Goten is great since he's a +3 passive unconditional ki battery for a mono PHY team when dokkaned to SSJ. Also links well with an SSJ heavy PHY team obviously.Are these Goten and Vegeta even worth farming? I'm getting tired of getting all these worthless characters to SA10, if it only does "huge damage" its so pointless.
Yes, the Evil Goten is awesome on Mono PHY teams.Are these Goten and Vegeta even worth farming? I'm getting tired of getting all these worthless characters to SA10, if it only does "huge damage" its so pointless.
Yes, same also goes for the TEQ Piccolo, and feeding him into the LR base unit.So the best way for me to level up the SA of my SSR PHY Xeno Trunks is to farm the SR Trunks Xeno from "The Space-Time Traveler", then to awake him to SSR so i have 50% per event Trunks to level up the SA of my PHY Trunks, right ?
Pretty big day for me, between Trunks and Goten :x
and also SSR Tien....oh wait...Yes, same also goes for the TEQ Piccolo, and feeding him into the LR base unit.
The dokkan events last for a month...Ughhh serious Bandai? You couldn't wait until AFTER the Dokkan events to bring back the GT medals? Goddammit! Now I'm torn...
Is there any way to keep Gotenks from transforming back into his SSJ3 form for a little while, or is it a completely random event? The first time I fought him today I had extreme luck with him staying in his two weakened forms. The last few times he's been switching back to SSJ3 after only one or two turns each time. Really a pain in the ass and a drain on my items when he does that!
On the plus side, I finally have a team that can actually beat him (and comfortably) with my dual-Shenron lineup. The Dupe system has made my Shenron an absolute tank!
So the best way for me to level up the SA of my SSR PHY Xeno Trunks is to farm the SR Trunks Xeno from "The Space-Time Traveler", then to awake him to SSR so i have 50% per event Trunks to level up the SA of my PHY Trunks, right ?
Pretty big day for me, between Trunks and Goten :x
Should've done fusions, they dropped at 5 a piece there. I have like 300 now.30 gregory medals for sale in babas shop (lmao i need them)
Shit I get worried if I go below 500 of the common medals. I buy them with Zeni every day and haven't had to farm for them in a good long time. They were definitely the struggles early on, though.
Right now it's the bronze and silver capsules, silver in particular. They seem almost as rare as gold but you need literally 10 times as many of them.
Man, more elder kais to farm for in the GT event...With SV and Broly maxed out I dunno who to burn the elder kais on next. It should probably be on either Agl Ultimate Gohan or Super Gogeta I think.
Of course I'll end up waiting and watching my VB and Rose pulls in disappointment first.
Wait for your pulls but otherwise Gogeta, don't even doubt it. Gogeta has longevity for sure and benefits massively from the dupe system.
Man that super freeza is a bit too risky for me, that last form needs to be hit hard or else you die and have to use a stone to continue, and I don't want to dokkan my Janemba just yet.
Guess I'm running freeza 56 times lmao
The dokkan events last for a month...
Are you talking about Golden Frieza & FP Frieza? Because you can't use a stone to continue iirc. However, using Baba or Ghost usher stops him from killing you. Same with using AGL Golden Frieza since he can do 90% damage reduction.
Well I don't know how long it'd take to farm enough medals to DA 4 dupe Androids once and DA 1 to LR.
you can use a stone just fine, he just starts counting down again if you do.
You're thinking of the SSJ3 Goku and Vegeta fights where you can't use a stone.
Ah okay. At least I wasn't wrong about Ushers, Baba, and Golden Frieza tanking. Actually I'm not 100% certain of the Baba one since I never did it, but it makes sense for it to work.
Just use your strongest AGI UR units, you don't have too many options there. I'd also expand your box size a little bit, it costs some stones but it's worth it. As for SRs to keep, if you think it might be useful, hang on to it. As a rule of thumb, if it offers no utility in its passive or link skills and can't be used to upgrade the SA of a better unit, get rid of it. Also yeah the 10 Elder Kai deal is absolutely worth it. You can get both SV and Gogeta to SA10 and you should, especially with your Gogeta dupes. The bottom right path requires max SA for some nodes and offers the biggest stat boosts. Gogeta will hit like a goddamn freight train.
I hate that PHY Saiyaman lookThe original card has such dope art, I think they really ruined it.
Any recommendations what Hidden Ability to use on SV or should i just wait until i dokkaned him ?
I don't mind it's much better than the game being dead like it was a month ago.
I don't mind it's much better than the game being dead like it was a month ago.
I don't mind it's much better than the game being dead like it was a month ago.
I agree that they need to spread things out more evenly, but I don't think what's going on right now is too much. I think there's plenty of time to do stuff, I finished an Androids with just the first week of the rotation. Grinding Hercule medals sucks but there's enough time for that too
Is the GT link necesary to farm Omega Shenron?
He has a buffed I really love INT SSG Goku. Does like a bar of damage against Beerus at SA 1 and no dupes or any potential.
He has a buffed link...