The upcoming banners are better for two reasons: focused pulls (one banner for good guys, one for villains) and better (relatively) rates.
The current banner has everything, which means the rate for any specific unit is so low that it's insane to actually chase any specific unit. For example, all of the god leads have about double the drop rate on the upcoming banners (even though double means they are still like half a percent.) And even if you are a brand new player and just want any good units, the upcoming banners have better drop rates of the god leads as well as having the amazing new units.
So yeah there is pretty much no reason to be pulling on the 150mil download banner with the RB/VB banners on the horizon.
The current banner has every dokkan card and SSR, but each card has a lower chance of being pulled, since the upcoming banners have fewer cards besides the god leads you'll have a higher chance of getting a god lead card from the VB/ Rose banners.
I'd go for Rose first.I have Buuhan, Omega Shenron, Super Segito and Gogeta, which banners makes the most sense?
ThanksI'd go for Rose first.
Im stupid i gave it one last go on the current banner...all trash but i pulled one good AGL unit.
Dont know if it was worth it - but iirc he is very good on a SV team so ...yay ?
Would have liked another God lead but maybe on the upcoming banner if can farm the stones.
Feels like most of my SSR pulls have been AGL. Hmm...
Ehh, considering that's a godly SSR, I'd say it wasn't a bad pull, but you'd prolly had a better shot of getting more good units on the vegetto blue banner.
Pretty useful post on the reddit about who to pull for (VB/RB)
It's pretty much what you expect: Pull for VB if you have/want more super units, and vice versa for Extreme. If you are like me and have a smattering of both, just pull whichever you want (which should always be extreme because Omega and Buuhan are the coolest units in the game and if you have them you always want to use them.)
The thread does make a decent point in that the VB banner is a bit better overall when it comes to pulling subs for mono teams, though. The RB banner didn't have Teq Golden Frieza in Japan (so probably won't for us) and that's a bit of a bummer.
I'm also in the position where I would be 0% bummed to pull a dupe for pretty much anything on the RB banner. I only have 1 dupe slot unlocked for Omega and zero for anyone else.
Im stupid i gave it one last go on the current banner...all trash but i pulled one good AGL unit.
Dont know if it was worth it - but iirc he is very good on a SV team so ...yay ?
Would have liked another God lead but maybe on the upcoming banner if can farm the stones.
Feels like most of my SSR pulls have been AGL. Hmm...
Nope only 77%. Have a bit to go since I need 1 last dupe to open all the paths up. Also haven't filled out all the areas I have open so far.O_O
Is it potential 100%?
Im stupid i gave it one last go on the current banner...all trash but i pulled one good AGL unit.
Dont know if it was worth it - but iirc he is very good on a SV team so ...yay ?
Would have liked another God lead but maybe on the upcoming banner if can farm the stones.
Feels like most of my SSR pulls have been AGL. Hmm...
Opinion time, which card do you think is better in a villain team: LR AGL Androids 17 & 18 (SA10 with all paths unlocked) or UR INT Janemba (with one dupe and some orbs fed for defense)? The defense from Janemba would be nice but the raw damage and better links from the Androids are making me think.
Opinion time, which card do you think is better in a villain team: LR AGL Androids 17 & 18 (SA10 with all paths unlocked) or UR INT Janemba (with one dupe and some orbs fed for defense)? The defense from Janemba would be nice but the raw damage and better links from the Androids are making me think.
That depends entirely on the rest of your team my dude. I'm gonna say probably Janemba?
LR androids are dope damage dealers but Janemba's utility is absurd. He's a default include on any extreme or int team in pretty much every circumstance.
I still haven't done OS...anyone got a good team build that uses as few items as possible?
I still haven't done OS...anyone got a good team build that uses as few items as possible?
What kind of units do you have available?
Right forgot to post teh box quote2see
Here's the team I'd recommend:
Super Vegito Lead
LR Androids 17&18
AGL Golden Freeza
AGl Super Saiyan 2 Goku
AGL Baby vegeta
INT Super Baby 2 (Ki and GT links with Baby Vegeta)
Super Vegito Friend
Keep in mind that the GT link only does extra damage to the final form of OS (STR). For the rest of the battles the androids and Vegitos should be able to stomp everything, especially with the passive +3 ki from SSj2 Goku. Golden Freeza of course just tanks everything, just make sure your HP is above 50% hp before his turn comes around.
Another option is to use STR Pan instead of Super Baby 2, she doesn't link as well with Baby Vegeta but she heals a percentage of the damage caused, not as much as Buuhan for example, but still a respectable amount when the GT link is active against OS.
Super Baby 2 is a bad idea since OS is PHY the first battle. Also pretty sure the PHY one takes extra damage from GT link but its been a while.
I wish the box had features like ordering by type and links. Anyways here is my version from your box.
Lead: Broly +3ki and 3k attack Just rotate him out though since you won't be using him in battle.
Friend: Omega Shenron SA 10 Important so you use the least amount of items and for all the buffs.
Meta Rilldo: next to OS always for best linkage and damage. Also best blocker with OS's debuff and his passive
GT SSJ Goku: Tournament prize and a good GT link
Majuub: GT link with SSJ Goku
Bee Pan: Heals for you once in a while but keep her rotating like Broly unless you want to heal consistently.
Hyper Rilldo: Rotate out like the rest but try to keep next to OS and Rilldo for best results.
So basically rotate Broly, Bee Pan and Meta Rilldo while everyone else supers for free with 8 ki at start of battle with all the GT links + the 6ki auto ki.
If you see that you are dying a lot or want to use less items. Consider going with Meta-rilldo lead for this +60% for HP and Defense. Less ki but GT is 2+ ki for the team and Broly can be replaced with something else that links better.
How does Vegito Blue compare to Super Vegito?
Blocks much worse but does a ton more damage if RNG is on your side. He can attack up to 6 times if everything triggers and all have the chance to be Supers.
Blocks much worse but does a ton more damage if RNG is on your side. He can attack up to 6 times if everything triggers and all have the chance to be Supers.
I really wish Pilaf & Launch were stops. It's so annoying going past them ffs.
Ah I see. so his Defense isn't as great?
Good thing there's a banner just for you coming around the corner.Wish i could farm the medal to Dokkan my AGL Goku....but im missing the EXTRME units to run the Evil Power Strikes back stages, kinda lame.
I ran out of STA so I'll try both of these next round of OS. Thanks guys![]()
Good thing there's a banner just for you coming around the corner.
Yeah, it's really annoying.
Anyway, I was thinking about pulling on the Rose banner, but today I had a dream where I pulled VB, so I guess that will definitely happen for sure 100% no chance of failing amirite. this event a one time thing or are there multiple events were Extreme units are needed ? I was going to pull on the SUPER Banner for Godtenks....but if im blocked from more content without Extreme units i will pull on that banner.
Super Vegito reduces the damage by 70% (80% when dokkan awakened)
Vegito Blue reduces the damage by 20% (30% when dokkan awakened)
That wait for the banner