won't for us) and that's a bit of a bummer.

I'm also in the position where I would be 0% bummed to pull a dupe for pretty much anything on the RB banner. I only have 1 dupe slot unlocked for Omega and zero for anyone else.

Janemba isn't on the extreme banner? Awful.

So I'd be pulling for Rose / Omega / Oceanus Shenron VS pulling for SSB Vegito / Godtenks / SS3 Str Vegeta / hard hitting AGL saiyan.

There's more for me to get on Super banner but there are more SSR cards there diluting the pool. I have most of the villains offered and wouldn't be hyped about a dupe for any of them.


I think I have to go Vegito. Finally having something to make extreme worthwhile would be great but Vegito would be such a quality of life upgrade I can't pass it up.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Janemba isn't on the extreme banner? Awful.

So I'd be pulling for Rose / Omega / Oceanus Shenron VS pulling for SSB Vegito / Godtenks / SS3 Str Vegeta / hard hitting AGL saiyan.

There's more for me to get on Super banner but there are more SSR cards there diluting the pool. I have most of the villains offered and wouldn't be hyped about a dupe for any of them.

fucking SSJ3 vegeta. I've just accepted I'll never get that fucker.


I'm going rose ..

Even tho is I went blue and some how get him I could have the best super team at the moment in global ..

But if I go rose my chances of getting something new ex.omega, phy broly, Black and rose himself make my choice alot easier .

But it's all rng if I do one pull and somehow land him I may move to VB seeing as I have enugh at the mment for 4 multis


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Are the upcoming banner much better than the one we currently have ? Feels like those new Leads for SUPER/EXTREME are more geared towards experienced players that have a couple of those units to form these teams.

Isnt the current banner with the Godleads SV, Gotenks, Buuhan etc. better ? I have Gogeta and SV - would love to get Gotenks as well - but my luck has been horrible on this banner so far.


I've got enough stones to do three pulls + free pull on each of the banner. But I'm definitely leaning towards Rose more because I really do want to pull Buuhan and PHY Broly as well.


Considering my strongest units are Black and Baby SSJ2, pulling on Rose is a no-brainer. I'll hope for the best, but I definetely want to crack a chance at getting Super Vegeto or Gogeta (couldn't care less about Vegeto Blue).


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Are the upcoming banner much better than the one we currently have ? Feels like those new Leads for SUPER/EXTREME are more geared towards experienced players that have a couple of those units to form these teams.

Isnt the current banner with the Godleads SV, Gotenks, Buuhan etc. better ? I have Gogeta and SV - would love to get Gotenks as well - but my luck has been horrible on this banner so far.

The upcoming banners are better for two reasons: focused pulls (one banner for good guys, one for villains) and better (relatively) rates.
The current banner has everything, which means the rate for any specific unit is so low that it's insane to actually chase any specific unit. For example, all of the god leads have about double the drop rate on the upcoming banners (even though double means they are still like half a percent.) And even if you are a brand new player and just want any good units, the upcoming banners have better drop rates of the god leads as well as having the amazing new units.

So yeah there is pretty much no reason to be pulling on the 150mil download banner with the RB/VB banners on the horizon.


Are the upcoming banner much better than the one we currently have ? Feels like those new Leads for SUPER/EXTREME are more geared towards experienced players that have a couple of those units to form these teams.

Isnt the current banner with the Godleads SV, Gotenks, Buuhan etc. better ? I have Gogeta and SV - would love to get Gotenks as well - but my luck has been horrible on this banner so far.

The current banner has every dokkan card and SSR, but each card has a lower chance of being pulled, since the upcoming banners have fewer cards besides the god leads you'll have a higher chance of getting a god lead card from the VB/ Rose banners.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Considering my strongest units are Black and Baby SSJ2, pulling on Rose is a no-brainer. I'll hope for the best, but I definetely want to crack a chance at getting Super Vegeto or Gogeta (couldn't care less about Vegeto Blue).

You're aiming for a God card too, right? The smaller pool of SSRs in villains means a higher chance of getting one of them so it makes the most sense for you.
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